I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 133: Rage of Ice Rakshasa

Lin Tian's jade card already has his own identity and class.

After confirming with the orientation instructor.

Lin Tian walked through the buildings in the inner courtyard and headed to his class.

25 classes.

Before leaving, Elder Mi told Lin Tian with a smile that the vice president specially arranged for him.

Lin Tian didn't understand Elder Mi's smile, but he was not worried.

Go all the way.

Whispers faintly came from the roadside.

"This is Lin Tian, ​​the strongest freshman?"

"Yes, I heard that I earned 100,000 points when I entered the school.

"Huh, luck. There were all kinds of geniuses before entering the school? You knew you were wrong when you came in. Ji Ling Academy, when did you lack genius?"

"By the way, I heard that this guy has a very high score, and he went straight to Class 25. There is a monster concentration camp. All the unruly guys are in it."

"Fuck Class 7, stay away from him. There are ugly people in there!"

Lin Tian looked at the surrounding buildings curiously.

I didn't care much about these students' comments.

He now wants to hurry up after the report and take a look at the credit exchange resources.

At the same time, plan to use the remaining ten million power points.

Just like this, Lin Tian walked, and suddenly smelled a delicate fragrance.

Someone in front stopped him.

Slowly raised his head.

From a black and red tied rope high-heeled shoes, white as jade toes, to smooth and smooth long legs.

Up there is a short skirt in red.

Lin Tian's eyes stopped here.


Lin Tian shocked all over and took a breath.

Then the surrounding air pressure suddenly dropped to freezing point.

The surrounding students who were whispering changed their colors and retreated several meters.

Lin Tian looked up.

Saw a cold face.


The scolding fell.

I saw the cold and beautiful woman's hand waving, and a black ice-colored long whip formed.

Instantly hit Lin Tian's throat.

Lin Tian reacted in an instant, reaching out and grabbing the opponent's long whip.

"Hey, sister, you don't need to come up and just focus on the taste, right? Cultivate your feelings first."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

The beautiful woman's expression became even colder, and she actually abandoned her long whip.

The long legs swept sharply.

There is a wave of ice in the whistling.

Lin Tian blocked it again with his hand, and slipped his hand by the way

Students passing by saw this scene.

It's just tingling scalp.

"Fuck, this new student is absolutely amazing!"

"Grandma's, I would like to call him the strongest!"

"It's a fraud, the vice-master of the Peak of Heavenly Punishment, Ice Raksha, dare to take advantage of it. This new student is so brave!"

The old students talked a lot.

The words were all praises for the actions of the warrior Lin Tian, ​​but there was still a deep silence.

Obviously, in their opinion, Lin Tian was fixed.

Offended the ice Rakshasa Han Shuangyue, it really didn't end well!

Sure enough, the vitality fluctuated wildly in the field.

There were even bursts of ice cracking sound.

Ice Raksha Han Shuangyue hit a real fire, and unexpectedly released martial arts to Lin Tian.

Seeing the Phantoms, Han Shuangyue's slender hands made countless ice waves.

Lin Tian seemed to be trapped in place, unable to move.

When the ice prison was completely formed and Lin Tian could not move.

Han Shuangyue sneered and looked at Lin Tian: "Follow me to Tianpufeng to plead guilty!"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows: "Beauty Sister, please make some sense. It was you who did it first. Why should I plead guilty?"

Han Shuangyue was taken aback, how could this guy seem to be out of control.

In the ice cage, how can there be such a free person?

Then Han Shuangyue saw Lin Tian easily crack the ice cage.

He also slapped the ice residue on the clothes.

"Sister Beauty, you can't do this."

Han Shuangyue was furious, her figure flashed, and her bare hand struck Lin Tian's throat with blue light and shadow.

Lin Tian's complexion changed slightly.

Energetic agitated, God's will wandered into the dragon.

The speed is at its extreme.

She avoided Han Shuangyue's attack, and took the opportunity to lock Han Shuangyue's hand.

Backhand hugged Han Shuangyue's slender waist.

"Let me go!"

Han Shuangyue said angrily.

"You first withdraw your ice vitality. I don't want to become an ice sculpture." Lin Tian rolled his eyes and said.

This beauty's cold vitality is very fierce, if Lin Tian really does not resist, he may be severely injured by freezing in minutes.

Han Shuangyue's heart was shocked, this Lin Tian moved the breath of the dragon's blood, completely crushing her ice vitality, so Lin Tian could move so unimpeded.

"This kid has at least the power of Nine Dragons, he can be called a monster. If I continue to shoot, maybe I won't be able to ask for a bargain." Han Shuangyue thought in her heart.

In fact, she was a little bit upset, because she had heard the deputy dean say that her class had come to an incredible new student.

I became curious for a while, like a test.

As a result, I got into a dilemma.

Originally, Han Shuangyue still wanted to maintain her majesty and forced Lin Tianxian to let go.

As a result, Lin Tian's big hand was on her waist, and there was a man's warm feeling, which made Han Shuangyue feel strange in her heart.

Moreover, the students onlookers everywhere made her embarrassed.

In the end, Han Shuangyue took the initiative to withdraw all the ice vitality.

Said coldly: "Don't let go?"

Lin Tian smiled and retracted his hand: "Beauty Sister, you did it first. Don't blame me."

Lin Tian still had the wonderful touch of Han Shuangyue's skin remaining in his hands, and he couldn't help but feel his heart.

But he will not show it, but a harmless appearance.

"Lin Tian, ​​I am your class instructor, so you have no respect and inferiority? Do you know that if you don't respect your instructor, you will be deducted credits." Han Shuangyue said coldly.

Lin Tian was taken aback.

Only then did I know that this hot ice beauty was actually the class instructor of Class 25.

"Hello mentor, goodbye mentor!" Lin Tian bowed quickly.

It's over, and offended the tutor on the first day of school.

Still a female mentor.

This must not be worn to death?

"Huh, I think you barely have some strength, the deputy dean is right. Tell you, I will start the 25th class training in three days, and it will not be so easy by then. You are mentally prepared." Han Shuangyue Leng Hummed.

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows, well, it turned out to be the problem caused by the vice president.

Lin Tian guessed that the Ice Raksha was appointed to wear shoes for himself, and he hummed inwardly, can I not go?

At that time, exchange credits for a practice blessed place to enter the retreat.

You can't control me, right?

However, Han Shuangyue seemed to see through Lin Tian's mind and said coldly.

"If you are late or absent, 50% of your credits will be deducted."

After finishing speaking, Han Shuangyue stepped on the high heels with the rope and walked away with long legs.

Lin Tian was a little confused, so he deducted 50% when he came up?

Did you do it on purpose?

Of course Han Shuangyue did it deliberately, she just wanted to stimulate Lin Tian.

The old students onlookers also knew the name of Han Shuangyuebing Rakshasa, and they disappeared for a while.

I was afraid that the Raksha girl would tidy up for myself.

Lin Tian looked at Han Shuangyue a little speechless.

This tutor is really stingy.

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