I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 103: Break the border, Yuan general!

Lin Tian knows that all his women are not simple.

If you want to stay with them for a long time, you have to deal with many hardships.

For example, Meng Yanran has the secret of being big.

And Zhou Shanshan, behind him is the Tang Sect, a first-grade power.

Coupled with the current Yulan, behind him is the Tianlanzong who possesses the cultivation technique of the wild rank.

None of these three women are so easy to marry.

Therefore, raising the state has become an urgent matter.

Lin Tian did not try to find Yulan.

Because I can't feel the imprint of Yulan's spiritual sea anymore.

Either Yulan regained his strength and dispelled the mark by himself, or Yulan was already thousands of miles away and couldn't sense it.

Lin Tian sat cross-legged and picked up the green ring left by Yulan.

It turned out to be the rare Naling Ring.

The Naling Ring is different from the storage ring. The Naling Ring can accommodate creatures and contains spiritual energy. Even the top Naling Ring is rumored to be a small world on its own, just like the existence of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm. .

Lin Tian naturally put away the things his wife gave away without hesitation.

Then Lin Tian took out the Qiankun bag.

The Qiankun bag is a more advanced space artifact than the storage ring.

Hundreds of Yuanzun Pills in the Qiankun bag were photographed, stacked into a hill.

If anyone noticed this scene at this time, it is estimated that their eyes would be red.

This is the holy rank Yuanzun pill that Lin Tian had searched before.

To put it bluntly, one is enough for Gu Shaohan's half-step Yuanzun to break through Yuanzun.

Of course, this refers to places outside of the ice dragon secret realm.

If you want to break through Yuanzun in the ice dragon secret realm, you have to face Ao Yi's restriction.

Not a single Yuanzun Pill can be done.

If this small mountain of Yuan Zun Dan was eaten by Ban Bu Yuan Zun, there might be a chance.

It is also because of this that the Ice Dragon Secret Realm has been opened for many times and for many years.

No one has ever broken through to become Yuanzun in the ice dragon secret realm.

This is also the power of Yulan and Fengxue Old Ghost.

I don't know what chance Fengxue Old Ghost had, and he was able to break through Yuanzun and share the same balance with Yulan who found Hualongchi.

But Lin Tian didn't think about those things at this time.

"Three hundred holy rank Yuanzun pills."

"Five hundred and fifty-six high-level Yuanzun pills."

To put it bluntly, with such a diverse array of elixir, Lin Tian can start a sect in the Arctic Lingzhou and establish a second and third rank power.

Originally, Lin Tian had this plan. Even if he didn't start a sect, he could still rely on Yuanzun Pill to cultivate his power or trade with people.

But now Lin Tian doesn't think so.

He needs to break through to the realm of Yuanzun as soon as possible.

However, Lin Tian still had a headache.

Because he found that his strength was too pure.

It is the level of a normal cultivator Yuan Li of the same realm after a hundred times of purification.

And its own strength is as vast as the sea.

It is not comparable to other people's small ponds.

Happiness is also troubled.

Lin Tian had no doubt that the higher his level, the more refined his Yuanli would become, and the greater his Yuanlihai would be.

It can be understood that, now Lin Tian is the pinnacle of the tenth-order great Yuanshi, and his Yuan Power has been 100 times pure.

If he broke the boundary to Yuan Wujiang, I am afraid he would be a thousand times more pure.

Then to Yuanzun, Yuansheng, you will get ten thousand times a million times.

The same is true for the consumption of system points.

The later, the greater the consumption, it can be called the power explosion of the different world version.

Although this gave Lin Tian extremely strong combat capabilities, it allowed him to resist Yuanzun in the realm of Great Yuanshi.

But there are also obvious drawbacks.

Just like now, Lin Tian is sitting in front of the hill-like Yuanzun Dan, silently thinking about a question.

These Yuanzun pills should be enough to break through the Yuan generals, right?

Whenever a cultivator hears Lin Tian's question, he may wish to kill Lin Tian.

