I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 109: Run! Fengxue old ghost is here!

Lin Tian returned to the cave where the dead men of the Meng family retreat.

It was discovered that the four had successfully broken through the boundaries of Great Yuanshi.

Now all four of them are masters in the early days of Yuan generals!

"Master Lin is great, I will pay death if I wait!"

Meng Yi led the three brothers and fisted Lin Tian on one knee.

There is only admiration and gratitude between looks.

Lin Tian looked at the realm of the four, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"You don't have to pay for death, you can repay me now." Lin Tian smiled.

"Young Master Lin has an order, just let it be!" Meng Da said.

Lin Tian patted Meng Yi's shoulder and gave a thumbs up: "Okay, I'm enlightened!"

Then Lin Tian turned around and said to everyone, "Come on, attack me together."

Meng Yi and others were stunned when they heard this.

"Young Master Lin, what are you talking about?"

They all thought they had heard it wrong.

They have always taken on tasks to protect others, the first time they heard that the goal of protection is to let themselves attack him!

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows: "Don't waste time. Or do you think you can beat me?"

Death of the Meng family: "..."

Young Master Lin, although you are very strong.

But you have to save me some face too!

Meng Yi couldn't laugh or cry, clasped his fists and said sincerely: "I hope Young Master Lin can make it clear, otherwise we would never dare to do anything to Young Master Lin. If I let the young lady know, we are..."

Meng Er and others looked at each other and couldn't help shivering.

If Meng Yanran knew that they would dare to take action against her fiancé, I'm afraid she would take care of them.

Lin Tian helplessly explained: "I want to practice, understand?"

The voice fell.

Lin Tian didn't waste time anymore.

Stomped on the ground, crushed the ground, and directly attacked the dead Meng family.

"If you don't do it, I'm not welcome!"

The vitality roared loudly.

The cave almost shook.

Lin Tian didn't use a spiritual weapon, just relying on his own vitality was already terrifying.

At this time, Meng Yi and others changed their colors in amazement.

They were also worried that they would hurt Lin Tian.

But now that I think about it, I might really think too much.


Lin Tian quickly approached Meng Yi with a ghostly speed, and knocked him out with an unceremonious punch.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 33,000 points!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up, yes, there are more than 30,000!

This Meng Yi's strength is good!

With the motivation of Gongfa points.

Naturally, Lin Tian became more brave as he fought.

He instantly changed his body position and suddenly appeared in front of Meng Er.

Then he kicked Meng Er.

Meng Er was still in a daze, and he felt a violent force hit his chest.

Unstoppable fly out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 points!"

Meng San and Meng Si had reacted, not dare to underestimate Lin Tian.

The two rushed up in partnership, and Lin Tian whipped his leg.

The two of them all flew out, throwing out a piece of dust.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 28000 points!"

"Get up, don't shame the dead man." Lin Tian stood in the middle with a smile.

At the same time, he hooked his finger to the dead Meng family who got up: "Quick, let's go together. I will reward you Yuanzun Dan for winning, and I will also give Yanran a commendation for you!"

The dead Meng family got up with a gray head and looked at each other.

Then rushed up with a roar.

Whether it is to maintain the dignity of the dead, or to reward Lin Tian.

The four of them have completely exploded in strength.

"Linghe Broken Wood!"

"Wan Teng Shu!"

"Wooden Cage!"

The Meng family is a master of the woods, and the four dead men of the Meng family are naturally well versed in the martial arts and martial arts of the woods.

At this moment, the cave was filled with countless wood attribute powers and vines.

Lin Tian seemed irrevocable.

"Good job!"

Lin Tian laughed.

There is no weapon to be summoned either, but with bare hands to face the four Yuan generals!

"Yangyan God Fist!"

"Fire Explosion!"

The fire attribute martial arts of Jinguangjiao is very suitable for dealing with wood attribute martial arts.

Lin Tianyuan's strength exploded, and the surrounding area was swept away soon.

The dead Meng family flew out in smoke.

Then he tried his best to get up and attacked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is regaining his strength.

Otherwise, he is worried about killing his wife's subordinates.




There was a crazy explosion in the cave.

Even flames burst out.

The cultivators who came from a distance all avoided this place.

At this point, there is a war, and it is very fierce!

No one wants to provoke!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the mysterious wood spirit technique."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining power points..."

When Lin Tian had completely harvested nearly half a million power points.

The cave has been blown up.

The four dead men of the Meng family were already lying on the ground in embarrassment.

There is no image, black smoke is all over his body.

The strongest among them, Meng Yi, trembling his fingers, got up with difficulty and said: "Young Master Lin, you have changed too...awesome..."

Lin Tian laughed: "Low-key and low-key."

Meng Yi and others looked at each other and choked silently.

This cave has been broken by you, and you are still low-key.

"Oh, your reward. A profound-level peak Shen Yuan Dan of the ultimate quality for one person!" Lin Tian casually threw the very precious Shen Yuan Dan to the four people.

The four caught up in a hurry.

His complexion was shocked.

My goodness, this is the Shen Yuan Dan!

The ultimate pill that can restore vitality and help break through the realm!

Young Master Lin actually possessed the ultimate quality Shenyuan Pill, and he just lost it so casually.

This is too proud, right?

"Thank you Young Master Lin!" Meng Yi clasped his fists in gratitude.

Meng Er et al. learned everything.

Lin Tian waved his hand: "Don't be too slow, the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree is about to be born, hurry up and restore your state."

Meng Yi and others looked at the words and said in unison: "Yes!"

After all, the four of them took Shenyuan Pill and sat cross-legged to digest the effect.

The movements are neat and uniform.

Lin Tian looked very satisfied.

Not to mention the loyalty of this dead Meng family, he is also well-trained.

Just like the soldiers who guarded the country in previous lives.

Such a person is worthy of respect and Lin Tian's appreciation.

The four entered the cultivation state.

Lin Tian began to use his skills to exchange things in the universal store.

After discovering Gu Shaohan's vicious conspiracy, Lin Tian didn't intend to force it.

But he couldn't let go of the sacred fruit of the Seven Miao Treasure Tree.

So Lin Tian thought of a good idea!

First redeem a phantom mask that can change your body's appearance, worth 350,000 skill points!

Adjust the appearance of the Phantom Mask to a ghost with blue faces and fangs!

Then take out a **** robe and put it on!

Finally took out the Xue Ming Sword!

This is Lin Tian's good method.

Disguised as an old ghost in the snow.

"Old ghost classmate, you will soon become famous! Hahahaha!"

After Lin Tian dressed up, he couldn't help but laugh up to the sky.

He himself robbed a lot of Fengxue Old Ghost's martial arts and martial arts, and naturally there was no pressure to disguise Old Fengxue Ghost.

When the time comes, I'm afraid it will scare Gu Shaohan.

I, Lin Fengxue, old ghost, sky, ranked first in the Ji Ling Academy!

Professional killer!

Tu Yuanzun is like a dog!

Just ask if you are afraid!

Lin Tian's triumphant laugh noisy the repairmen passing by.

They fell down unhappily, planning to clean up Lin Tian before the Seven Miao Treasure Tree was born.

As a result, I saw that cold young spooky ghost mask with fangs.

Suddenly he was shocked.

"Fuck, run!"

"Old Fengxue Ghost is here!"

The shadow of the famous tree.

The reputation of Fengxue Old Ghost Killer was exchanged for countless lives.

Just like Lin Tian's reputation as a demon is the life of the son.

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