I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 158: Blessed land barbarian

The place where the man came was the blessed land that Elder Mi said.

Lin Tian, ​​who belongs to the ice attribute, could not find the place of the transformation attribute.

Naturally, these heavens and treasures cannot be let go.

Lift your foot to face, open your eyes.

I saw that the earth was full of aura, and there seemed to be an invisible dragon head in it, vomiting clouds and mist.

In addition, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been directly transformed into the five attributes vitality of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, transforming extremely quickly.

"It's really a place of great treasure, if it can be moved away..."

Lin Tian suddenly moved the wolf's ambition and couldn't help showing a fierce light in his eyes.

If this is known, it is estimated that he will vomit blood directly.

The treasure land formed by moving away countless mountains, I am afraid that it will make people angry and howling.

Close to the treasure land, an old man in the distance met him.

"Where's the kid, this place is an important place for the academy. Non-key geniuses can't enter."

The old man's face with Chinese characters, fluffy slender black hair mixed with strands of white hair, a little bit immortal.

"This handsome guy is a key genius, why don't you give it in? Could it be that this is yours?"

The old man was trembling with anger, and he had never seen such a brazen person.

"I have a key genius on my list. You have an unfamiliar appearance. If you know where you are, leave quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite."

The old man without eyes!

Lao Tzu is a genius who has never met in a hundred thousand years!

"Old man, you have something to hit me!" Lin Tian suddenly looked at the old man with contempt.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, looking at Lin Tian's appearance, he didn't look like crazy!

"Ignorance junior, leave quickly, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite."

The old man's eyes were sharp, like a sword like a sword, as if sinking into a sea of ​​stars.

Lin Tian was secretly surprised. This old man looked like a dog, and his cultivation was terrifying. It was estimated that he was the elder who guarded this blessed land.

"Old man, depending on your age, and seeing me insult you like this, you should hit me quickly."

Lin Tian looked at the old man contemptuously, verbally teasing, and undue beating.

"Master, I want to tell you that your realm is too different from this old man. Even if he shoots you, you can't learn skills from him."

Oh shit!

Now you tell me this!

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

When the cruel words came out, Lin Tian had seen the old man's anger raging as a beauty.

"This is a restriction after the system is reformed! Master, you didn't ask me either." Xiaodu said he was innocent.

"Boy, I admire you very much. I have to teach you a lesson on behalf of your elders."

With that, the old man's majestic aura weighed on Lin Tian.

I go!

What kind of perverted old man is this?

There is no possibility of resistance at all!

Lin Tian's power of twenty dragons turned on, and he still felt like an explosion all over his body.

"Senior, everything is a misunderstanding. I am a gentleman and a child of a pure family. Lin Tian is the same. Don't get me wrong. In fact, I was just kidding."

Lin Tian, ​​who was dumbfounded, stood with the old man Taishan's momentum.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


"Huh! Lin Tian, ​​right? I seem to have heard Old Man Mi talk about you."

Curiosity flashed in the old man's eyes, and his aura withdrew.


The horror of riding a horse!

It seems that before there is strength, I still keep a little low-key.

"Haha, Senior Mi! I am very familiar with him. He taught me how to behave and do things, and I keep it in my heart..."

Lin Tian said that the smallpox fell in disorder, it was almost the golden lotus, and of course the countless cows almost fell.

The old man looked at him with contempt in his eyes, and said: "Hurry in and practice, don't brag about me here, call me Elder Nie later."

"Okay, Elder Nie."

Lin Tian entered the blessed land in a flash of smoke.

This Elder Nie, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, was actually terrified, at least a figure of Yuansheng level.

The gap was too great, and Lin Tian didn't get any benefits.

However, the points of cultivation technique have increased a bit.

But Lin Tian would rather go to the training tower than under the pressure of this elder.

If a friction directly abolishes oneself, who will cry.

The main point is that he is now a poor man.

Upgrading the system is more than 10 million, and those who spend more are now only more than 1 million.

More than one million is not enough to make ends meet.

"Huh... so cool!"

The vitality of the surrounding world rushed into Lin Tian's body frantically.

Of course it's only ice attributes, so he still feels comfortable.

A cold sensation runs straight through the head, stomach, limbs, white skeletons, internal organs, odd meridians and eight meridians, dantian acupoints, etc.

Lin Tian looked up and looked up. In the distance, Lingshan towered, with emerald ridges on top of each other, and thousands of birds appeared in the water.

What a nice place!

After guessing, I will live alone here!

Lin Tian thought so in his heart, wandering through the mountains and rivers fast.

"Who? Excuse me Qingxiu, is this looking for death?" A roar came, and the mountain was shaking.

A group of figures rose from a distance and were disturbed one after another.

Lin Tian paused, and a huge man with a big belly stood up.

The whole body exudes a savage atmosphere, like a savage.

"This barbarian, I don't know who provokes him, he is really looking for death!"

"Don't talk, the barbarian has a bad temperament. After breaking through Yuanzun, he will become more rampant."

The barbarian's eyes passed, and some people avoided it.

Only one person stood calmly in front of him.

"Who are you? Excuse me, Qingxiu, today I have to give an explanation!" The brute force is infinite, and his body exudes a breath of blood.

Ordinary people retreat from what they see, and their aura is bound to be weak.

Lin Tian looked at it lightly, "The world is so wide, your cultivation is not good, and you shouldn't deserve to be disturbed when you practice on this road, who do you blame?"

Barbarian Tongling's eyes widened, and the axe in his hand struck Lin Tian.

Lin Tian suddenly thought of this when he was so angry that the mountains were overwhelming.



"The flesh resists this Xingyue axe!"

"The axe that Yuanzun can slash, how could this kid resist it!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 20000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Now that Lin Tian, ​​the cultivation of the Celestial Body Jue, coupled with the power of the dragon bloodline, the axe in front of him is only a pediatrics.

The barbarian seemed to be despised, and his body slammed against him. Isn't this an insult to his power?

"Children don't be crazy, break it to me!"

Once again, Barbarian raised his axe and went down instantly.

The surrounding space is extremely stable, and the mountains are unshakable.

Lin Tian was secretly shocked, which proved that the space here is stable, and the people here are able to reach the sky, and they can fall over the sun and the moon by waving their hands.

"I know I'm handsome, but you don't need to cut like this."

Lin Tian's slightly inconsiderate voice sounded, and he raised his hand to pick up the axe.

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