I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 120: Battle royale

Zhang Yuxuan and others fled in embarrassment.

The dead Meng family couldn't help talking.

"This young master of Blizzard City is really rubbish."

"Yes, I think Young Master Lin can be regarded as the strongest young master of the Alchemy Guild."

"Yes! Young Master Lin's strength and aura are not comparable to those guys!"

Lin Tian smiled upon hearing this and said, "Alright, don't say anything, let's go to the south."

The four of Meng Yi nodded: "Yes!"

Lin Tian and his party continued south.

Traveled for more than fifty miles.

Suddenly the sky changed from blue to white, and a huge cyclone formed.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yi asked in surprise.

Lin Tian also looked up.

Only an eternal aura appeared, and the cyclone in the sky turned into a tornado.

Finally turned into a giant ice dragon.

Ao Yi!

Lin Tian was stunned.

Hasn't this Ao Yi pitted himself and Yulan and disappeared?

Then there was a rolling thunder in the sky.

"Little boys in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, listen to me."

"I am Ao Yi's killing spirit."

The sound was like thunder, resounding through the ice dragon secret realm.

For a time, all the cultivators in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm looked up.

Regardless of where each is located.

Or whether it was fighting, all stopped.

Because they found out that this voice wanted to sound afterwards.

All the monsters and beasts in the ice dragon secret realm shivered.

The spiritual sea of ​​the cultivator is even more penetrated, and the whole body is almost solidified.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the frost dragon in the sky.

"Is this the power of Tianyuan? I don't know if I can reach this state in this life. That is the Sin State will look up to me completely."

"No, even if I only have this divine mind-distracting cultivation base, Jue Family definitely dare not push me to this point."

"In the cultivation world, strength is respected!"

In the wind and snow, Fengxue Old Ghost looked at Ao Yi's killing spirit through the ghost mask.

He held the Xue Ming Sword tightly in his hand.

A wood in the extreme south.

Yulan, who cross-legged and adjusted her breath to fight the Xuan Poison Sword, opened her eyes.

Looking at the frost dragon in the sky.

The eyes are very complicated.

She thought of Hualong Pond, because of Ao Yi's move, she had a dewy relationship with Lin Tian.

Then I remembered the gentleness of Lin Tian in the valley.

"I don't know if I can see Lin Tian again in this life? I don't know if he is crazy looking for me." Yulan sighed slightly.

Then her Dao heart became firm.

"If I can reach the realm of Tianyuan, no one in the entire Tianlan Sect will dare to stop me. Then, I can fly with Lin Tian."

Longing appeared in Yulan's eyes.

at the same time.

Ouyang Breaking Ice, Gu Shaohan, Ying Xingwei and other holy sons all had psychological fluctuations in the appearance of Ao Yi's killing spirit.

Especially Su Xingyuan this kind of fighting frenzy.

It's almost about to say something I can replace.

It's just that he knows that the realm of Tianyuan is hard to reach, so he keeps his mouth shut.

But in his eyes, there is a warm will and yearning for war.

Only Lin Tian's reaction was very different.

Lin Tian looked at Ao Yi's ice dragon incarnation and curled his lips: "The lingering fellow."

Meng Yi and others were shocked.

Young Master Lin dared to be disrespectful to Ao Yi!

"Master Lin, speak carefully!" Meng Yi said quickly.

Lin Tian chuckled and said, "What are you afraid of? It's just a dragon that has been dead for many years. This guy has pitted me, and I will come and clean him sooner or later."

The four of Meng Yi looked at each other.

Young Master Lin deserves to be Young Master Lin.


At this time, Ao Yi in the sky seemed to notice Lin Tian's provocation.

His eyes fell.

Meng Yi and four people shuddered with sweat on their foreheads.

Almost couldn't help kneeling down.

But Lin Tian stood with his head high.

In one hand, the beon dragon seal and the other hand the Tianyuan sword.

Lin Tian smiled at Ao Yi and said, "You come to hit me!"

The benlong seal was left to Lin Tian by Ao Yi's soul from Hualongchi. Obviously, this was an expression of recognition of Lin Tian, ​​and naturally he would not take action.

Lin Tian's crazy death, in fact, has a bottom line.

After all, it was still unhappy that Ao Yi put one another.

Ao Yi in the sky looked at Lin Tian, ​​and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"Boy, you are bold. I like it."

The thunder was rolling.

The people in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm were at a loss.

Who is this Ao Yi Da Neng talking to?

Who is this kid referring to?

Then Ao Yi continued to make the sound of the thunder rolling.

"You guys are lucky, the final trial has already begun."

"You will face the chase of the incarnation of Yuanzun!"

"Those who survive and kill the person with the most Yuanzun incarnations can get the highest points!"

"I named it, Battle Royale!"

"Hahahaha! Let's get started!"

After Ao Yi's killing spirit was finished, the frost dragon exploded in the air.

But it is not disappearing.

Everyone can feel the huge vitality and terrifying murderous aura spreading out!

The incarnation of Yuan Zun mentioned by Ao Yi should refer to himself!

Meng Yi and others looked at each other in shock.

I’ve never heard that the final assessment of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm is the pursuit of Yuanzun’s incarnation!

"This doesn't match what the intelligence said!" Meng Er frowned.

"Did this happen?" Meng Yi also guessed.

"Master Lin, what shall we do?" Meng Sanmengsi looked at Lin Tian.

The four Meng family stared at Lin Tian.

Now Lin Tian is the backbone.

But Lin Tian was silent for a moment, and his expression was startled: "Fuck, this old boy didn't deliberately increase the difficulty in order to target me, right?"

The four members of the Meng family were completely confused when they heard this.

Extremely south, Yulan.

The guardian around him looked shocked, and said to Yulan, "My Lord Saint, this time there has been a huge change in the ice dragon secret realm, what shall we do?"

Yulan frowned too.

She is also the first time to participate in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm once every thirty years.

But as a saint, she naturally knows many secrets.

The data that has been opened in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, Tian Lanzong, has been retained.

So Yulan can confirm that there is absolutely no such thing as the incarnation of Yuanzun!

You must know that the ice dragon secret realm itself limits the strength of the cultivator.

No entry above Yuanzun.

If the incarnation of Yuanzun appeared in the secret realm, wouldn't it not give the trialer a chance at all?

at the same time.

Countless geniuses of sect sons are also discussing this matter.

Outside the light curtain.

The elders of the various sects stood up in shock.

"Associate Dean, what's going on?" A second-rank elder asked the Deputy Dean of Ji Ling Academy.

Their genius in the door is just the beginning of Yuan military commander.

Now that he has to face Yuanzun's killer, isn't it dead or alive?

This doesn't allow him to be nervous!

The other sect elders also looked at the vice president.

I saw the vice president of Ji Ling Academy frowning.

Obviously, this incident was not what he expected.

However, the deputy dean still said lightly: "Be calm and not restless, just watch the changes."

"Ao Yi Da can not do excessive things, you can rest assured."

"Relax? This ice dragon secret realm now has no Yuanzun except Yulan. According to Ao Yi, there should be a lot of Yuanzun incarnations, and let the testers kill them. Go to die?" The elder of the North Ice Sword Palace frowned.

Other elders also have this idea.

Only Bei Shengzong was a little bit happy.

If the incarnation of Yuanzun appeared, wouldn't the chance of killing Lin Tian be greatly increased?

In order to maintain his majesty and take revenge, Bei Shengzong was very determined to kill Lin Tian.

For this reason, more than 20 good seedlings were wasted.

Therefore, the death of Lin Tian is the best result!

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