I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 136: The brave Lin Tian

An ink-colored giant axe smashed the wind and snow, followed by a black spear!

The manifestation of snow in the world was broken by one third.

A mighty force came.

The students watching the game shook their heads.

"Lin Tian is indeed great, but now that Tomahawk Fang Tianhua and Black Dragon Spear Li Yusheng join forces, he has no chance!"

"Yeah, it's over!"

However, only heard above the ring, in the wind and snow.

Laughed proudly.

"Good job!"

Lin Tian first pulled out a giant axe out of thin air in full view.

"Strike Huashan!"

The giant axe slashed down, and it met the front of Fang Tian's tomahawk, exploding countless sparks.

At the same time, Yuanli vibrates.

Within a hundred meters, the waves rolled.

The power of the twenty dragons is endless, and the world is overwhelming!

Lin Tian's momentum is unstoppable!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sub-level martial art Xuanlong spear technique!"

The air trembled, and the sound of breaking through the air was like a roar of a beast.

Not only was the tomahawk completely repelled, but the black spear was also shot back.

The two retreated 100 meters, and they reached the edge of the ring.

Lin Tian laughed: "That's what you can do?"

The two looked at each other.

Especially Fang Tianhua of the Tomahawk, he was born tall, almost two meters tall, and a pair of tiger eyes are brilliant, but now he is repulsed by the strength of his flesh!

"This kid is physically strong, let's go together!"

Fang Tianhua shouted.

Black Dragon Spear Li Yusheng also nodded calmly, and followed Fang Tianhua with a Xuanlong Spear in his hand.

Lin Tian's eyes flickered: "I won't bully you anymore!"

Everyone in the audience was discolored.

Damn it, are you still bullying?

It's too big!

However, Lin Tian received the giant axe and took out a Red Flame spear.

The spear flicked like a fire dragon roaring.

"Fuck, this is a spiritual weapon of the ground step!"

"Mad, how many spirit weapons and martial arts did Lin Tian show?"

"How rich is this!"

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

The people on the stage were even more shocked.

"Xuanlong goes to sea!"

Lin Tian Lieyan spear summoned a black raptor out of thin air, roaring Cao two people to kill.

Li Yusheng's complexion changed wildly, how could this guy know his own martial arts!

However, the next moment, he couldn't help thinking too much.

Lin Tianxian's profound dragon went out to sea, far stronger than his.

Not only did he easily break his spear move, but even repelled Fang Tianhua.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 35000 points!"


This time Lin Tian was no longer polite, dancing with flames and spears, chasing after victory.

"Flaming Dragon Spear!"

The fire dragon roars, irresistible!

Fang Tianhua and Li Yusheng's body guards shattered, and the spiritual weapon in their hands was released again.

He was bombed out without any resistance.

At this time, Lin Tian stalked the ground with a long spear, as if the **** of war was awe-inspiring.

5 people from Class 25 have left!

At this time, the remaining students finally broke through the obstacles of snow in the world.

The first scene I saw was that Lin Tian was like a **** of war, fighting Fang Tianhua and Li Yusheng out of the ring.

"Go together!"

The remaining students also noticed that Meng Huo, Huo Mingyue and others on the ground were not looking good.

With a shout, Class 25 was so united for the first time.

Everyone rushed.

Lin Tian turned around and smiled without fear.

"Town boundary monument!"

"Hold the mountain in your arms!"

The huge Lingshan was suppressed and the offensive of Class 25 was hindered.

Then it became Lin Tian's solo show above the ring.

He summoned countless spiritual weapons in a chaotic manner, and performed countless martial arts at the same time, all reaching the realm of manifestation!

The vitality fluctuated abruptly, rolling up a terrifying storm within a hundred meters.

Just a stick of incense time.

On the ring, there is no one in Class 25.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 20000 power points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the Dragon Roar skill of the lower-ranking technique."

"Ding! Congratulations..."

The snowy blizzard slowly disappeared.

The vitality storm also gradually ceased.

Lin Tian stood proudly on the stage and slowly put a pair of hammers into the storage ring.

The audience was completely stupid.

Today's battle completely broke through their cognition.

Whether it is freshmen enrolling, one person picks up 25 classes.

It was Lin Tiantian's omnipotent fighting style.

Knives, swords, sticks, axes and hammers!

Obviously, Lin Tian pressed them to the ground and rubbed them alive in the strongest field for everyone in Class 25.

This is more terrifying than a simple victory!

This is so special, it's a monster!

"What's wrong with this?"

The onlookers questioned the soul.

When Lin Tian heard this, he turned his head to look, grinned, and smiled with eight white teeth.

"Will not lose."

Everyone: "Puff!"

It's just to vomit blood, is this Lin Tian so proud?

The crowd outside the ring was in an uproar.

Ouyang He couldn't help but cover his small mouth slightly, his bright eyes opened wide, really shocked.

Although he knew Lin Tian's combat effectiveness was extraordinary when he was in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm.

But at that time, it was Yuanzun's blood shadow who was not aware of fighting, but it was of little reference value.

And now, Lin Tian is dealing with class 25 people.

That is practically and practically the opponent's best way to completely defeat them.

These 25 classes are all monsters, very good at fighting!

However, they all lost to Lin Tian!

One can imagine how powerful Lin Tian's talent and combat effectiveness are.

Perhaps, this will be an unprecedented genius, maybe it will create the history of Jilin Academy.

Some prestigious old students have the same thoughts as Ouyang He at this moment.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so amazing!"

Seeing Lin Tian's breath receding, Ouyang He greeted him happily.

Lin Tian curled his lips: "It's just a bunch of chickens."

The old students around were darkened.

Damn it, these 25 classes are a group of chickens, so what are we?

Pure vegetables?

If it weren't for Lin Tian, ​​they would all have to rush up and slap Lin Tian.

Let you pretend!

Let you pretend to be forced in front of the Flower of Extreme Spirit!

As the little princess of the Ouyang family, Ouyang He is naturally gifted and beautiful, and she is also a well-deserved garden flower in Ji Ling Academy.

Only the sage of Tianlanzong Yulan can be compared.

But now Yulan quit school, Ouyang He is the well-deserved flower of the extreme spirit.

Ouyang He couldn't help but say something fair: "They are quite strong."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "What is strong, what is strong, a dish of scattered sand, a mob, good food."

Lin Tian couldn't help but vomit: "I don't know which Ice Raksha taught how to teach it. At first glance, he is not a serious teacher."

Ouyang He: "......"

All the students: "......"



Lin Tian, ​​how dare you!

I'm not afraid that the ice Rakshasa will clean up you!

The old students couldn't help but complain: "I dare not say whether Lin Tian is the strongest, but he is definitely the bravest student!"

The instructors also had weird faces, and they did not dare to provoke Han Shuangyue.

Suddenly a student who didn't take Han Shuangyue seriously appeared, but it was really surprising.

"This kid, maybe he hasn't suffered enough from Han Shuangyue's lesson." A tutor couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hmph, disrespect to the tutor, I don't think this guy has any future." Another male tutor snorted coldly.

Everyone talked about Lin Tian's remarks.

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