I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 122: Start robbing

"Stay steady, don't mess!"

"Everyone fights back!"

"Listen to my orders, don't run!"

Gu Shaohan yelled loudly.

The other sons are also trying their best to appease their subordinates.

However, little effect has been achieved.

No one can but can't stop the attack of the blood red shadow.

Suffering is severely injured.

And their speed is too fast.


"Don't you wait to die?!"

Someone couldn't stand it anymore and began to retreat.

Gu Shaohan was also helpless.

He can dodge the attack of the blood red shadow and try to kill the blood red shadow.

But his attack couldn't hit the blood red shadow at all.

Their alliance began to fall apart.


"There is snow in the world! Road!"

The wind and snow blew and turned into ice.

Fengxue old ghost easily froze the blood-red shadow that attacked him.

Then he slashed unceremoniously.

He is Yuanzun himself, and he has no pressure to face the existence of this pseudo Yuanzun.

After the blood-red shadow dissipated, it turned into a red ball of light and flew towards Fengxue Old Ghost's storage ring.

Fengxue old ghost has a clear understanding, and this is his point.

Soon he frowned again and found that the defensive power of the blood red shadow was too weak.

Then Fengxue old ghost pondered for a while.

Draw the same conclusion as Lin Tian.

Without a word, Yu Jian rises.

In Lin Tian's words.

He was going to grab the blame.


Tianlanzong team.

The four guardians were injured by the blood red shadow.

Yu Lanjiao yelled: "All back!"

"Be careful, saints, they are Yuanzun!" The guardian headed shouted.


The four guardians retreated at orders.

Yulan took out a perfect quality pill given by Lin Tian and took it directly.

Divine light flickered in his eyes.

The poison of the profound poison sword was temporarily suppressed, and she recovered to the level of Yuanzun in a short time.

"Twelve green lotus signs!"

"Qinglian Sword Shadow!"

The sky full of green lotus sword shadow appeared.

Facing the five Yuanzun, Yulan looked solemn and used all his strength.

But what I did not expect is.

The sky full of green lotus sword shadow makes the blood red shadow inevitable.

Dissipated under the shadow of Qinglian sword in an instant.

The red light dissipates and turns into integration points.

"How could it be so fragile?"

Yulan looked at the red ball of light in the storage ring, puzzled.

The four guardians also looked at each other.


Tangmen team.

"This is Yuanzun! Retreat!"

Liu Xuanyu chose to run first.

"What are you afraid of? Give it to me! We Tang Sect don't have cowards!"

Zhou Shanshan scolded angrily.

The guardian elders who were about to follow Liu Xuanyu were embarrassed.

Since Zhou Shanshan lost Lin Tian, ​​she was very angry and very upset with everyone in Tang Sect.

Seeing them retreating without a fight, he suddenly sneered.

"You don't go, I go!"

Zhou Shanshan rushed towards a dozen blood-red shadows.

"Little princess, be careful!"

Several Tang Sect elders exclaimed.

"Rainbow pear flower!"

"Xingyu Feihua!"

"Life and death talisman!"


Zhou Shanshan shot out with anger, and various hidden weapons of martial arts burst out.

Completely cover an area.

The elder of Tang Sect Law Guard rushed to rescue Zhou Shanshan who was destined to be seriously injured.

However, the next scene surprised them.

Only saw the dozen blood-red shadows.

Completely dissipated under Zhou Shanshan's hidden weapon attack.

Finally turned into a red light and flew into Zhou Shanshan's storage ring.

"This...what's going on?"

The elders looked at each other.

Liu Xuanyu opened his mouth wide, and his chin was about to fall.

When is Zhou Shanshan so good?

Zhou Shanshan was stunned by this situation.

She looked at her hands in disbelief.

She soon realized that it was not that she was too strong, but the blood-red shadow was too brittle.

It's just that Zhou Shanshan didn't realize her restraint on the blood red shadow.

Tangmen exercises and hidden weapons.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is all group injuries.

Tianke blood red shadow.


Another quarter of an hour passed after Meng Yi's four men were cured.

Lin Tian was surprised to find that the blood-red shadow was refreshed!

"You guys retreat!"

"Let me come!"

The four of Meng Yi quickly backed away, and then saw Lin Tian rushing up with bright eyes.

Attract hatred!

There is snow in the world!


There was a loud noise and the red light dissipated.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Wudao Ao Yi to kill the incarnation of the gods and get 100,000 points!"

Lin Tian easily wiped out the blood-red shadows wantonly killing everywhere in the ice dragon secret realm.

Without dignity.

"This is too little, let alone that everyone has to brush five shadows." Lin Tian smacked his lips.

Very dissatisfied.

The four of Meng Yi looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Only a peerless genius like Lin Gongzi dare to say such things.

If they were to be replaced, a blood-red shadow would be enough to burn.

"Go, let's grab the blame!" Lin Tian waved his hand.

"My son, what is robbing?" Meng Yi asked in confusion.

"Uh, it's brave to do what is right. If the road sees injustice, draw your sword to help!" Lin Tian changed his mouth.

"We are merciful and compassionate, saving all beings and suffering!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

The four of Meng Yi were taken aback, and couldn't help but complain.

Are you going to grab points?

Thinking of this, Meng Yi and others suddenly understood what is called robbing.

"As expected of Young Master Lin."

"This description is really vivid."

Meng Yi was full of emotion.


Tangmen team.

Ever since Zhou Shanshan discovered the weakness of the blood red shadow.

This terrible thing became a point harvester for Tang Sect.

The Tang Sect guardian elders cooperated with Zhou Shanshan to easily strangle the refreshed blood-red shadow, and then handed all the points of light to Zhou Shanshan.

As protectors, their purpose is to protect their sons and daughters, and to help them enter the Supreme Spirit Academy.

I have no need for these rewards.

If it is a treasure of heaven and earth, then some people will hide their privates.

Of course, this kind of points rewards are given to those who are eligible to enter the Jilin Academy.

However, besides Zhou Shanshan, there is actually one qualified person in the team.

That is Liu Xuanyu.

It's just that Liu Xuanyu's performance just now was too spicy.

And Zhou Shanshan did not fear to kill the crowd, this kind of courage really made the elders admire and proud.

Liu Xuanyu's status plummeted.

Except for Wang Hufa, almost nobody ignored him.

Zhou Shanshan Bingxue was smart and suddenly figured out something.

"Go, follow me to find someone!" Zhou Shanshan's eyes lighted slightly.

"Little princess, why are you looking for someone?" asked a guardian named Li.

"This blood-red shadow can be easily dealt with by Tang Sect, but other people are not necessarily. And hasn't Ao Yi's great power mentioned just now? The more avatars you kill, the more points you get!"

"Surely someone will react soon, it will not be that everyone is chased by the blood red shadow, but each is robbing the blood red shadow!"

Zhou Shanshan explained.

"See you little princess!"

The elders heard the words chanting abuse.

The meaning of admiration is beyond words.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go east!"

"I heard that after the Seven Miao Treasure Trees were born, there were natural treasures, and there should be the most cultivators in that range!"

Zhou Shanshan pointed the direction and couldn't wait to fly away.

The guardian elders had no room to refute, they could only follow.

Only Liu Xuanyu's complexion was ashen and even resentful.

To the east, isn't it where Lin Tian was hunted down?

He dare to swear that Shanshan must be looking for Lin Tian this week!

The facts are indeed as Liu Xuanyu expected.

Now Zhou Shanshan is full of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, ​​your wife is here to save you!

Don't have any trouble!

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