I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 140: Ice Soul Essence Pill

The blue-robed old man has been guarding this fourth floor for a long time.

Almost except for the Blizzard of the Alchemy Guild, he said that Yu Xuan would come to occasionally take a look at the tiered alchemy. He had never seen other students come.

And even Zhang Yuxuan was watching carefully.

Where is it like Lin Tian, ​​watching the flowers.

It seems that these tiered alchemy recipes are a little insignificant.

Lin Tian looked at the blue-robed old man: "There is no ground-level pill on the third floor."

The blue-robed old man raised his eyebrows: "Are you very strange, new life?"




"What level?"

"No wonder, young people, it's okay to be arrogant, but you also have to respect knowledge. You can see the essence of that earth-level pill in this way? I think you can't understand it, right?"

The blue-robed old man stopped Lin Tian's words and immediately understood, and began to persuade.

He has seen a lot of genius alchemists.

They were all very arrogant when they first entered the Ji Ling Academy, always thinking that they are great, and they are rare for thousands of years.

The first thing to do when you arrive at the Danlou is to wait for all the Danfangs of the ground steps to be packed and taken away.

But what?

Later, didn't these students also honestly study Xuanjie Pills?

Even Master Xuanjie can't practice the pill, and he is still here for grandstanding?

In the eyes of the blue-robed old man, Lin Tian was almost such a person.

At this time, Lin Tian had just taken down a 50,000-credit tiered pill, hesitating to exchange it.

Only by redeeming can you see the specific content of the Dan Fang.

This is also a rare pill for spiritual power.

And it still has a strong buff effect on ice attributes.

It is called the Ice Soul Essence Pill, the middle rank.

It just so happened that Lin Tian came to the Thousand-Star Illusion Butterfly Grass in the Secret Realm of the Ice Dragon, which itself was the best material for refining spiritual pills.

The blue-robed old man saw that Lin Tian had taken the Ice Soul Essence Pill, he sneered, and he was extremely dissatisfied: "Young man, I advise you to put it back. Genius is one thing, but it is the most important thing to recognize yourself. This pill, you can't!"

The words of the blue-robed old man were already rude.

His evaluation of Lin Tian fell again and again.

I thought it was just as usual, some overconfident new students.

I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Even if you look at the ground-level pill, you have chosen a spirit sea pill that is very difficult to refine.

Are you kidding me here?

Looking at the Ji Ling Academy, basically no instructor can refine the Ice Soul Essence Pill!

Even if it is barely refined, it is refined, and even excellent quality can not be touched!

How can a brat pop up now, dare to have ideas about the ice soul essence pill?

Lin Tian is a little dissatisfied: "You can't, your whole family can't."

How can a man be said no?

The blue-robed old man blew his beard and stared.

This kid is pretty handsome!

"Which class are you in?" The blue-robed old man asked displeasedly.

"What's up with you? I think Danfang is getting in your way?" Lin Tian said uncomfortably.

"Hehe, look at it, do you have credits for change? This is 50,000 credits! If you don't have credits, but the Danfang is destroyed, don't blame me for remembering a big mistake!" The Lan Pao old man said coldly.

Lin Tian took out the jade card and threw it over.

"Even if I don't? See it for yourself."

The blue-robed old man sneered, how many credits can you get as a freshman?

What is great is to perform well in the assessment, and there are only one or two thousand rewards from instructors!

However, the blue-robed old man brushed away Lin Tian's identity jade card information.

The chin is about to fall to the ground.

"Fuck! One hundred thousand credits?"

"You, what did you do?"

The eyes of the blue-robed old man protruded.

Lin Tian took the pill of Ice Soul Essence Pill and walked over, put it on the counter, and took the jade pendant back in his hand. Hehe smiled and said, "What's your business?"

The blue-robed old man was choked hard.

But there is nothing he can do if he is upset.

In any case, one hundred thousand credits have never been admitted.

Called a monster.

"Are you really going to exchange this?" the blue-robed old man asked with a cough.

Lin Tian hasn't spoken yet.

The blue-robed old man sighed coldly: "I know you are extraordinary, but I have to tell you that not everyone can refine the spirit sea pill. You have to inject your own spiritual power into this level. Maybe, the pill will destroy people. stupid."

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows: "I am not an ordinary person."

The blue-robed old man vomited blood angrily, so I don't even listen to it, right?

Then the blue-robed old man sneered: "Yes, you have to prove that you have the ability to refine this pill!"

Lin Tian asked strangely: "Is there any exchange rule?"

The blue-robed old man sneered: "I just added it."

"I'll go, you avenge your personal revenge!"

The blue-robed old man directly put away the pill of the ice soul essence pill, "As long as you have the ability, I will exchange it for you."

"Sure, how do you prove it? Do you want to refine a pot of pill now?" Lin Tian didn't care.

The blue robe old man was upset.

What do you think it is to make a pot of medicine?

The blue-robed old man took out another pill and pushed it over and said, "If you can refine this profound stage top-grade Sky Soul Pill to the quality of a master, I think you are qualified."

Watching Lin Tian take the pill of Tianpo Pill.

The blue-robed old man sneered in his heart.

Your kid wants to practice this, dream!

The soul pill of this day is not the best of the mysterious order at all, but a solid earth-level pill.

And it is very difficult to refine the pill that breaks the shackles of the flesh.

It should be understood that there are not many people who practice physical cultivation, except for those who have the power of blood in the Ten Thousand Beast Lingzhou, almost other states rarely follow the path of physical cultivation.

At the same time, the road to physical training is also very difficult.

Originally, monsters and spirit beasts surpassed human beings physically, because they were born with the power of blood.

However, it is difficult for humans to have.

Therefore, the breakthrough of human body training, except for luck and the power of the blood, the rest can only rely on the pill to break through the shackles.

Tianpu Pill is an indispensable pill for Yuanshi's peak physical training to break through Yuan generals.

The pill must be used to replace the power of blood.

The difficulties can be imagined.

The blue-robed old man deliberately made things difficult for Lin Tian.

Let this guy suffer.

And the quality of a master must be a very genius to refine it.

Even Zhang Yuxuan, when refining other pill, the strongest is no master.

So even if Lin Tian blind cat ran into a dead mouse and made a Tianpo Pill, its quality would never exceed excellent.

Thinking of this, the blue-robed old man felt complacent.

Let your kid be innocent.

However, Lin Tian looked at the Danfang and asked, "You provide all the materials, right?"

"Naturally. Give you three materials, you only need to refine a master-quality Tianpo Dan." The blue robe old man nodded.

"All right, let's go." Lin Tian said.

The blue-robed old man was stunned for a moment. Why is this different from what he thought?

This kid has no fear.

Do you really don't know the Sky Soul Pill at all, or have you refined it so you are not afraid?

The blue-robed old man couldn't help asking: "Have you ever refined the Heaven Soul Pill?"

Lin Tian shook his head: "No."

The blue-robed old man couldn't help asking again: "Have you refined an earth-level pill?"


The blue robe old man is speechless.

You haven't refined anything, so what kind of big tail wolf is installed here?

"Hey, are you going to train for me?"

"Did you follow me up to the fifth floor!"

The blue-robed old man was so angry that he did not compare with Lin Tianduo.

This kid is typically unclean.

When the blue-robed old man led Lin Tian into the alchemy room on the fifth floor.

Ushered in a curious look.

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