I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 134: Class 25 Fury

Suddenly the sound of footsteps came.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are really amazing."

A clear and sweet lark voice came.

Lin Tian was familiar, turned his head to look.

But I saw Ouyang He bounce over.

"I am already very good." Lin Tian said.

"I'm not talking about that. I said that you are the only person in the inner courtyard who has touched and hugged the Ice Rakshasa and has nothing to do." Ouyang He blinked his big eyes and chuckled.

Lin Tian rolled his eyes and said, "Touching and holding something, I was just defending, OK?"

Ouyang He pursed his lips and chuckled.

"By the way, the expressions of those old students just now were very strange, why?"

Lin Tian asked when he encountered an acquaintance.

"Because you are a student in Class 25!" Ouyang He explained.

"What happened to Class 25?"

"Class 25 is a troublesome concentration camp for the entire inner courtyard. The students inside are strong in combat, but have a weird temper and a very awkward style of behavior. Many instructors have headaches. Only the deputy peak master of the peak of punishment, Han Shuangyue, is the only one who can Suppressed," Ouyang He said.

"Which class are you in?"

Lin Tian asked casually as he walked.

"I'm in Class 2, the class led by my brother."

Ouyang He followed Lin Tian for some reason and assumed the task of being a narrator.

"Your brother's own class?" Lin Tian was surprised.

"No, it's my brother who has obtained some power from the class tutor, which has the right to recruit students. My brother is free to recruit some students. Lin Tian, ​​do you want to come to our class? I can let my brother apply."

Ouyang He said with great interest.

"What's the difference between this and setting up a class?" Lin Tian wondered.

"Of course there is a difference. Strong students like my brother and Gu Shaohan will have a higher right to speak, such as when enrolling students and when on assignments. But the overall decision-making power is still in the hands of the tutor, and the class is still The instructor is responsible." Ouyang He explained, "This avoids the many troubles of setting up classes in the past."

"This is equivalent to the squad leader." Lin Tian said.

"It's true. It's just that other monitors don't have such high power. By the way, Lin Tian, ​​are you coming to our class?" Ouyang He asked.

"Let's talk about it." Lin Tian waved his hand.

"Where are you going now?"

Ouyang He was very curious about Lin Tian, ​​and he followed all the way.

Lin Tian stopped and thought for a moment.

I wanted to report to Class 25, but I already saw my class tutor in advance, so there is no need to go.

So Lin Tian thought for a while, and decided to exchange credits first.

"Do you know where the Danfang exchange is?" Lin Tian asked, turning his head.

Ouyang He blinked his eyes and said, "In Danlou, slightly, that direction."

Lin Tian nodded and thanked him.

Then walk in the direction of Danlou.

His pill was consumed so badly that he had to replenish some.

And Lin Tian had the heart to see if there were any high-level prescriptions in Ji Ling Academy.

This is conducive to breaking through the ground-level alchemist.

Lin Tian and Ouyang He went to the Danlou one after another.

Ouyang He couldn't help but curiously asked: "I heard that you have a sea of ​​blood, right? What is it like, and what exercises? Can I talk about it?"

Ouyang He is familiar with many exercises and martial arts in the world, but he has never heard of a sea of ​​blood that can defeat one hundred.

Lin Tian said indifferently: "It's just a ground-level technique."

"How is it possible? The ground-level exercises can kill so many holy children? Everyone else is the heaven-level exercises!"

Ouyang He didn't believe this explanation and continued to ask.

"That's because they are too good at it. I didn't use all my strength." Lin Tiancheng said sincerely.

Ouyang He: "..."


You lied!

That is the saint son of Banbu Yuanzun, and a famous existence on the sky list.

As a result, when he got to Lin Tian, ​​he became a vegetable chicken, and he didn't need to use all his strength.

Ouyang He was a little depressed.

Why did Lin Tian say nothing to himself?

At this moment, the road leading to the Danlou.

Several powerful auras appeared swiftly and vigorously around him.

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows slightly.

I saw that within five meters of the surrounding area, nearly twenty people appeared in uneven levels.

"Are you Lin Tian?"

A fiery red-haired student asked arrogantly.

Lin Tian said indifferently: "It's me, what can I do?"

"I heard that you got one hundred thousand points during the assessment, and you are the strongest freshman. Very good. Today, as a senior, I will teach you the rules of Class 25! Lest you know the heights of the world!" The red-haired student proudly said.

"Meng Huo, go away. This is Lao Tzu's prey."

"Jiang Tianlou, shut up, too, this is for the new students, I have to come first anyway!"

After confirming Lin Tian's identity, the crowd suddenly quarreled on the spot.

It turned out that all the talented students from Class 25!

Lin Tian didn't panic in the face of the battle, instead he smiled and said, "So eager to find a beating?"

This sentence immediately angered the geniuses of Class 25.

"Boy, you are very tugging!"

"Don't be shit, just go to the arena with us if you have the courage! I want to see how strong you are!"

Red-haired Meng Huo sneered at Lin Tian with arms folded.

The other students have the same expression.

Class 25 is the most troublesome class in the inner courtyard, because their students are rebellious and fight endlessly with each other.

If a freshman wants to join in, it is impossible not to be ravaged by them.

In a class that didn't accept anyone, now I saw Lin Tian who dare to enroll under the strongest name.

This group of monsters from Class 25 has long been unable to control it.

"Let's go, you can go together." Lin Tian smiled.

If you have nothing to do, you can also clean up these arrogant clowns.

However, this statement completely angered the monster geniuses of Class 25.

"Good boy, I must keep you out of bed for half a year!"

"It's really lawless if I don't teach you a lesson today!"

The students in Class 25 have the same reputation as their troubles, but their strength.

Even Ouyang Breaking Ice, the second ice coffin on the top ranking list, did not dare to say that he could single out their entire class.

To provoke them is simply insulting them.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the arena? Hurry up and finish the game, I'm still busy." Lin Tian said lightly.

These words even ruined the Tianjiao of Class 25.

The crowd went to the arena in anger.

Ouyang He's eyes shone slightly, Lin Tian's character is really handsome!


In a huge valley, there is an arena area with a radius of nearly one thousand meters.

This is the arena.

It is a place where the geniuses of Jilin Academy learn from each other. Of course there are tutors to guide students.

Fighting is always the most exciting way.

He can make people break through the shackles in dangerous environments and become strong.

Therefore, it is also very popular with inner courtyard students.

In the arena, hundreds of students are already fighting each other at this moment.

There were even many mentors present.

At this time, there was a strange silence in the always lively arena.

Because it is above the highest and largest arena in the arena.

There is a freshman standing, and opposite him is the entire 25 class!

This drama is too attractive.

All the students in the arena stopped their training and gathered around.

Who doesn't know that Class 25 is rebellious and never united?

Today is so neat, letting out a murderous look on a person!

It is very rare.

"Who is that person? Why did you get into Class 25 so unlucky?"

"I heard that it is a freshman, and it is the strongest freshman!"

"The strongest freshman can't single out Class 25, right!"

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