I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 126: Freely guide the people!

Ouyang's guardian was all taken aback when he heard Ouyang Breaking the Ice.

Ouyang He was also a little unbelievable, she just guessed.

In fact, he didn't particularly believe that Lin Tian could lead an alliance to clean up the blood shadow of Yuanzun.

"Brother, how do you know?" Ouyang He was curious.

Then Ouyang Breaking Bing closed his eyes and faintly turned the ice coffin in one direction.

Ouyang's ice-breaking spirit sea noticed that a large number of practitioners approached in that direction.

And the head of a cultivator, the spiritual power exudes incomparable light.

And let Ouyang Breaking the ice familiar.

Lin Tian!

The Ouyang family watched Lin Tian leading the mighty team.

All of them dropped their jaws.

Lin Tian, ​​absolutely!

A team of nearly seventy people approached in a mighty manner, and Lin Tian stopped first.

Laughed: "Brother Ouyang, do you want to team up to kill monsters?"

Everyone in Ouyang's family was silent.

At this moment, Yuanzun's blood shadow suddenly refreshed.

"End up!"


"The Tang Sect is responsible for clearing the fish that slipped through the net!"

Lin Tian shouted immediately.

The crowd responded extremely quickly.

Ouyang's family is shocked, is it so skilled in cooperation?

However, he saw Lin Tianhualong coming out.

Facing the dense blood shadow of Yuanzun.

Everyone in Ouyang's face changed in shock.

Isn't this looking for death?

"There is snow in the world!"

There was wind and snow roaring between the heaven and the earth.

Yuan Zun's blood shadow was slow to act.

"Baolong Seal!"

"Qinglian Jianying!"

"Rainbow pear flower!"

"Xingyu Feihua!"

Yuan Zun's blood shadow turned into red light and flew into Lin Tian's storage ring.

The Ouyang family was stunned.

They were fortunate enough to see the scene where Lin Tianqing suppressed the blood shadow of Yuanzun.

It's not just the Ouyang family that is shocked at this moment.

There is also a black robe far away.

Wind and snow old ghost.

Fengxue Old Ghost saw that Lin Tian used Snow Under Heaven to slow Yuanzun's blood shadow speed and cooperated with other martial arts to kill.

The psychology is extremely complicated.

Isn't this my own martial skill...

Seeing that my martial arts are so effective in the hands of others.

Rao Fengxue old ghost is also a little melancholy.

To be honest, he didn't think of this trick.

However, he could not use Lin Tian's effect.

Because no one teamed up with him...

Fengxue Old Ghost is extremely keen in combat, and naturally knows that he can fight in a team to better harvest the blood shadow of Yuanzun.

However, his name is too loud.

No one dared to cooperate with him.

Even those who were rescued by him would actively contribute their red **** of light.

I was afraid that Fengxue old ghost killed himself.

But in fact Fengxue Old Ghost is not a bloodthirsty person.

Of course, at the bottom of his heart, he actually doesn't like to act with others.

Lin Tian is there.

Ouyang Breaking Bing couldn't help but ask the confusion in his heart: "Lin Tian, ​​how do you know the martial arts of Fengxue Old Ghost?"

In fact, everyone is very interested.

Lin Tian had pretended to be the old ghost of Fengxue.

No one has seen it!

Lin Tian thought for a moment, then laughed and said, "Don't hide it from you, good friend Fengxue old ghost, he taught me."

Everyone: "..."

Believe you a ghost, isn't this old Fengxue ghost's stunt?

You are not from Jilin Academy, how did you make friends with No. 1 on the list?

Did others teach you stunts?

Under the ghost mask of Fengxue Old Ghost, his face was also speechless.

Why are you secretly learning my martial arts and you are embarrassed to call me a friend?

Lin Tian suddenly turned his head.

The mental power of the Haiyuan realm sensed someone hiding not far away.

Ouyang Bingbing's eyes also opened.

