I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 108: Northern Saints Alliance

Lin Tian used the will of heaven to swim the dragon, the speed was surprisingly fast, but he arrived at everyone's position within a quarter of an hour.

Then turn on the hidden function, without everyone paying attention.

Gradually approaching the Great Rift Valley.

Among the genius repairers at the edge of the Great Rift Valley, no one found Lin Tian.

Lin Tian circled the Great Rift Valley for a long time to investigate.

Feeling the shining of the divine light, I guessed that the Seven Miao Treasure Tree would be born in an hour.

During this period of time, even a Banbu Yuanzun like Gu Shaohan didn't find Lin Tian.

When Lin Tiangang was about to retreat, Gu Shaohan's voice suddenly sounded.

Gu Shaohan pretended to sit cross-legged on the Xuanqi Profound Bird and opened his eyes to look at the people of the Northern Saint Sect.

"Friends of the Northern Sacred Sect, you should be hunting down Lin Tian, ​​right?"

Xu Long, the leader of Bei Shengzong, frowned slightly.

But facing the son of the North Ice Sword Palace, he was quite polite.

Especially the opponent's subordinates are numerous and powerful.

"What advice does Young Master Gu have?"

Gu Shaohan smiled: "I can't talk about advice, but I have a festival with Lin Tian, ​​how about we join hands to meet the enemy?"

Xu Long's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "No need."

In order to kill Lin Tian, ​​their Northern Saint Sect had sacrificed their money.

The Yuan generals and even Yuan Zun in the sect, through the sacred stone, differentiated a sacred consciousness, and transferred the cultivation base to these disciples.

Now everyone has the strength of Yuan generals in the middle and late stages.

And he Xu Long can even compete against the half-step Yuanzun.

In addition to killing Lin Tian, ​​Bei Shengzong naturally hoped to **** treasures from the ice dragon secret realm.

If you cooperate with Gu Shaohan, I'm afraid the treasure won't be so easy to grab.

The most important thing is that Bei Shengzong believed that killing Lin Tian was not a troublesome thing.

At this time, Gu Shaohan seemed to have guessed Xu Long’s thoughts, and said, “Lin Tian has obtained the opportunity to transform the dragon pond, and at the same time he has a mysterious sea of ​​blood, and his strength is very terrifying. If only the Yuan generals, it is impossible to win Lin. Heaven. After all, Lin Tian was the big demon who killed the little saint son Wang Xiao and tied with Yuan Zun Yulan."

"You should know the top three in the ranking of dangerous people, right? Saint Yulan, Old Fengxue Ghost and the other one is the devil Lin Tian."

Xu Long frowned upon hearing this.

I didn't know that Lin Tian had such a terrifying record.

However, many practitioners gathered near the Great Rift Valley of the Seven Miao Treasure Tree were obsessed with treasure hunting, and the news was blocked.

I don't know Lin Tian's situation temporarily.

At this time, I heard that Lin Tian was in the same sequence as Yuan Zun Yulan and the No. 1 Fengxue Ghost in the ranking of dangerous people.

Can't help being shocked.

Isn’t it said that Lin Tian was just a Master Yuan when he entered the ice dragon secret realm?

Now it's terrifying to this level.

Seeing Xu Long hesitated.

Gu Shaohan smiled again: "When the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree was born, it was radiant and dynamic. With Lin Tian's greedy character, he will definitely come to **** it. When we join hands, we will definitely be able to kill Lin Tian."

"I and Lin Tian personally fought several times. Fellow Daoist Xu doesn't have to doubt me, but I can provide very useful information."

Xu Long finally nodded when he heard the words: "We can all ally if we only kill Lin Tian."

Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this.

Didn't you expect that Lin Tian was so terrified that four first-rank forces had joined forces?

North Ice Sword Palace, Xuanwu Island, Northern Saint Zong, Jinguang Sect of Refining Body.

But Su Xingyuan, the big brother of the Valley of Love, spurned on hearing the words: "It is not the husband's responsibility to deceive the less by more."

Xu Long said indifferently: "Lin Tian killed my outer priest elder, the outer disciple, and the young master Xu Shi. This hatred, killing him does not require any morality."

Gu Shao gave Su Xingyuan a cold look. If it weren't for the madman in the Valley of Love, he really wanted to kill Su Xingyuan.

Gu Shao Leng said with a smile: "Why, Brother Su is planning to fight us for Lin Tian?"

Su Xingyuan snorted coldly.

He likes to fight, but he is not stupid.

Gu Shaohan's strength is already overwhelming now in the four first-rank alliances.

They have only five people in the Valley of Love, unable to fight.

Seeing this scene, the practitioners could not help but talk.

Ouyang's team.

A lovely, elf-like girl frowned slightly and said, "Brother, Gu Shaohan is so unreasonable, and he doesn't have the demeanor of a saint."

Ouyang, the little fat man in the ice coffin, said flatly: "Gu Shaohan has been ruined since he met Lin Tian. From now on, the basic road will be indefinite."

The girl opened a pair of Shui Lingling eyes, and asked curiously: "Brother, is Lin Tianzhen so good?"

Ouyang Bingbing didn't want to answer.

The girl kept pestering him, even pulling him out of the ice coffin.

The eight guardians of the Ouyang family couldn't bear to see them, and turned their heads.

This girl is the little princess of Ouyang's family, Ouyang Bing's sister, Ouyang He.

To be honest, in the Ouyang family, he is completely pampered.

You can do whatever you want.

Ouyang Breaking Bing was entangled in helplessness by his younger sister, so he could only open his ice-like blue eyes, and said helplessly: "It's really good. And interesting."

"Interesting?" Ouyang He was very interested, "I want to take a good look! Brother, you introduced me to me!"

"Don't be fooling around. In this ice dragon secret realm, there are murderous opportunities, you can follow the law protector and leave successfully. Don't be troublesome." Ouyang Bingbing regretted telling her Lin Tian before.

My sister is good at everything, but she is curious and weird.

He couldn't hold it at all.

In fact, Ouyang Breaking the Ice originally planned to act alone on this trip to the Ice Dragon secret realm.

He is the second highest in the ranking list, even if he encounters the old snow storm who is number one in the ranking list, he is not afraid.

Even Yulan, who was later promoted to Yuanzun in the secret realm, was confident that he would have the power to fight.

Therefore, the guardian of the eight Yuan generals in the later period was actually to protect his sister Ouyang He.

Even he himself has to protect his sister.

"No! Brother introduce it to me! If you don't introduce it, I will drag you out of the ice coffin for a run!" Ouyang He tugged on Ouyang Icebreaker's sleeve.

Young Master of Patriarch Ouyang, Ji Ling Academy ranked second.

The famous Ouyang broke the ice and was completely defeated.

"If Lin Tian enters the Extreme Spirit Academy, I will introduce it to you." Ouyang Bing Bing had no choice but to compromise.

"Brother treats me best!" Ouyang He jumped happily.

At this time, Gu Shaohan and Xu Long basically negotiated a deal with Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, ​​who was hiding his figure, couldn't help but take a breath.

This Gu Shaohan is really vicious.

At the same time, Lin Tian turned his mind, and it seemed that he could not appear rashly by himself, otherwise he would not be able to bear the siege of more than 70 people.

Maybe he would be forced to bleed the Sea Buddha Lotus Technique again, causing him to lose control again.

But Lin Tian was not willing to give up the sacred fruit of the Seven Miao Treasure Tree.

This is a rare spiritual treasure!

"what can we do about it?"

Lin Tian flew away from the Great Rift Valley while holding his chin to think about it.

Suddenly Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

Thought of a way.

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