I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 141: Refining Celestial Pill

"Isn't this Elder Zhou? How did he bring people up? Is it his relative?"

"Didn't it mean that Elder Zhou has no relatives? And this kid has a face, Xinsheng?"

"Who is this guy? Elder Zhou didn't even take the initiative to bring Zhang Yuxuan!"

Everyone guessed.

Elder Zhou has found a pill furnace for Lin Tian.

And arrange all the required medicinal materials.

With a straight face, he said, "Give you three hours."

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows: "Where does it take so long?"

Zhou elder smiled angrily: "You just pretend to me, I don't think you can get it out then, you have to pay for my medicine!"

Lin Tian smiled and sat cross-legged in front of the alchemy furnace, sitting in front of the alchemy preparations.

Lin Tian actually knew that Elder Zhou was targeting him.

This Tianpo Pill, he could tell from the medicinal materials that it was definitely not a profound-level pill, but a solid earth-level pill.

Moreover, the refining of pills is also very environmentally friendly.

The more advanced the elixir, the better you need a quiet place.

This elder Zhou directly placed himself in the hall.

Obviously not at ease.

Maybe I still want to wait for myself to fail and let everyone laugh at myself.

Sure enough, the students on the side asked.

"Elder Zhou, who is this? What pill you want to make, you have to keep it with you."

"Yes, this is too great to enjoy, right?"

Elder Zhou sneered: "A new student who thought he was great, said he wanted to refine a master-quality Tianpu Dan, and he wanted to exchange it for an ice soul essence pill!"

When the students heard it, they were all in an uproar.

Many students stopped their work and gathered around.

Great emotion.

"Who is this kid too crazy, right?"

"Zhang Yuxuan dare not say that he can refine a master-quality Tianpu Pill, is he also worthy?"

"Hey, why do you think of the Ice Soul Essence Pill! Why not go to heaven?"

"I see what to do if he fails the practice later!"

Everyone despised Lin Tian.

Lin Tian has entered the realm of nothing outside of his heart.

Since Spirit Sea upgraded to Haiyuan realm.

He will be able to enter the empty state more easily.

Discussions from outsiders seem to him like nothing.

At this moment, Lin Tian's mental power was wrapped in a two-meter range around him.

In his world, only himself and Yiding Pill Furnace.

Make a fire, configure medicinal materials, prepare alchemy...

Elder Zhou noticed Lin Tian's mental power.

Suddenly surprised.

What a kid, he deserves to be admitted with 100,000 credits.

The spiritual power has reached the realm of Haiyuan.

There are not many students in the Haiyuan realm among the students in the inner courtyard. Even geniuses such as Su Xingyuan are only the pinnacle of the Tongyuan realm.

Among the alchemists, Zhang Yuxuan was only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty.

At such a young age, he reached the realm of Haiyuan, and one can imagine what an enchanting evildoer he is, and he can be called the number one student in the inner courtyard.

Of course, this is a comparison except Ouyang Breaking the Ice.

Because Ouyang Breaking the Ice is so different, he is only in his twenties, and he is already the spiritual sea at the peak of the Haiyuan realm.

Even if it were not for the shackles of the physical body, he would most likely break through to the realm of the domain element.

In addition to being helpful to the cultivator in combat, whether the mental power is strong or not is actually very influential for alchemy.

It's just that the cultivation of mental power is really difficult, not as easy to break through as realm cultivation.

This is also the reason why mental power pills are difficult to refine and rare.

If the kid in front of him is not too proud, he is indeed a good seedling in the eyes of Elder Zhou.

Now Elder Zhou is determined to teach Lin Tian a lesson.

When Lin Tian made alchemy.

Below the Danlou, Ouyang He, who finally got rid of his brother, rushed to the Danlou.

Actually, I didn't ask Ouyang to break the ice.

Instead, the old Fengxue ghost, who has rarely seen his whereabouts, appeared in the arena.

Ouyang Breaking the Ice leaned in automatically.

Needless to say, how attractive is the relationship between No. 1 and No. 2?

Now the students in the arena are still looking forward to an amazing battle between Fengxue Old Ghost and Ouyang Breaking the Ice.

If you really come, it would be too lively today.

Before, Lin Tian, ​​the strongest freshman, swept hundreds of old students, and then there was a fierce battle between the top and second in the top ranking.

This is a big topic!

It’s just a big topic that everyone is interested in, Ouyang He is not interested.

She took the opportunity to slip away.

After all, now she is most interested in Lin Tian.

The old man Tsing Yi looked at Ouyang He, smiled and put down the book: "Why is the little princess here?"

The old man in Tsing Yi was named Ouyang Qing, one of the elders of the Ouyang family, but he served in the Ji Ling Academy.

"Grandpa Qing, have you seen a guy named Lin Tian?" Ouyang He blinked his eyes and asked.

"There is a little guy named Lin Tian who has already gone upstairs." Ouyang Qing replied slowly, "Why, do you know him?"

"Of course, this guy is interesting!" Ouyang He said with bright eyes.

"How interesting? Tell Grandpa Qing?" Ouyang Qing asked when he became interested.

In fact, he wasn't particularly interested in Lin Tian, ​​but just petting Ouyang He.

When Ouyang He heard that Grandpa Qing was interested, he was immediately happier, and explained Lin Tian's affairs with a bamboo tube.

At the beginning, Ouyang Qing, who just did what he wanted, gave Ouyang He a channel to talk, and the more he listened, the more he opened his eyes.

I can't believe it.

"Go, this kid is upstairs, let's go together!"

Ouyang Qingshu didn't read it, nor did he guard the first floor of the Danlou, so he pulled Ouyang He upstairs.

According to what Ouyang He said, Lin Tian is a monster!

When Ouyang He and Ouyang Qing arrived on the fifth floor.

Just in time, Lin Tian finished his alchemy.

Take out a pill of perfect roundness.

Only a faint fragrant pill lingered.

This Danxiang!

Ouyang Qing's eyes shone brightly, this kind of pill fragrance is definitely the highest quality pill fragrance!

Moreover, he is proficient in alchemy and is already an alchemist in the late stage of the earth.

It was immediately judged that what Lin Tian refined was a very difficult Tianpo Pill.

Still ground level!

Tier Tianpo Pill, the ultimate quality!


Ouyang Qing took a breath, what kind of monster is this kid?

But at this time, the students couldn't judge how good Lin Tian was.

They only knew that Lin Tian's Danxiang was too weak, so weak.

In their common sense, the pill that the pill incense is not obvious is basically a waste pill.

Because they couldn't distinguish the true essence of this Danxiang.

When an elixir breaks through to the extreme, the pill fragrance is not very strong, and after a pill reaches perfection, there is no pill fragrance at all!

All pill incense will be included in the pill!

They happily watched Lin Tian take out a pill that was as perfect as a natural pill.

Have complained.

"Oh, this kid actually got it. I don't know what quality it is?"

"What's the quality, Danxiang is so weak, it looks ordinary at first sight!"

"Hahaha, this arrogant kid will be taught by Elder Zhou!"

However, at this moment, Elder Zhou's complexion was not very good, and his eyes were shocked.

This kid actually did it?

And this Danxiang, is it the ultimate quality?

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