I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 125: Meet Ouyang again

"Miss Zhou is right! If it weren't for Lin Tian, ​​we might be dead! I don't want the points, just use it as my life!"

"Yes, Lin Tian, ​​you are the main force in this battle, you will get more work! Support Lin Tian!"

"Yeah yeah, Boss Lin. We just need to have soup with you! Besides, this blood-red shadow is not lost in one go, you can give us some more next time."

Everyone started to persuade Lin Tian.

Even people who really want points are embarrassed to talk.

Liu Xuanyu was even more aggrieved.

If it wasn't for worrying that I couldn't beat Yuanzun's blood shadow, I really turned my head and wanted to leave.

Lin Tian's prestige became very high.

Many people really served Lin Tian.

Can you not be convinced?

Others alone carried more than fifty Yuanzun blood shadow attacks, and then killed them all in one breath.

You think you are good, but you are on it!

Since the hospitality is hard to confess, Lin Tian didn't refuse.

After about twenty red **** of light went out, Lin Tian laughed at the remaining **** of light.

"Go! Let's go and save the suffering!"

"Go! Save the suffering!"

"Boss Lin is mighty!"

Everyone was full of spirits.

The elders outside the light curtain were simply unbelievable.

At last they were silent.

The deputy dean smiled and said, "Everyone, how? I think Lin Tian's number one ranking is already stable anyway."

The elder of the Northern Shengzong snorted coldly: "It's nothing more than using others, what kind of guy?"

The elder of the North Ice Sword Palace also said with a yin and yang strange air: "That is to buy the heart of the people, and it has to rely on the support of the little princess of Tangmen. Tsk tsk, Lin Tian can't be on the stage either."

Some Zongmen elders who did not like Lin Tian also responded one after another.

Obviously despise Lin Tian for opportunistic tricks.

However, the female elder of the Tianlan Sect sneered and said: "Oh, I remember that a certain young master also had an alliance of seventy people at the beginning, how did it fall apart? This comparison is far from Lin Tian!"

This certain saint, of course, refers to Gu Shaohan.

The face of the elder of the North Ice Sword Palace was hard to look at.

The deputy dean of Jining College also said lightly: "If you can't do it and slander others, you will lose your demeanor."

The elders of Bei Shengzong and Beibing Sword Palace were as ugly as shit.

But there is no way, who can make Lin Tian cheat?

In the Secret Realm of Ice Dragon.

As Yuanzun's blood shadow refreshes faster.

Lin Tian's team rolled like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

More and more Yuanzun blood shadows were killed.

The power point has soared and it has broken through the ten million mark.

There are also more and more red light **** representing the points of integration.

Seeing that Lin Tian was like a God of War, no matter how many Yuanzun blood shadows he was, he was not afraid.

And there is no need to rest and recover at all.

Only occasionally Lin Tian could not take care of it, so Zhou Shanshan and others assisted him to kill Yuanzun Blood Shadow.

In fact, even if Lin Tian couldn't destroy the blood shadow of the Yuanzun, as long as there was snow in the world.

These Yuanzun blood shadows are targets for real masters.

So far, everyone looked at Lin Tian with admiration.

Lin Tiancai is the real backbone.

There were some other thoughts.

I feel that I don't have to follow Lin Tianqian, I can form a small league myself.

It's nothing more than someone provokes the blame, and then takes the opportunity to wipe it out.

However, as the refreshing of Yuanzun's blood shadow accelerated, and Lin Tian showed his terrifying reign.

Everyone extinguished such thoughts.

Without him.

Lin Tian is too strong.

How long has Madd been fighting endlessly?

Can still maintain peak combat effectiveness?

This is simply sensational.

It is impossible for any of them to do it.

Even more tragic things may happen.

For example, as the main character who killed Yuanzun's blood shadow, you naturally carry a lot of red light balls.

Wait until you are weak and need rest.

A companion may not be a companion.

There is a simple truth.

I can't beat Yuanzun's blood shadow, and can't I beat a cultivator whose energy is exhausted or even injured?

Robbery is always the fastest way to obtain resources.

This is actually the hidden assessment in this "Battle Royale".

Ao Yi, this old boy, has long been buried.

In the beginning, everyone can work together to survive.

But as the test progresses, everyone has a lot of points of light.

Killing is obviously much easier than killing Yuanzun's blood shadow.

So from the very beginning, it was doomed that large-scale cooperation was impossible.

The intrigue between people is very complicated.

But until Lin Tian appeared.

Cooperation became possible.

After all, no one can beat Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian, ​​there is no time for weakness at all!

As for joining everyone to deal with Lin Tian like Gu Shaohan before...

Haha, look at how prestigious Lin Tian is now?

If you propose to deal with Lin Tian, ​​you are afraid that you will shoot someone to death first.

Even if someone really cooperates and plans to deal with Lin Tian, ​​is that really possible...

"My buddy, are you crazy? Partnership against Lin Tian?"

"So many points, are you not tempted?"

"It's tempting, but you haven't seen how Gu Shaohan slumped before?"

"...Hiss, so it's true."

"Drink the soup honestly, or you can do it yourself."


This kind of dialogue took place between many close people.

Following Gu Shaohan's lessons learned from the past, I was remembered...

Many people gave up their minds.

At the same time, many people murmured.

Why are you talking about the name Gu Shaohan casually now?

Unconsciously, Gu Shaohan, the saint son who was regarded as a top genius.

From everyone's awe and yearning, it became ordinary and somewhat disdainful.

When did it start?

It started from Gu Shaohan dealing with Lin Tian...

Thinking about this, many people shuddered.

This Great Devil Lin Tian, ​​don't mess with it.

Those who can live to the present are either strong or flexible.

Therefore, Lin Tian's strong knowledge is more profound.

The ice dragon secret realm light curtain picture began to decrease significantly.

Because the alliance led by Lin Tian occupies a big picture.

A few other forces led by the Son occupy other pictures.

Soon, the team of other Saints also felt that something was wrong.

Ouyang's ice coffin floated forward and stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong with brother?" Ouyang He asked.

"Something's wrong." Ouyang Bing Bing opened his ice-like eyes.

"According to our frequency, we should have encountered at least two waves of people fighting against the blood red shadow. As a result, we have not encountered any of them now."

Ouyang Breached the ice lightly.

When the Ouyang family's guardians heard the young master's words, they also noticed the problem.

"Is the current tester almost dead?" Ouyang He guessed.

"There is another situation. Maybe someone has gathered most of the testers and is harvesting the blood-red shadow." Ouyang said.

"This is impossible. This trial designed by Ao Yi has a fatal trap. The trialists can't really unite, because the benefits are unevenly distributed." The elder guardian frowned and said.

However, Ouyang He suddenly brightened his eyes: "If it is led by Lin Tian, ​​it might be possible!"

The head elder protector couldn't help but smile.

"Little princess, although Lin Tian is strong, but he has too many enemies, how can he convince the crowd? What's more, even Lin Tian needs a lot of points to ensure that he enters the Extreme Spirit Academy. This still involves the distribution of benefits. The deadliest place. Not all of the people who have survived to the present have a complete team of guardians like our Ouyang family."

However, Ouyang Bing Bing was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "It's Lin Tian."


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