I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 128: Yulan's helping hand

"Give me all!"

"Kill them, all points will be given to you!"

Gu Shaohan's voice was extremely cold.

Gong Xuejian's face changed slightly, and at the same time he felt helpless.

He didn't expect Gu Shaohan and Lin Tian to have such a profound festival, which made him feel a little sorry for Mou Yan and Qiao Lang.

After all, they had been on the Xueling Boat for a long time, and they were considered friendship.

However, Gong Xuejian hesitated, but the others became excited and approached the battlefield.

Valley battlefield.

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang had just killed Yuanzun Blood Shadow.

Suddenly Mou Yan felt the huge crisis after all.

Turning his head to look: "Fuck!"

The opponent's vitality attack has arrived.

"Flash!" Qiao Lang's expression changed drastically.

"Qiantian change!"


Qiao Lang resisted a wave of attacks, and Mou Yan retreated quickly.

But how could Gu Shaohan let them go.


"Is this so sick? Why chase us?"

Mou Yan scolded while running away.

Qiao Lang was also very puzzled.

He originally thought it was his enemy, but found out that the other party was also serious in killing Mou Yan.

"Who are these guys?"

"How do I know?"

"Fuck, that guy with the sword seems to be Gu Shaohan!"

"Special, this is forcing the master!"

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang confirmed Gu Shaohan's identity, and their discoloration suddenly changed.

Although they were separated from Lin Tian after entering the core secret realm of the ice dragon secret realm.

But I still heard some news about Lin Tian, ​​and it is said that Gu Shaohan had gotten a grudge.

Soon Gu Shaohan's people surrounded Mou Yan and Qiao Lang.

"Big brother, it seems that we are going to donate here today." Mou Yan sighed.

"What are you afraid of? It's just death." Qiao Lang said boldly, but he sighed immediately, "It's just a pity that he didn't give the points to the master."

Gu Shaohan didn't talk nonsense: "Kill me!"

"Gong Xuejian, go and break their retreat!"

Gong Xuejian's eyes drooped, but she couldn't stop.

"Afraid of you being a bird!" Qiao Lang laughed.

The storm skystick is in hand.

Qi Tianbian unfolded.

The figure grows to three meters.

Golden chain mail, purple gold crown with phoenix wings, and flame war boots possessed.


There is a posture of an enemy.

Mou Yan also drew his long sword and summoned his own heavenly soldiers.

Since Lin Tian improved the two people's exercises.

They are very different from the past.

"Joker, pretending to be."

Gu Shaohan said lightly.

After saying this, he pulled out the Frozen Divine Sword and rushed forward.

The two sides fought fiercely together.

Soon Mou Yan and Qiao Lang couldn't resist.

Retreat steadily.

After all, Gu Shaohan is Banbu Yuanzun.

What's more, there are many helpers.

They were not Lin Tian, ​​and soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Second Junior Brother, you go first, I will cover you." Blood came out from the corner of Qiao Lang's mouth.

The storm canopy dances wildly.

"Don't call me the second junior brother! Call me and you never finished!"

Mou Yanqi's expression changed.

Isn't this calling me a pig?

Qiao Lang rolled his eyes, and then blocked Gu Shaohan's sword with the sky.

The two quickly backed away.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, go quickly! Go to Lin Tian!" Qiao Lang shouted.

"Don't even think about leaving today!" Gu Shao said with a cold smile.

"Gong Xuejian, block them for me!"

A white shadow came through the air.

White swordsman Gong Xuejian!

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang's complexion changed slightly, and they looked at each other.

Is Gong Xuejian here?

Soon Gong Xuejian killed the two of them.

When the three of them interlaced.

Gong Xuejian's eyes were low, and he said in a low voice: "You shoot, then run away."

How could Mou Yan and Qiao Lang not know what Gong Xuejian meant?

The two murmured a word of thanks.

Then Qiao Lang roared wildly: "The thief takes his life!"

Mou Yan is also a masterpiece of Jianguang: "Boy, it's too early to kill your grandpa!"

Yuan Li fluctuated suddenly.

Gong Xuejian spurted blood and flew out.

Gu Shaohan's expression changed in shock.

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang opened the gap and fled quickly.

Gong Xuejian wiped off the blood without any expression, knelt on one knee, clasped his fists to plead guilty.

"As entrusted by the young master, Gong Xuejian apologizes."


