I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 132: New journey!

"Yes." Elder Mi nodded.

"If you have enough credits, it actually proves that you have enough strength. Therefore, the college allows such students to organize their own classes."

"Where do the students in that class come from? Should they go to the outer courtyard? Or can they only be selected in the inner courtyard?" Lin Tian's heart moved.

If you can go to the outer courtyard to pick students, you can bring Mou Yan and Qiao Lang into the inner courtyard.

When the time comes, the three masters and apprentices can still learn the scriptures together!

A faint smile hung on the corner of Elder Mi's mouth: "You can't help but underestimate the tolerance of Ji Ling Academy."

"What do you mean?" Lin Tian was puzzled.

"If you have enough credits, you can form a class from scratch. Jiuzhou Continent, as long as you can, you can pick it at will." Elder Mi smiled.

When saying this.

The two were standing on the bow of the ship, facing the wind.

The wind swept through the cyan robe of Elder Mi, and his hair was dancing with the wind.

In his words, there is an atmosphere that swallows the world.

Even Lin Tian was shaken.

This Ji Ling Academy is really magnificent!

"Have any of the inner courtyard students formed?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking.

Elder Mi looked a little weird when he heard this: "Yes, yes."


"Old Wind and Snow Ghost."

"Strong, old ghost." Lin Tian's eyes lit up, "As expected, he is number one on the list, then where did he recruit?"

Elder Mi struggled with his face: "Well..."

"Can't you say it?"

Lin Tian is a little strange, what's so tangled about this?

"It's not impossible to say that, mainly, he is the only one in Fengxue's class." Elder Mi said with a little embarrassment.


Lin Tian was shocked.

One person in each class, isn't this fun?

Elder Mi smiled bitterly: "No one thought of it. Fengxue Old Ghost simply didn't want to be in the same class with other people, so he just left his own class."

Lin Tian couldn't help taking a breath.

One class per person is really in line with the personality of the old ghost!

"Then others have not tried to form their own class?" Lin Tian then asked.

Elder Mi took a deep look at Lin Tian and understood that Lin Tian was afraid that he wanted to organize his own class.

This is a good thing, otherwise Ji Ling Academy will not open up this right.

However, this is not a completely good thing.

Elder Mi is still very optimistic about Lin Tian, ​​the enchanting freshman, so he explained: "To be precise, there is no autonomous class for students except Old Snow Wind."

Lin Tian was a little surprised. Are these students so useless?

But he did not speak, waiting for Elder Mi to explain.

"The reason is very simple. Firstly, it is because of the huge consumption of points. It is better to exchange training resources for yourself. Secondly, because you form a class, which is completely self-reliant, the college will not provide you with a class tutor.

"Is the class tutor important?" Lin Tian asked.

"Of course, without a tutor to guide and manage a class, it is difficult for a class to become a climate. If you want a class tutor, you have to spend your own credits to recruit. However, it is difficult to recruit a class tutor."

"Why is it difficult? Don't the tutors also need credits? Just give enough credits!"

Lin Tian said curiously.

"The reason is also very simple. Since it is your own class, then all the power is in your hands. The tutors you recruit are controlled by you, but they are responsible for your class."

Elder Mi glanced at Lin Tian and said calmly: "Who knows what kind of students you recruited? Are they strong enough? Are they unpredictable? These are risks, so no tutor is willing to take it."

Lin Tian nodded, it really made sense.

Credits are important, but if the risk is too great, they are not so attractive.

"Has no tutor tried it?" Lin Tian asked again.

"Of course there is." Elder Mi looked at the magnificent sea of ​​clouds and continued to preach.

"When this right first came out, many students enthusiastically formed their own classes and brought in relatives and friends everywhere. The tutors were also willing to earn credits. The school didn't care about it, and many people were complacent about it."

"What happened later?" Lin Tian asked curiously.

"Later?" Elder Mi smiled after holding his hands. "Later, I started to work. You spent the credits, but you have to earn it back, right?"

"However, those randomly organized classes were wiped out in some medium-difficulty tasks. Even the tutors fell along with them. The mob is the most harmful."

Elder Mi glanced at Lin Tian.