But it was not that Lin Tian looked down on Yuanzun Pill, it was that his cultivation was a bottomless pit.


"What to worry about, if it's not enough, go out and beat someone!"

"Wait for Lao Tzu to kill all the **** saints in the secret realm. There are tens of millions of power points, I don't believe it is not enough for me to upgrade!"

Lin Tian made up his mind.

Putting away thirty or so holy rank Yuanzun pills for spare, Lin Tian began to run his Yuanli.

One by one Yuan Zun Dan swallowed into his belly.

It turns into pure energy and sinks into the body.

However, Lin Tian clearly felt that even the Yuanzun pill left by the sage Yuanzun, who had been half-sanctified, was not pure enough in the eyes of the system.

Yuan Zun Dan was consumed crazily.

Lin Tian's breath became stronger and stronger.

The weak vitality in the valley was attracted to the caves like a tornado.

The world is shocked by a vision.

Dark clouds hang in the sky like a dragon.

Lin Tian sat in the cave, surrounded by Yuan Li frantically gathering, and then being frantically purified.

Then poured into Lin Tian's body.

Into the weekly operation.

In the valley.

A demon beast at the top of the tier that had just arrived, originally wanted to take the opportunity to regain his treasure.

But just walked to the lake.

The whole beast squatted on the ground, trembling in fear.

There is a very terrifying atmosphere in the cave ahead.

This kind of breath seems to swallow everything!

Make him afraid to move at all.

He really regretted his death now.

I watched this valley for a long time before and saw two human bosses fighting.

It's Dao Jing and it's blood.

Very brutal.

It dared not come close, and a long time passed afterwards.

Seeing the terrifying black robe leave, a woman and several Yuan generals left later.

There was only one great Yuanshi who was exhausted in the valley.

The monster beast that had just opened his mind instantly became courageous.

Sample, I can't cure you with a great master?

But now...

If it weren't for the hand function, the monster beast would have waited to scrape his ears.

Make you so inflated!

Let you die!

Another half day passed.

The monster beast suddenly felt his heart and looked at the stone cave ahead.

I saw the cave suddenly exploded.

A cultivator with sword eyebrows and star eyes and sword in mysterious clothes was revealed.

Lin Tian broke the boundary!

Lin Tian opened his eyes, his eyes flickered.

Looking at all parts of the valley, a kind of natural coercion enveloped the valley, convincing the spirits.

Yuan general, Tier 3!

Spiritual sea, late stage of Tongyuan realm!

After all, it was Yuan Zun Dan, who did not disappoint Lin Tian.

This breakthrough directly reached the third-order Yuan military commander realm, and it can be said that they have gotten closer in realm with those geniuses.

Of course, combat power is not so calculated.

Except Fengxue Old Ghost and Yulan, those geniuses really didn't have enough Lin Tian to fight.

Maybe Ouyang Little Fatty has this strength, but Lin Tian has never played against him.

Besides, Ouyang Breaking Ice is known for his spiritual power, and he is now in the realm of Haiyuan.

Of course, the spirit of Lin Tiantongyuan's later period was still controlled by the little fat man.

It's just that Lin Tian has the system turned on, and it is not always certain who wins and loses.

"You have to find an excuse to beat that little fat man once. Maybe you can still plunder the spiritual sea's cultivation."

Lin Tianmo rubbed his chin and thought.

In the eastern region of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, Ouyang Ice Breaker, who joined the Ouyang Family Guardian, couldn't imagine that he would be targeted by Lin Tian.

He also helped Lin Tian block the pursuit of Xuanwu Island.

I'm afraid that knowing Lin Tian's white-eyed wolf's mind, he can jump out of the ice coffin with anger.

After thinking about Ouyang breaking the ice, Lin Tian frowned again.

He now has new distress.

The purity of his own Yuanli is even higher.

Has reached a thousand times the level.

After this, it is really difficult to practice.

Going up, Lin Tian has no doubt that it will be three thousand five hundred thousand...

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