I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 119: Snowstorm Castle

Before leaving the Ice Dragon Secret Realm.

Lv Zhenhua and Old Monster Shen and Lin Tian mentioned it.

They asked Lin Tian if he needed to walk with the young masters of the other alchemist unions, so he could have an extra guarantee.

Lin Tian was worried that these guys would delay his treasure hunt, so he refused.

Lin Tian has fought all the way to the present, and has never heard of any news from the Alchemist Union.

Even Mou Yan and Qiao Lang have not been found now.

Lin Tian was a little worried about them, but still rest assured that most of the two apprentices are not stupid.

Their exercises have their own characteristics, and people with secrets are not so easy to die.

It's just that Lin Tian did think that the other members of the Alchemist Union had been wiped out.

However, looking at the state of this kid now, it is still quite moist.

Hearing Lin Tian's question, the young man raised his neck and said with eyes higher than the top: "I am the young master of Blizzard City!"

Young people are very proud.

Blizzard City is a big city, backed by the ice dragon secret realm, very close to the Jilin Academy.

And there are people from Ouyang's family stationed there.

Far more advanced than the transfer station of Xueling City.

The young man's name was Zhang Yuxuan, and he was a practitioner at the pinnacle of Great Yuanshi.

His own alchemy strength has reached the level of half a step.

A well-deserved genius, no wonder he was chosen as the young master of Blizzard City.

After Zhang Yuxuan finished speaking, he raised his neck and waited for Lin Tian to flatter him.

After all, in his opinion, the young master of such a small city is just a lot of rubbish.

When you see yourself, you are naturally afraid of horses.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Tian actually screamed.

"Is there something? I have something else." Lin Tian said.

Lin Tian originally wanted to beat these people to earn some power points and martial arts.

As a result, these people were actually members of the Alchemist Union.

Then everyone is a colleague, and Lin Tian will naturally not attack his own people.

But Lin Tian regarded Zhang Yuxuan as his own, Zhang Yuxuan didn't think so.

"Presumptuous, you won't be polite when you see me? Believe it or not, I will go to the Holy Spirit State headquarters to sue you!" Zhang Yuxuan said upset.

"up to you."

Of course Ling Tian could see who this guy was, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

When he finished speaking, he opened his legs and led the dead Meng family to leave.

Lin Tian's ignoring attitude made Zhang Yuxuan even more angry.

He took a big step to stop Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​did you grab the seven holy fruits?"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, what does it matter to you?"

"Of course it's my business! My Young Master's position is much higher than you. You have seven sacred fruits, so naturally you should hand them over to me!" Zhang Yuxuan said with a grimace.

"Of course, seeing you grab it so hard, I can keep half of it for you." Zhang Yuxuan thought himself.

Lin Tian smiled.

Where does a young master who do not know whether he lives or die comes out?

Stupidity has to be limited, right?

Meng Yi and the four were furious when they heard Zhang Yuxuan's words.

This shameless, crazy pretending to be up there, dare to **** Master Lin's sacred fruit!

Without half strength, relying on his identity advantage, he wanted to pick peaches.

Simply outrageous.

Meng Yi and four people each took a step.

Release the breath of Great Yuanshi's peak.

The six guards of the other party suddenly looked nervous and surrounded Zhang Yuxuan one after another.

Zhang Yuxuan looked at Meng Yi and the others disdainfully and said, "Lin Tian, ​​this is your guard? There is not even a Yuan general, it's really rubbish."

"I think you can't keep the Seven Wonders in your hands. Just leave them all to me. When I go to the Holy Spirit State, I will help you to say two good things. I will also give you the opportunity to go to the Holy Spirit State to see it. How?" Zhang Yuxuan smiled triumphantly.

Lin Tian chuckled.

Reached out and stopped Meng Yi and others who were planning to do it.

To be honest, if it weren't for this Yu Xuan who was from the Alchemist Union, Lin Tian would have accepted the love between Lu Zhenhua and Old Monster Shen.

This Yuxuan and his party had already turned into a practice technique.

"Why, don't waste time. Give you one last chance and hand it over quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite." Zhang Yuxuan performed a lot, but found that Lin Tian was unmoved and immediately became unhappy.

"I'll give you one last chance, get out." Lin Tian said lightly.