He said these things were to alert Lin Tian, ​​hoping that this good seedling would not be too inflated and ruin him.

"That said, it's really dangerous enough. Lack of strength will only bring down oneself."

Lin Tian couldn't help but imagine the situation where the entire class was wiped out.

Elder Mi nodded and said with deep emotion: "It is true. After that, the students are not enthusiastic about organizing classes. Even if there are, they are only recruiting students with knowledge and knowledge in the inner courtyard."

"But recruiting students in the inner courtyard will face another difficulty. Who is not a proud genius who enters the inner courtyard? How many can you recruit?"

Lin Tianshen nodded in sympathy.

If someone came to him to join the class, he would not want to.

Elder Mi continued: "The tasks in the inner courtyard are inherently very dangerous. Except in rare cases, the basic tasks are to one class or even multiple classes together. If the number of classes you organize is not enough, it will actually be dead."

"The old snow storm?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking.

"Otherwise, how come people are number one in the ranking list?" Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Why don't you also be number one in the ranking list all the time? I am optimistic about you."

Lin Tian gave a thumbs up: "Your vision is really good!"

Elder Mi rolled his eyes and was quite speechless.

Do you really think you can beat the old wind and snow ghost?

During the time when Old Fengxue and Lin Tian fought, the light curtain went out, so apart from Yulan, no one else knew that Lin Tian and Old Fengxue had a fight.

Elder Mi just pretended that Lin Tian was bragging and didn't care.

Then talked to Lin Tian about something else.

For example, the cultivation level of the inner courtyard of the Ji Ling Academy.

Basically, the students inside are all Yuan generals who started.

Among them, the best, that is, the famous players in the top rankings, are all Yuan military generals up in the middle.

And the top ten are none other than Yuan Wujiang's later period and even Banbu Yuanzun's existence.

The competition is fierce.

Even some of the top students are too strong, and they are directly transferred to the inner courtyard tutor.

"What is the blessed land of cultivation?" Lin Tian asked.

He is not interested in those who are proud of the sky, anyway, they are all mobile power point providers.

Fengxue old ghost can be beaten, still care about some shrimps?

"Blessed Land is a special place for training formations, which will generate very pure auras of attributes. Although the auras of heaven and earth can be transformed into your own vitality for cultivation, if you have the aura of yours, you will naturally get twice the result with less effort."

"For example, in the North Ice Lingzhou as a whole, there are many gathering places for the aura of the ice attribute, and if you are a cultivator of the fire attribute, you naturally need the aura of the fire attribute. And this can be exchanged in the academy."

Good stuff!

Lin Tian couldn't help shining in his eyes.

Suddenly, I was full of expectations for the trip to Ji Ling Academy.

Feng Lingzhou quickly reached a huge mountain range.

The mountains are looming, and the sea of ​​woods becomes a plain.

In the center is a vast city like a plateau.

Inside the pavilions, Yuanzheng Yuezhi.

Here is the inner courtyard of Ji Ling Academy.

As soon as Lin Tian entered here, he felt a strong aura and aura of various attributes!

The new students all rushed out of the wind and spirit boat, looking at this new world with novelty and shock.

Wait, what's that?

Same day as sun and moon!

The freshmen stayed.

Rao was very shocked by Lin Tian.

Elder Mi smiled and explained: "Don't worry, there is a night here. It's just that the sun and the moon are the same as the ancestors' powerful means, which breaks the limit of the day to the moon."

"The purpose is to make it convenient for cultivators who need Yuehua's aura to practice during the day. Moreover, the sun and the moon are on the same day, which can provide more auras."

The freshmen were shocked.

What a masterpiece! What level is that power?

Tian Yuan?

Or the legendary ascension?

No wonder Ji Ling Academy is so famous in the Jiuzhou Continent.

Cultivating here, don't say that he is one of the best in heaven, even an ordinary ordinary person can make a breakthrough quickly.

"Go, go down and report." Elder Mi smiled.

When the voice fell, Feng Lingzhou made a humming sound.

Through the clouds, it fell smoothly into the central city under the blowing of the gang wind.

Ji Ling Academy, inner courtyard.


Lin Tian was full of spirits.

This is a new journey!

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