I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 150: Training tower

Lin Tian will not give it to others easily, because it will not be cherished by others.

Therefore, come up with a condition, which is naturally good.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you running? I didn't see that we were all looking for you." Ouyang He came from a distance.

Lin Tian was taken aback, and said casually: "What do you want me for?"

"Hmph, of course I am looking for you to play, do you think we are also looking for you for a pill?"

"Oh, yes. Anyway, I am not familiar with this Extreme Spirit Academy. You take me to stroll around."

Lin Tian didn't plan to go back right away, and it was fine to go back.

The increase in his strength comes from the rapid increase in the skill points.

Therefore, he needs someone to fight.

Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes glowing, as if thinking of a fun place.

"Training tower! Where will I take you to play."


Training tower? It sounds like a tall place.

Lin Tian was slightly curious, it should be a good place for cultivation.

Now, when he thinks of his wife, Yulan is still waiting for herself in Tianlanzong, and Meng Yanran is also waiting for herself.

Lin Tian could feel that his strength was not enough.

Otherwise, the mountains and rivers will fall apart with a wave of hands.

The two moved quickly in the academy and rushed to the training tower.

Within a few minutes, Lin Tian and Ouyang He came to the training tower.

The training tower piercing the sky looks majestic and majestic.

I saw a group of figures coming in and out of the training tower, and they all had a good breath.

"This tower has ten floors. Let's start with the first floor."

"Well, is there anything magical about this tower?" Lin Tian was slightly surprised, the tower in front of him, in his opinion, should be ordinary.

However, listening to Ouyang He's words seems to be fun.

"Hey, you don't know it, there is actually a gravitational levitation magnetic field inside, which can make you exercise the strength of your body."

Lin Tian seemed to understand or not, guessing that this estimation was based on the force of gravity.

"Go, go in and take a look."

"Ah! Have you seen it, it's that person again!"

"Yeah! Why is he getting involved with the little princess of Ouyang's family, this..."

When a group of people saw Lin Tian, ​​their expressions were full of fear, as if Lin Tian would eat them.

But it is understandable, after all, Lin Tian's performance was too terrifying.

Entering the training tower, a strong wave of energy came.

"Huh? So strong."

Lin Tian sighed slightly, the energy of this place made him a little excited.

"Go, I'll take you in and try."

A private room can accommodate one person or several people.

Among them is the training place of Ji Ling Academy.

Enter it, after all, a generous place.

"I'm going! Two-dimensional space."

Lin Tian was slightly startled, the size of the place in front of him was not visible outside.

As soon as I entered, I saw a huge training ground.

Among them are huge iron stones and stretching exercisers.

"There is a very powerful force in it. Once you enter and want to go further, you can only persevere, which will test people's will."

Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian, ​​he seemed curious about the scene before him.

"Okay, I will try."

Lin Tian walked towards the training ground lightly.

Ouyang He snickered in the back, and Lin Tian, ​​who went in for the first time, probably wouldn't adapt.

So she suspected that she would fall, so Ouyang He was very happy.

Walking into the training ground, a sense of gravity came crazy.


Lin Tian was a little caught off guard, feeling something pulling his body.

Sure enough, there is universal gravitation!

In response, Lin Tian's operating power blocked this power.

As a result, the stronger he was, the stronger the gravity gathered around him.

How surprised Lin Tian is so strange?

Ouyang He suddenly smiled and leaned back, and said: "Cack, don't use your strength, you must move forward purely physically."

"Ding! Check that the host's arm is injured, which consumes 1000 power points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's ankle is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair!"


The power was consumed frantically, and Lin Tian's face turned black.

What kind of training ground is this training ground introduced by Ouyang He? This is ruthlessly devouring his power.

"Haha, Lin Tian, ​​you need to give up your whole body resistance before you can move forward, otherwise the more you resist, the stronger the gravity here, and it will be accompanied by damage."

Ouyang He immediately reminded Lin Tian that he wanted to scold his mother a little bit.

Although he was upset, he immediately gave up all his strength.

The oppression of power immediately reduced a lot.


Breathing out slightly, Lin Tian began to move forward.

The more he walked forward, the more he felt his body was moving forward with weight.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


A systematic reminder sound surprised Lin Tian.

How is this going? Is this also a human attack?

After a few steps forward, Lin Tian felt more and more pressure.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Once again, the system prompt sounded.

I know!

Lin Tian's eyes lit up and he discovered a secret.

In the training ground, although no one attacked.

However, many times of gravity stacking will cause damage to the body, so it will still be transformed into practice points.

After that, wouldn't it be here for a walk.

Immediately, the point of the exercise method is to come without money.

Next, under Ouyang He's surprised eyes, Lin Tian went faster and faster, getting more and more excited.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


The prompt sounds made Lin Tian painful and happy.

The crazy prompt sound made him very happy.

Coming from the force of gravity, it feels difficult to walk step by step.

And the front, soon came to the end.

"Congratulations on passing the first layer of magnetic field training and rewarding one thousand credits."

A voice rang in the training ground, and Lin Tian's jade card flashed, instantly adding a thousand points.

Just add points if you pull so much!

Lin Tian looked up, and didn't realize who it was in secret?

The iron-black tower top, I don't know who it is in the dark?

"Lin Tian, ​​you broke the record. In five minutes and thirty seconds, you passed the first floor directly!"

Ouyang He in the distance looked at Lin Tian with excitement, his voice excited.

At the same time, he felt that Lin Tian was too terrifying, the first time he came, he was so terrible.

Know that when someone comes for the first time, they usually have no way to act.

Otherwise, just fall directly on top of the oppressed.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​he passed directly.

This sounds a bit scary.

Lin Tian came out of the passage and came to Ouyang He.

"Is this difficult?" Lin Tian said with a calm expression.

Ouyang He's face turned dark, still remembering her first visit and it took two hours to finish.

"Do you know that you broke the record?" Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian happily.

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