I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 127: Lin Tian's people must die!

At this time, the screen of the light curtain has been divided into less than twenty parts.

The rest is either a small team of Saints.

Either some lone rangers, or those who slip through the net.

But it is obvious that these people will hit Lin Tian's super team sooner or later.

There was a faint smile in the vice president's expression, and he nodded unceasingly.

This Lin Tian, ​​no matter from that aspect, is a good seed.

Many elders in North Ice Lingzhou are also very happy.

North Ice Lingzhou is notoriously barren.

Lin Tian is a cultivator born in the native Lingzhou of North Ice.

That is giving North Bing Lingzhou a good face!

But some people are happy and some are worried.

The most worrying is the elder of the Northern Saint Sect.

They invested a large sum of money in the ice dragon secret realm in order to kill Lin Tian.

Those Yuan generals who had been promoted by more than twenty secret methods had suffered a lot from Yuanzun's blood shadow, but now there are fewer than twenty.

And now, Lin Tian led nearly a hundred people to plow in the ice dragon secret realm!

The elders of Northern Saint Sect only hoped that before the end of the test, their team of Northern Saint Sect failed to encounter Lin Tian!

After all, Lin Tian is in full swing now.

The Northern Shengzong's team ran into it, only to sacrifice in vain.

Lin Tian was the main force in killing Yuanzun's blood shadow, how could so many trialists watch the Northern Saint Sect act on Lin Tian?

Maybe they would take the initiative to kill the disciple of the Northern Saint Sect in order to score more points.

Come to give Lin Tian credit!

Elder Bei Shengzong was sweating coldly.

The elders of Jinguangjiao, Beibing Sword Palace, Xuanwu Island, and Lin Tian who had had a festival with Lin Tian are all worried.

Lin Tian is too powerful now!

Secret Realm of Ice Dragon.

Yulan team.

"Holy woman! A large-scale trial is approaching a hundred miles ahead!" The head of the detective guard reported through the secret transmission technique.

Her expression was a little nervous.

"Does anyone really accept all the survivors and harvest the blood-red shadow?"

Yulan couldn't believe it.

Before that, they also discovered that Yuanzun's blood shadow became scarce.

Also made a guess.

Then Yulan made arrangements and cautiously sent guards to investigate.

Tianlanzong is the top first-rank force in the Jiuzhou mainland.

Naturally, there are many secrets of hole cards.

"Holy woman, I saw Lin Tian!" the guard leader exclaimed.

"He seems to be the leader of these testers!"

In the words of the saint, Lan's fingers trembled slightly: "Lin Tian?"

"Master Saint, what shall we do next?" the guard leader said.

Yulan was silent for a long time, bit her lip and said, "We retreat and avoid them."

When Yulan spoke, she felt a pain in her heart.

It's not that Yulan doesn't want to see Lin Tian.

It's just that she was afraid to see Lin Tian couldn't control herself, and missed the bank.

At that time, only Lin Tian would be discovered by Tianlanzong.

In a crisis.

In the end, she could only sigh slightly.

Choosing to pass by Lin Tian's team.

Lin Tian suddenly turned his head to look west.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that there was something important over there.

This is not a reminder of spiritual sea and cultivation.

After all, it was too far away, and the brand of Yulan's Spiritual Sea could not be passed on to Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian felt that way.

"Let's go to the west." Lin Tian changed direction.

"Master, why are you going to the west?" Zhao Jianchang couldn't help asking.

Lin Tian's team got bigger and bigger, so naturally he met Zhao Jianchang and Zhao Jianrong. The two guards were all dead, but they were not under pressure because of this.

After all, siblings can trust each other, and there is no pressure to face Yuanzun's blood shadow.

But the team that met Lin Tian naturally joined.

Although Zhao Jianchang has not yet apprented Lin Tian, ​​he has already treated Lin Tian as his master.

Lin Tian replied solemnly: "There is a baby over there."

Zhao Jianrong rolled her eyes, and she didn't believe Lin Tian's nonsense.

Others have no objections.

Lin Tian is now an absolute leader, not only has a strong combat power, but also acts fairly.

Even the injured person in the team can get a certain number of points.

This makes Lin Tian's reputation even higher.


"Master Saint, Lin Tian and the others are coming to our side!" the guard leader spread the message.

"You come back quickly, we will retreat faster!" Yulan said firmly.


Tianlanzong's party accelerated away.

An area in the West.

Gu Shaohan frowned.

It has been a long time since the team he led had encountered those trialists who fought against Yuanzun's blood shadow.

This made Gu Shaohan smell something wrong.

"It shouldn't be dead, is it possible that someone can lead the alliance of trialers?"

"Who is such a person?"

"Old Fengxue Ghost? Ouyang Breaking the Ice? Or Yulan?"

Gu Shaohan guessed in his heart.

In any case, his mood is not very good.

This means that the income of one's own points has decreased too much.

As the attrition of the testers slowed down, it became very difficult to get points from Yuanzun's blood shadow.

And the better way is clear.

That is robbery.

Gu Shaohan would naturally not do robbery.

However, he would deliberately wait until Yuanzun's blood shadow severely injured the tester, and then took the opportunity to kill Yuanzun's blood shadow.

After that, protection fees are collected.

In fact, it is to force the opponent to hand over all the red balls.

If you encounter those people who have beaten Yuanzun's blood shadow.

Gu Shaohan will also secretly take action to help Yuanzun Blood Shadow.

In short, there will be no more enemies than others.

But it is very insidious.

This trick has been tried repeatedly.

The tester who had complained with Gu Shaohan originally gained a lot of points through these plunders, and naturally followed.

At this time Gu Shaohan was equivalent to being robbed of business.

Naturally it will not be comfortable.

"Young Master Gu, someone is fighting ahead!" Suddenly someone reported.

"Go!" Gu Shaohan lifted his spirits.

I found it!

An unnamed valley ahead.

There are four figures at war.

Two Dao are testers, and two Dao is Yuanzun's blood shadow.

It seems that the two testers cooperate very well and have already gained an advantage.

Will soon be able to kill Yuanzun Blood Shadow.

The people around Gu Shaohan suddenly said, "Aren't they Sun Monkey and Pig Gang?"

"Who?" Gu Shaohan was puzzled.

What kind of **** name is this?

"They are Lin Tian's two guards, named Mou Yan and Qiao Lang!" Gong Xuejian explained.

Gong Xuejian is the second disciple of the North Ice Sword Palace, and Gu Shaohan is the young master of the North Ice Sword Palace.

However, Gong Xuejian also lost his team in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm and North Ice Sword Palace.

He drove single-handedly, and he was in a state similar to Old Feng Xue.

He didn't meet Gu Shaohan until Yuanzun's blood shadow appeared and all the trialists moved in a large area.

His status is lower than Gu Shaohan, so naturally he can only follow Gu Shaohan's instructions.

When Gu Shaohan heard Lin Tian's name, his eyes were cold.

"Huh! Lin Tian's people will kill!"

Gu Shaohan suffered too much from Lin Tian, ​​and his resentment towards Lin Tian was monstrous.

Now finally there is a chance to retaliate against Lin Tian.

Can it be let go?

If it is an ordinary tester, he will also receive protection money and not become enemies.

But Lin Tian's people must die!

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