Can touch them within a kilometer, master.

Lin Tian suddenly said: "Old ghost, team up together?"

The old ghost of Fengxue slowly emerged, and his mood was extremely complicated.

How did this guy find out about himself?

When everyone saw that Fengxue Old Ghost was within a kilometer, they couldn't help taking a breath.

At the same time, she shuddered.

Is this the number one in the rankings, the legendary super killer ability?

Had it not been for Lin Tian and Ouyang to break the ice, almost no one would have noticed!

"Old Fengxue, are you really friends with him?" Ouyang Breacher said, rarely.

He was really curious.

As the second in the ranking list, he has the most dealings with the old Fengxue ghost who is the first in the ranking list.

He knows how lonely old Fengxue ghost is.

Never saw him have any partners.

Naturally it is impossible to have friends.

However, Lin Tian actually said this. To be honest, Ouyang Breaking the Ice was a little looking forward to the scene of the old snow storm slap Lin Tian in the face.

Lin Tian blinked his eyes and looked at the old ghost Fengxue: "Old ghost, don't you team up?"

Fengxue old ghost was silent.

Under the ghost mask of Aomori Mori, there is a rare tangled expression of the old wind and snow.

Finally, Fengxue Old Ghost waved his black robe and disappeared into the snow instantly.

A voice from far away came.

"No need."

He did not deny that Lin Tian is his friend.

Because he remembered the fun battle with Lin Tian and the perfect Tongyuan Pill that Lin Tian gave him.

Perhaps, from the bottom of his heart, he recognized Lin Tian as a friend.

Of course, he still doesn't adapt to Lin Tian's style of acting...

Seeing Fengxue old ghost leave.

Lin Tian was extremely disappointed: "Hey, one more blood-red shadow is missing."

Everyone: "..."

You are not co-authoring for a strong support, just coveting the blood shadow of the Yuanzun of others?

But everyone quickly reacted in surprise.

Fengxue Old Ghost did not deny that Lin Tian is his friend!

At this moment, even Ouyang Bingbing's eyes looked at Lin Tian changed.

Being able to make friends with Fengxue Old Ghost is really something that ordinary people can do.

Ice Coffin Gourmet was curious about Lin Tianzhen.

As for Ouyang He, he had already looked at Lin Tian with big eyes, and his face was full of desire to explore.

Zhou Shanshan suddenly walked to Lin Tian and took Lin Tian's arm.

He looked at Ouyang He several times without paying attention.

This Nizi is beautiful enough!

Thinking of this, Zhou Shanshan leaned closer to Lin Tian.

Take precautions!

After that, Ouyang He's strong request and Ouyang Breaking the ice couldn't hide his curiosity.

Ouyang's family joined Lin Tian's team.

The alliance led by Lin Tian surpassed 80 people.

Almost seven out of ten of the currently surviving people in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm are occupied.

"Go, go!"

"Continue to kill monsters! No, save the suffering!"


Lin Tian held a blazing spear and walked in front of the crowd.

The fire from the tip of the spear was like a flag.

Everyone followed Lin Tian.

This scene is very much like the famous painting of the earth.

Freely guide the people.


Outside the light curtain.

The eyes of all the elders focused on the picture where Lin Tian was.

They watched Lin Tian's alliance grow again and again.

Watching Lin Tian behead countless Yuanzun blood shadows again and again.

Watching Lin Tian allocate points.

Watching Lin Tian accept the sacred power Ouyang family team.

Accommodate the Su Xingyuan people of the First Grade Force Broken Love Valley.

Accommodate Zhao Jianchang and Zhao Jianrong from the Three Peaks of the first-tier forces.

Harvest countless Yuanzun blood shadows and distribute points.

Then set off in mighty force.

This posture is to plow the Ice Dragon Secret Realm again!

Elders: "..."


Is Lin Tian going to heaven?

Their team has expanded to nearly a hundred people.

This is already 90% of the survivors of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm!

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