Gu Shao looked at Gong Xuejian coldly.

"Follow me! They are poisoned by my ice and can't run far."

Gu Shaohan didn't have time to pay attention to Gong Xuejian, and quickly chased everyone with them.

Gong Xuejian stood up in silence and sighed.

"Lin Tian, ​​I can only help you get here. Seeing you tomorrow, we are probably enemies."

Gong Xuejian followed Gu Shaohan's figure.

In any case, it is impossible for him to betray the North Ice Sword Palace.

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang fled for dozens of miles.

Suddenly Qiao Lang spouted a mouthful of blood.

There was still cold air coming out of the blood.

"Qiao Lang, what's wrong with you?" Mou Yan said nervously.

"Special, poisonous." Qiao Lang's face was pale.

Qiao Lang and Gu Shaohan faced too many searches, so the cold toxin attacked quickly.

"You go! Gu Shaohan will come after him if you don't leave!" Qiao Lang said.

Mou Yan firmly said: "I can't abandon you, otherwise I can't explain to the young master!"

Just when the two were arguing.

Gu Shaohan's people have arrived within 500 meters.

Qiao Lang closed his eyes and sighed: "Come on, I can't go now."

Mou Yan also nodded as if resigning.

"I heard that you have to challenge you before you can challenge Lin Tian, ​​right?"

Gu Shaohan sneered after chasing him.

"Today, I will kill you, and then I will kill Lin Tian!"

"A thousand miles of ice!"

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang almost closed their eyes and waited to die.


"Qinglian sword cut!"

A cyan Yuanli sword aura blasted away Gu Shaohan's thousands of miles of ice.

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang opened their eyes strangely.

Only saw a beautiful shadow landing.

Holy Maiden!

Yulan protected Mou Yan and Qiao Lang.

She knew that these two were Lin Tian's guards, she who dared not see Lin Tian, ​​naturally wanted to protect Lin Tian's subordinates.

"Yulan? Are you not dead?" Gu Shaohan's expression changed drastically.

"Is Young Master Gu disappointed?" Yulan said with a cold expression.

Then Yulan breath radiated.

Yuan Zun's coercion shocked the spot!

Gu Shaohan's pupils shrank and he lost his voice: "Impossible, the profound poison sword can be extremely poisonous, how can you still have Yuanzun's cultivation base?"

"Xuan Poison Sword, very good, I remember it." Yulan said lightly.

Then four shadows fell behind Yulan.

Naturally, it is the protector of Tianlanzong.

They all glared at Gu Shaohan, their swords unsheathed, very angry.

The culprit who harmed the saint!

Gu Shaohan's expression changed in shock, and he couldn't help taking two steps back.

For some reason, Yulan restored Yuanzun's realm.

It was difficult to defeat at first, but now she still has a guardian.

There is no more chance.

Gu Shaohan's heart sank.

Yulan said coldly: "I'll protect these two people, do you want to take action?"

Gu Shaohan looked ugly.

Yulan's vitality suddenly fluctuated.

The body was suspended.

Under the feet are the twelve green lotus forms, and behind them are countless green lotuses that are constantly growing.

Gu Shaohan finally determined Yulan's Yuanzun realm.

Don't hesitate anymore.

"Since Saint Yulan said so, then the right should be sold to Saint Yulan as a favor!"

"We withdraw!"

Gu Shaohan led his men to retreat eastward.

"Thank you Yulan Saintess for saving her life." Mou Yan immediately clasped his fist.

Qiao Lang was a little weird.

How could Saint Lady Lan come to save us?

Yulan glanced at the two indifferently, without speaking.

The two of them felt as if they were facing an enemy, and were nervous.

I heard that Saint Yulan is the only Yuanzun in this ice dragon secret realm. Can they be under pressure?

Yulan's lips moved, and she wanted to say something.

But in the end it didn't say anything.

Guarding his side: "Let's go."

She felt that Lin Tian was about to approach.

The head of the guard said to Yulan, "Saint, Gu Shaohan and Lin Tian also have hatred. Should we unite with Lin Tian and teach Gu Shaohan a lesson?"

The guards knew that Saint Yulan's injuries were caused by Gu Shaohan's sneak attack.

So very angry.

Yulan shook her head, "My strength has not recovered. It is only suppressed by the pill. I need to find a place to rest."

"Now we just need to wait until the trial is over."

"Let's go."

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