I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 121: Blood red shadow!

The elders outside the light curtain quarreled endlessly.

Even people with ulterior motives think that Ji Ling Academy intends to use this trial to weaken the power of various sects.

However, the deputy dean just snorted: "The young master and the little princess of the Ouyang family are all inside, what are you worried about?"

"Tell you, shut up now. Let me hear someone making noise again, and that will cut off the path of your sect to the Ji Ling Academy!"

The deputy chief's breath exuded, and his expression was cold.

Shocked the elders.

In addition, Ouyang Ice Breaker and Ouyang He from the Ouyang Family are indeed in the secret realm.

Gradually the elders stopped talking.

I looked at the light curtain nervously.

In the Secret Realm of Ice Dragon.

Suddenly, exclamations sounded everywhere at the same time.

Behind everyone, a blood-red shadow was born strangely!

This shadow appeared and shot.

Attack when you see someone!

The testers were killed off guard.

Someone resisted for the first time.

But desperately discovered that the opponent's attack was at the Yuanzun level!

"Run! These are the incarnations of Yuan Zun!"

Countless people screamed and fled.

They did not dare to fight Yuanzun at all.

All the points are left behind, just to live until the end of the battle royale.

There are also deliberate practitioners who use the attraction of others to try to attack and kill the blood red shadow.

But he was shocked to find that the other party was very keen.

Almost all their attacks failed.

And what scared them the most was that once they shot the blood red shadow.

The hatred of the other party will immediately be transferred to them.



"Save me! Save me!"

"I won't participate in this trial, let me go out!"

Countless screams and screams sounded.

The trialists were stunned and fled watching the wind.

The ice dragon secret realm was chaotic everywhere.

The elders outside the light curtain all sighed silently.

I don’t know how many cultivators will survive these changes.

The deputy dean also frowned at the screen divided into many pieces in the light curtain.

The light curtain automatically switches the playback mode,

At this moment, without exception, countless trialists collapsed and fled, and then were chased and killed by the incarnation of the blood-red shadow Yuanzun.

Suddenly the vice president's heart moved.

Although this blood-red shadow is at the Yuanzun level, its lethality is.

But their defense is weak, only the level of the Great Yuanshi peak.

So these testers are not without opportunities!

However, the vice president's heart sank slightly.

Although the blood red shadows are weak in defense, their evasion ability and speed are also Yuanzun level.

It is difficult for someone to attack them.

"Lin Tian, ​​I wonder if you can surprise me?"

Secret Realm of Ice Dragon.

There is snow in the world.

The five blood red shadows slowed down.

However, Chao Lintian was still persistent and aggressive.

The divine light flickered in Lin Tian's eyes.

Zixiao Thunder pupil!

Like lightning strikes.

The five blood red shadows did not respond!

"Existence like a puppet?" Lin Tian raised his eyebrows.

Even though it was slowed down by the snow in the world, it was the incarnation of Yuanzun level after all.

They quickly approached Lin Tian.

"Young Master Lin, be careful!" Meng Yi shouted, spouting blood.

The moment the blood-red shadow appeared.

They rushed up without hesitation in order to protect Lin Tian.

Then without accident, he was severely injured by the blood red shadow.

If it hadn't been for Lin Tian's timely action to attract Blood Red Shadow's hatred, I'm afraid they are already dead.

Lin Tian was not deterred by the dangerous situation.

The moment he was about to arrive at the five attacks of the blood red shadow.

Turned out the Panlong seal in his hand.

"Baolong Seal!"


A fierce dragon roar.

The seal of the Beaulieu revealed a huge dragon, which without accident crushed five blood-red shadows that were too late to escape.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Wudao Ao Yi to kill the incarnation of the gods and get 100,000 points!"

At the same time, five red light spots flew towards Lin Tian and gathered in the storage ring.

Lin Tian was a little surprised.

"A practice point worth only 20,000? It doesn't seem to be a genuine Yuanzun."

"It's really fragile in defense."

Lin Tian had some thoughts about this blood-red shadow.

However, he gave priority to rescue the four Meng family members and gave them the ultimate quality healing medicine.

Meng Yi said with shame, "Master Lin, please forgive us for our incompetence."

They wanted to protect Lin Tian, ​​but were seriously injured, and Lin Tian killed Blood Red Shadow without any pressure.

In the end, their task was not completed, and Lin Tian wasted the pill.

Meng Yi felt that he was ashamed of the profession of dead men.

Lin Tian smiled and said: "You are caught off guard. It's not a crime of war. Take good care of your wounds. I think this blood-red shadow is only at the level of the Great Yuanshi, and it's not that scary."

The four of Meng Yi looked at each other in surprise.

Lin Tian explained his views to the four.

"This blood-red shadow has Yuanzun-level lethality, Yuanzun-level dodge ability and speed, but its defense is very weak."

"Since Ao Yi said this is the final trial, it will definitely leave us with a chance to complete it. Therefore, the weak defensive power of the blood red shadow is hope."

"However, the speed of the blood red shadow is too fast, it is difficult to hit them with a single martial art, and after attracting them to approach, it can be better to kill with a group of powerful martial art."

Lin Tian said, suddenly his eyes lit up: "I found a way to earn points quickly!"

Meng Yi couldn't help asking: "What does Young Master Lin mean?"

"A wave!" Lin Tian said excitedly.

"This blood-red shadow is so weird and possesses the attributes of being ridiculed. Those trash saints must not be able to defeat it. But I can't beat them! I pulled all the blood-red shadows together, and then printed a beautifying dragon. Is it massive points?"

Lin Tian was overjoyed.

"But Young Master Lin, these are Yuanzun-level clones! If you are careless, it's easy..."

Meng Yi was shocked by Lin Tian.

A blood-red shadow can severely damage them with one move.

If according to Lin Tian's thoughts, the blood-red shadows like the tides shot together, I am afraid that Yuanzun will also be wiped out.

Meng Yi couldn't help but think in his heart that only a villain like Young Master Lin could dare to put forward this idea.

Lin Tian didn't care about it and laughed, "Don't worry about it, I can't die anyway."

"Hurry up and heal your injuries!"

"I guess this blood-red shadow will refresh after a certain period of time. You will save your strength at that time. I will attract them and kill them."

"After killing the blood red shadow, we will go find someone else's blood red shadow to kill!"

Lin Tian was a little excited, which gave him the familiarity of playing games on earth.

This is robbing!

The four of Meng Yi looked at each other.

But they must obey Lin Tian's orders.

So he hurriedly started healing.

During the healing of the four Meng family members.

Other places in the ice dragon secret realm.

Many testers also gradually discovered some of the characteristics of the blood red shadow.

But they did not have Lin Tian's ability.

It's still a mess.

Among them, the four major first-grade forces led by Gu Shaohan are the most troublesome.

Because the red shadow appears based on the number of people.

Therefore, there are more than seventy people in their vast numbers.

Then he faced the blood-red shadow of more than seventy Yuanzun level.

Just one contact.

Everyone changed color in amazement.

More than seventy blood-red shadows, like a tiger entering a flock.

Yuanzun level attacks fell overwhelmingly, it was simply killing indiscriminately.

Gu Shaohan's alliance immediately reduced its staff by over 20 people.

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