"Presumptuous! Why did you talk to me?" Zhang Yuxuan said angrily.

The only Yuan general protector in his team also looked at Lin Tiandao displeasedly: "Young Master Lin, our Young Master Zhang is indeed higher than you. If you speak like this, it would be disrespectful!"

Lin Tian raised his eyes and glanced at the arrogant Yuan general protector, without saying a word.

Raising one hand, the power of twenty dragons possessed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 20000 points!"

With a bang, the Yuan general protector was smashed a thousand meters away.

He fell to the ground like a tattered sack, spurting blood, but couldn't stand up.

All Zhang Yuxuan's guardians were shocked.

Lin Tian said calmly: "Speaking of the young master, is it your turn to bark a dog?"

In fact, Lin Tian had been merciful, otherwise the Yuan general's guardian would not spray blood, but fell dead.

A punch almost killed the strongest in the team.

Everyone in Zhang Yuxuan's team suddenly changed color.

Zhang Yuxuan said in disbelief: "Are you a Yuan general?"

Lin Tian smiled: "You want to try it?"

Zhang Yuxuan's expression changed transiently, and he backed away quickly.

After retreating to the protection of the guardians of the law, he shouted sharply: "This Lin Tian deceived people too much, teach me a lesson!"

The young master has a fate and cannot fail to follow.

The guardians bite the bullet and stepped forward.

Lin Tian snorted coldly.

Two lightning flashes suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The surrounding guardians screamed, some even squatted down holding their heads.

Lin Tian's eyes were slightly cold, and the power of Twenty Dragons mobilized.

Step forward with your right foot.

Three meters of spider webs were cracked on the ground.

The surrounding vitality turned into a cyclone and shook.

Lin Tian didn't even turn into a dragon, let alone use any martial arts.

Just rely on the strength of the spirit sea and the power of the body.

All the surrounding Zhang Yuxuan's guardians flew out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 15000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations..."

These people flew upside down a hundred meters, and got up in embarrassment after landing, all of them pale and frightened.

Zhang Yuxuan panicked and kept going backwards: "What do you want to do, don't come over!"

Lin Tian step by step Zhang Yuxuan.

Zhang Yuxuan was unable to retreat and almost fell to the ground.

"Do not kill me!"

Zhang Yuxuan has been in the Alchemy Master's Union and has not encountered such a horrible situation for many years.

Almost urine in his pants.

Lin Tian frowned and snorted coldly: "The young master of Blizzard City is just like this? It's really a shame to the Alchemist Union."

Zhang Yuxuan's face was blue and red.

But he didn't dare to rebut, he was afraid that Lin Tian would kill him directly.

Lin Tian kicked Zhang Yuxuan to the ground: "Hand over your storage ring, and I will let you go."

Zhang Yuxuan furiously said: "What do you mean? Are you trying to rob me? Believe it or not, I will report to the union headquarters and let you..."

"Huh?" Lin Tian stepped on Zhang Yuxuan's forehead.

Lightning faintly appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Yuxuan's expression was extremely shocked.

"How about me?" Lin Tian asked.

Murderous Ling Ran, his eyes were dangerous.

"no no......"

How could the dog's tail grass in a greenhouse like Zhang Yuxuan withstand the murderous pressure of Lin Tian.

Suddenly the whole body was limp and incontinent.

Lin Tian sneered: "It's a waste."

Zhang Yuxuan dared not refute, and obediently handed over the storage ring.

Lin Tian unceremoniously opened the storage and swept away.

It was found that there were a lot of pills and prescriptions, as well as a variety of superb spiritual herbs.

Lin Tian took a big roll, taking away all the pills and the best spirit grass.

He couldn't see a pile of pills.

"How can you become the Young Master of Blizzard City at your level of alchemy?" Lin Tian sneered.

Among this pile of elixirs, the highest one is a master-level medicine.

One can imagine how far Zhang Yuxuan's strength is behind Lin Tian.

Zhang Yuxuan dared not speak.

Lin Tian threw the storage ring back to Zhang Yuxuan, and said coldly: "Get out of here."

Zhang Yuxuan didn't dare to delay, and ran away with all the guards who had just crawled over.

Zhang Yuxuan ran a few hundred meters, then turned to look at Lin Tian's back with a bitter look.

"Lin Tian, ​​wait for me, I will kill you!"

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