I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 151: New record

Broke the record? Lin Tian smiled casually.

"Is this record like this? Who was the number one before?"

"Ouyang breaks the ice, seven minutes and twenty seconds."

Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian strangely, this guy was just like his cold elder brother.

It seems to be a perverted existence.

Ouyang broke the ice, still challenging.

"Okay, let's go to the next floor. It doesn't seem to be a big challenge here." Lin Tian said casually.

Ouyang He was speechless for a while, this guy was really arrogant, he felt addicted to challenges. There is an urge to stay away from him.

The two came out, and the people outside had gathered together.

The crowd gathered around a bulletin board.

"Lin Tian, ​​five minutes and thirty seconds! What kind of monster is this!"

"It's him again, I know this person, Demon Lin Tian, ​​Saint Killer!"

"This is the one among the freshmen who gets 100,000 credits as soon as they come in! It's too much."

A group of people were amazed.

Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian, ​​this guy still looked indifferent.

He still seemed dissatisfied with the situation in front of him.

"Let's go to the second floor."

The two of them headed upstairs at this time.

"By the way, can I get more credits by passing these layers?" Lin Tian looked at Ouyang He with interest.

Ouyang He nodded and said, "Yes, in this training tower, as long as you pass the training ground, credits will be awarded."

"The more you pass, the more rewards, of course, the higher the better. If you pass the same level once, unless you break the previous record, the credit reward will be halved.


This is not unfair to yourself.

He broke the record by using it. If he still wants to take credits on the first floor, he can only go faster.

Lin Tian's mind flashed, and suddenly thought of a way.

In this magnetic field, it is testing the body's endurance, and then stimulates the body's potential.

An upward staircase, as soon as one enters, it goes upward.

This is equivalent to an elevator, but it is controlled by force.

Entering the second floor, a stronger breath of gravity.

"Well, not bad, I like this layer." Lin Tian said with satisfaction.

Ouyang He next to him doesn't know what to say?

Others practiced their hands on the first floor, but Lin Tian was good, and came to the second floor for the first time.

Obviously, there are a lot fewer people on the second floor.

The two found a training ground at random and went directly in.

As soon as Lin Tian entered, he couldn't wait to enter.

Compressed by a force, Lin Tian felt sour and refreshed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

The speed at which the practice points were obtained was even faster, which made Lin Tian excited.

The second floor is so fast, the three floors, four floors and five floors. Thinking of this, Lin Tian's heart is even more excited.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


This is simply an important place for unlimited production points.

"Is this a pervert? Enchanting!"

Ouyang He watched Lin Tian move quickly in this training ground, feeling extremely scary.

Others use walking, and some still use climbing. As a result, Lin Tian walked quickly and got close to running.

This is difficult for Ouyang He, and for Lin Tian, ​​it is a treasure.

In the exchange shop, there are still many things that Lin Tian cannot exchange.

Therefore, he now wants to earn more power points.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Reminded one after another, although Lin Tian was exhausted, he was excited in spirit.


With a heavy breath, Lin Tian was sweaty all over.

The pressure on the body made him very tired.

"Congratulations on passing the second tier and rewarding two thousand credits!"

The sound of the training tower sounded, and then the jade card was lit, and the two thousand credits went directly to Lin Tianqing's card.

I go! Only two thousand, this is really...

Lin Tian was upset, he was so tired that he was only two thousand.

It seems that earning credits is unrealistic here, after all, it is just that.

Finally, Lin Tian understood why it was so surprising that he rewarded himself with 100,000 credits when he came in.

At Ji Ling Academy, credits are really difficult to get.

"It's challenging, I like it." Lin Tian said secretly.

Leaving the passageway, Lin Tian came to Ouyang He.

"Are you a pervert? Ten forty seconds!"


How can you describe him this way?

"People are too good, I can't help it."

Lin Tian's expression of modesty, although his heart is much more refreshed.

He came here purely for the purpose of training. As for the record not to record, he seems to have no idea at all.

After checking it, Lin Tian found that he had more than two million points of cultivation technique.

It seems that this time you can change a good thing.

Feeling happy, Lin Tian showed nothing on the surface.

But outside, it has already exploded.

"It's Lin Tian again, the record for the second-story tower has been refreshed again!"

"Is this demon a machine? He just broke the record on the first floor."

Unbelievable, a group of people can't believe it, Lin Tian is too terrible.

In just one hour, a two-tier record was refreshed.

However, they did not expect that Lin Tian at this time had already appeared on the third floor.

"Are you sure you want to continue? Why don't you just practice here today and come back tomorrow." Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian suspiciously.

I can't stand it for two consecutive floors.

But Ouyang He found that he was wrong.

Lin Tian in front of him could not be understood with normal human thoughts at all.

"It's okay, I'll try it."

Although he was exhausted, Lin Tian was still thinking about the practice points.

"Well, you do what you can." Ouyang He could only watch Lin Tian walk into the training ground.

She was already unable to express her horror.

It’s the first time you come in, go through the third floor and set the second floor record.

Now, with the third-tier record, Ouyang He couldn't help thinking of the ranking list.

"Old Fengxue Ghost, fifteen minutes and three seconds, I don't know if this guy can refresh." Ouyang He felt that he couldn't look at Lin Tian with normal eyes.

The second floor was also Ouyang's ice-breaking record, but it was set again by Lin Tian.

"I'm here, practice point!"

Lin Tiantian's surprise for a while, then went crazy forward.

The speed was so fast, Lin Tian went crazy directly and used running.

The faster, the stronger the gravity.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


Lin Tian was happy for a while, and if this continues, I believe it won't be long before it won't be a problem to break three million.

This gravity field is really a good place, equivalent to a bunch of masters besieging oneself.

He doesn't have to suffer from life or death, which feels pretty good.

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