I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 123: Come with me and have meat!

At this moment, the mentality of the elders outside the light curtain finally stabilized.

Because the condition of the testers shown in the light curtain finally improved.

The cultivators who can enter the ice dragon secret realm are actually geniuses.

At first he was caught off guard by Yuanzun's blood shadow, after a certain period of adjustment, he finally had the ability to counterattack.

Yuan Zun's Blood Shadow is what the elders call Blood Red Shadow.

Of course, the overall situation is still not optimistic.

The refresh rate of Yuanzun's blood shadow became faster and faster.

Those geniuses were suppressed by the realm, and it was easy to get injured when fighting Yuanzun Blood Shadow.

Once injured, it will take some time to heal.

During this time, Yuanzun's blood shadow was refreshed again.

Therefore, it must be held together.

Baotuan will usher in new problems.

The blood shadow of Yuanzun is generated according to the number of people, the more people there are, the more blood shadows.

Therefore, the size of the group has to be controlled.

The geniuses in the secret realm are facing a new problem.

Being able to kill Yuanzun Blood Shadow is far from the end.

The elders now have no thought of quarreling.

All silent viewers cut into dozens of pictures on the light curtain.

Moreover, these pictures are still gradually decreasing.

This means that many geniuses and saints who have repaid hope are gradually falling.

This is the real trial of life and death!

Even the elders couldn't speak more.

The ice dragon secret territory.

At this time, the situation of the tester is very polarized.

Some people were exhausted under the attack of Yuanzun's blood shadow, but some people happily chased and killed Yuanzun's blood shadow.

Among the representatives are Gu Shaohan's gradually disintegrating alliance, and the tacit robbing actions of Lin Tian and Feng Xue Laogui.

After many battles with Yuanzun Blood Shadow, the tester finally figured out its characteristics.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

The speed of the tester's loss is not slow.

After a while, the big alliance no longer exists.

Even Gu Shaohan Ying Xingwei, a genius son, couldn't fight against so many blood shadows.

Therefore, each of them tacitly chose a small group.

Start to harvest the points of Yuanzun’s blood shadow stably.

Even some people have begun to **** Yuanzun's blood shadow.

Once everyone has figured out the rules, they naturally begin to consider their interests.

And this brings up new problems.

And in the experiments of many geniuses.

A group of about fifteen people is the best structure. Fifteen Yuanzun's blood shadows bring considerable points, but they will not make everyone really and helpless.

However, Yuanzun’s Blood Shadow’s points have a characteristic.

Whoever kills, the red ball of light will enter whose pocket.

More people have more benefits, but this means that the distribution of benefits is uneven.

Because the existence of every cultivator is meaningful, they can't just escape blindly.

At the very least, it can also provide a point for Yuanzun's blood shadow.

However, these points may fall into the hands of powerful people, who took the risk themselves but got nothing.

Gradually, these people became unhappy.

"Gu Shaozhu, I think you should allocate these points to everyone."

Someone suggested to Gu Shaohan who harvested the most blood shadow of Yuanzun.

Gu Shaohan now maintains a small group of fifteen people, which was convened all the way after he and the big league were dispersed.

Everyone felt that a saint like Gu Shaohan had the strength and prestige, so naturally he followed.

These people belong to the existence that attracts Yuanzun's blood shadow, but they have no ability to kill.

It's just that since you have made a contribution, you naturally hope to gain benefits.

However, Gu Shaohan said indifferently: "If you feel that you are capable, kill yourself."

"But these blood-red shadows were attracted by us!" Someone argued for reasons.

The meaning of this sentence is if you do not allocate points to us.

Then we won't help you attract blame.

You can find it slowly by yourself.

Being threatened in this way, Gu Shaohan looked very ugly, and finally said: "Now we should work together to tide over the difficulties. After the trial is over, everyone will be assigned."

With that said, more people are dissatisfied.

Everyone is not a fool, aren't you just painting a pancake?

After the trial is over, who can ask you if you want, can you still give if you want?

Gu Shaohan just took advantage and didn't want to suffer. He took advantage of others, but refused to give up any benefits.

So gradually, many people from Gu Shaohan's small group left.

Everyone knows that Yuanzun's blood shadow is already familiar, and many people think they are really good.

This makes Gu Shaohan look very unsightly.

But there is no way.

The same situation happens everywhere.

Due to uneven distribution of spoils, many small groups are falling apart.

In the end, everyone is basically a team of two or three of equal strength.

Help each other, and then rob monsters everywhere.

After that, either have their own skills or evenly distribute them.

Except for those protectors who worked hard to lay the foundation for their own saint son and daughter, all groups are disintegrating because of their interests.

This is a very unhelpful thing.

It's not that these saints don't have their own protectors.

But when Yuan Zun's blood shadow appeared, he really killed too many people.

Many holy sons were protected by their own guardian elders, and in the end they became naked commanders.

In fact, with the exception of very few forces, such as Ouyang Family and Tang Sect, they have powerful combat power.

Protectors of other forces basically lost their lives to protect their own saint son and daughter.

Yuan Zun's blood shadow caused an embarrassing situation for the trialists.

It is easy to die if you act alone.

There is a distribution problem.

Bao Tuan is small, Yuan Zun's blood shadow is not enough. The Baotuan is too big, and it is very likely that they will not be able to fight again.

After all, Yuanzun Blood Shadow is not a vegetarian.

At this time, Lin Tian also frowned, facing a predicament.

"No, it's too slow." Lin Tianpan complained, sitting on the flying sword.


Meng Yi and others laughed bitterly.

This Yuanzun blood shadow appeared and was killed by Master Lin in seconds, and the blood shadow of Yuanzun they encountered along the way was instantly killed by Master Lin.

In their eyes, this is already amazing.

And this process of robbing blame.

It's really a bit of what Lin Tian said.

Meng Yi and others have seen too many people being beaten up by Yuan Zun's blood shadow.

Only Lin Tian can kill easily.

It can be called a bodhisattva who saves suffering.

"Can't waste time!" Lin Tian suddenly fisted and vibrated.

"Young Master Lin, what do you mean?" Meng Yi asked in confusion.

"Stop talking, come with me!"

Lin Tian Yujian turned around and flew towards the few people who had just been rescued by him.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The people who were healing their wounds cross-legged looked a little nervous, thinking that Lin Tian was going to kill others and overwhelm them.

The small team of a few of them can survive to the present, naturally they have killed many Yuanzun blood shadows.

Therefore, there are many red light **** in their storage rings that can be exchanged for points.

However, they were attacked by Yuanzun's blood shadow, and their injuries were not shallow at the moment.

He had to heal earlier to face the next wave of blood shadow refresh.

And if Lin Tian were to kill them at this time, they would have nothing to do.

It even feels like a natural thing.

After all, they have seen something like this.

After all, Yuan Zun's blood shadow is only refreshed by one person, and he worked hard to play that stuff.

It's better to rob someone else faster!

Lin Tian's strength scared them, and they couldn't give birth to resistance.

"Lin Tian, ​​what's the matter?" asked a fat man bitterly.

There are not too many people in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm now, so they have almost met each other.

Everyone knows the reputation of such great demon.

"Follow me, I'll take you meat!" Lin Tian said straightforwardly.


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