I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 137: Too arrogant

Ouyang He was shocked for a while, but also dumbfounded for a while, and at the same time became more curious about Lin Tian.

What kind of man is this?

"By the way, how many credits does it take to form a class?" Lin Tian asked suddenly.

"The qualification for formation is 100,000 credits. What do you want to do? You don't want to form one yourself, do you?" Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian suspiciously.

Lin Tian squeezed his chin: "This group of classmates are so good, why can't I form one?"

Ouyang He really took a breath of breath.

Over the years, Ji Ling Academy has indeed had many students forming classes.

But has anyone seen a freshman who just entered the class set up a class?

there has never been!

"Then you have to recruit students and tutors. Even if it spends the least, it will be less than 200,000 credits! Lin Tian, ​​I advise you to think about it. If you don’t like Class 25, I can help you apply to us. Ban." Ouyang He seriously persuaded Lin Tian at the beginning, and suddenly his eyes sparkled after speaking.

"It always feels like you are plotting against me." Lin Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Where is it? This is mutual help among students!" Ouyang He smiled.

In fact, her idea of ​​wooing Lin Tian was very simple. If she were in a class, wouldn't she be able to study Lin Tian every day?

In Ouyang He's eyes, Lin Tian is the most interesting puzzle in North Bing Lingzhou.

She couldn't help but indulge in it.

"Come on, let's go to the Danlou first." Lin Tian looked at the shrewdness and joy on Ouyang He's little face, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Although this girl will not harm herself, she will definitely calculate herself.

Just when the two were preparing to leave in the eyes of the students and tutors in the arena.

Suddenly remembered a round of applause.

"Lin Tian, ​​it's terrible. You just entered the inner courtyard and you were so sloppy. You won't be able to go to heaven in the future?"

Zhang Yuxuan walked out of the crowd with a group of people, watching Lin Tian sneer.

Behind him were ten gorgeously dressed students, all of them arrogant.

"It's Zhang Yuxuan, the young master of the Blizzard City Alchemy Guild!"

"I heard that Zhang Yuxuan's spirit sea has entered the Haiyuan realm, and he is now a half-step alchemist!"

"Awesome, so Zhang Yuxuan is the representative of the alchemy of the Extreme Spirit Academy in this competition?"

"That's for sure!"

The students in the inner courtyard were talking.

He cast an enviable look at Zhang Yuxuan.

There is no other reason, a half-step alchemy master, or the young master of the alchemy union, this is definitely something that deserves envy and respect.

It's just that the students don't know what Zhang Yuxuan and Lin Tian are wrong.

"Lin Tian, ​​let me tell you, don't think that you can be arrogant in the ice dragon secret realm, and you can also be arrogant here. Tell you, this is the Extreme Spirit Academy, and there are countless geniuses! You are just a small city young master, so proud!"

Zhang Yuxuan's resentment towards Lin Tian was not even slight.

After all, his gains from entering the ice dragon secret realm were cheaper than Lin Tian, ​​just like Yuanzun's blood shadow did not get much points.

In the end, they defected to Ying Xingwei's team on Xuanwu Island and managed to survive until the end of the assessment.

Lin Tian glanced at Zhang Yuxuan, disdainfully.

"If you have something to say, it's okay to get out."

Zhang Yuxuan's face flushed red, and Lin Tian didn't give him any face!

Especially in front of Ouyang He!

How can Zhang Yuxuan stand this?

"Presumptuous! Who beat Lin Tian this guy to me, I will give him five and a half-step top-grade pill every month! I choose the pill myself, and I will come out the medicinal materials!" Zhang Yuxuan shouted.

The surrounding students moved instantly.

Fuck, half-step high-quality medicine, or choose by yourself at no cost!

This is so much blood!

You must know that the mission of the inner courtyard is always dangerous, and the elixir is indispensable, but the exchange of the elixir is very expensive. Many students are right, but if it is impossible to achieve.

Now, there is a chance!

The classmates commotion.

Lin Tian hehe smiled: "Just the pill-breaking medicines you refined, aren't you sending them out to smash the signs of the Pill Refining Union?"

Everyone was shocked and uproar.

Lin Tian is too arrogant, right?

How dare he say that the pill made by the young master of the Alchemy Guild is not good?

Zhang Yuxuan was furious and roared: "Ten a month! Who will go!"


The veterans in the arena were all moved and one step forward.

There are almost hundreds of people.

Class 25, who was recuperating and resting on the side, turned green when seeing the battle.

"I, Nima, thought this kid was arrogant enough, I didn't expect me to underestimate him!" Meng Huo said pale.

One person provokes a hundred people, this is simply scary.

Ouyang He's complexion changed slightly, and he stood up and said displeasedly: "Why, do you want to bully the less?"

The old students in the inner courtyard couldn't help but become embarrassed.

To be honest, they were thinking of the pill and moved forward excitedly.

Who knows that everyone has the same idea.

Zhang Yuxuan saw Ouyang He stand up and looked at Ouyang He's pretty face, his eyes couldn't help but admiration.

He coughed deliberately, and said generously: "Since Miss Ouyang speaks, I don't want to be embarrassed by this guy. Only twenty people are needed!"

However, Lin Tian smiled and said, "No, I don't have time to play with you."

Zhang Yuxuan's eyes lit up: "Are you afraid? Apologize to me if you are afraid!"

Lin Tian said hehe.

"I mean, you guys go together, don't waste my time."

Ouyang He opened his mouth slightly and couldn't believe it.

There are at least hundreds of students here!

"Lin Tian are you crazy?" Ouyang He couldn't help but pulled Lin Tian, ​​"Almost all those who like to stay in the arena are masters in the middle and late stages of Yuan generals!"

"It's okay, it's all vegetables in my eyes." Lin Tian didn't care.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are looking for death!" Zhang Yuxuan snorted coldly.

The old students in the field were also angry.

Damn it, your kid is bigger than pretending!

You are done!

A dozen grumpy old students immediately jumped onto the ring and shouted to Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​don't just talk about it, let's talk about it!"

Lin Tian raised his brows and smiled.

Actually went to the ring without fear.

After that, more than a hundred old students from the inner courtyard followed suit.

"The kid has a kind, don't cry later!"

"You are arrogant, don't blame us for being impolite!"

There are still many old students in the audience, and it is a pity to watch the ring.

The reaction was slow just now and I didn't squeeze it up. There was one less chance to earn a pill!

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Tian's fate must be extremely miserable.

The students in Class 25 looked at each other in disbelief.

Meng Huo murmured: "Fuck, I still underestimated him."

Jiang Tianlou, the blood-clothed mad knife, also looked shocked: "This kid is too mad than me."

The other 25 students also smiled bitterly at each other.

Standing on the stage, Lin Tian was not afraid to see the hundreds of old students opposite.

And smiled calmly: "Are you ready?"

The old man is anxious, this kid is so crazy!

The momentum of more than a hundred old students began to urge, vigorously vibrating, and the momentum was extremely scary.

But Lin Tian alone seemed to be facing the roaring waves.

He smiled and remained unmoved.

Too calm.

But Ouyang He was worried underneath. Is Lin Tian too reckless?

Ouyang He hurriedly used the secret technique to contact his brother, and finally met an interesting guy, should he keep him alright?

When Ouyang Breaking the Ice heard that Lin Tian was planning to beat one hundred against one hundred in the arena, he rushed over without saying a word.

In terms of curiosity about Lin Tian, ​​the two brothers and sisters are on the same level.

At this time the instructors of the arena couldn't help but change their colors.

Does this kid really plan to fight a hundred?

Too arrogant, right?

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