
This kid is looking for death!

No one on the side believed that Lin Tian could catch the axe.

The body is hair-skinned, the parents of the recipients, the practice is still against the sky.

What's more, this flesh-and-blood body can contend with this cold axe.


The sound of metal collision came from Yu Wei's fluctuations, and everyone felt trembling all over.

The people in this mountainous area were all awakened, and it was unknown where the fight occurred.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 500,000 power points!"

This time, there were a lot of rewards for exercise points, which made Lin Tian happy.

Will it? Eliminate this guy, the reward will be more.

Meng Duo's agility is very strong, but his strength can't keep up.

"Well, you want to fight, I'll accompany you."

"Heavenly Body Art!"

"The power of twenty dragons!"

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

One after another, the dragons were manifested, and Lin Tian's figure was like a dragon, rushing towards the barbarians.

"Monstrous land!"

The surrounding land was exploding, and the aura on the barbarian body became stronger.


The barbarian was obviously wild and savage, but Lin Tian raised his hand with a punch.

"Ding! Trigger boxing! Tai Chi Yin-Yang boxing, the world's lowest grade! Exchange requires one million! Is it exchanged?"


Lin Tian didn't hesitate, and suddenly understood.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

One after another voice sounded, coming from the voices of these hosts.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"


In a savage scene, the two fight directly.

After turning around, Lin Tian hit the barbarian's waist with a punch.

Barbarian turned around, swiping the axe in his hand vigorously, smashing Lin Tian's head with great momentum.

"Die to me!"

Lin Tian was not afraid, his strength exploded.


One tilted sideways, and punched the barbarian, directly blasting him.


He spit out a bite of mixed blood, and the barbarian felt uncomfortable all over. He was injured and he lost.

"Hey, we are very peace-loving, why did we fight?" Lin Tian said with a pity.

The rest of the people looked at Lin Tian speechlessly. How this guy spoke like this sounded too annoying.

"Who is this? Why haven't I seen him before."

"I haven't seen it either. I really don't know where the kid came from."

"He looks crazy, but this person really has some strength, but the barbarian is a person who has entered Yuanzun, he was defeated!"

Everyone was shocked and despised, but they had to secretly admire.

"Who are you? But you know that this blessed land is not free to fight." A voice sounded indifferently.

I saw a man in blue with a corset, his eyes arrogantly looking at Lin Tian.

"It's Pan Yang, the son of Nanyang, this kid is dead!"

"Intermediate Yuanzun, I heard that Nanyang Saint Child's breakthrough has been strengthened!"

"It should be that the boy who was fighting with the barbarian has made Shengzi unhappy. There is a good show to watch."

Lin Tian raised his head casually, and looked at the Nanyang Saint Pan Yang with a sharp eye: "Which green onion are you, what qualifications do you have to speak here."


Dare to talk to Pan Yang like this!


Almost everyone is not optimistic about Lin Tian.

"You will pay for your words, but I don't want to fight today!"

After Nanyang Shengzi finished speaking, he turned and left.

"This guy is so lucky, Saint Son is giving him a favor!"

"Fight as long as you fight, pretend to be, and come back to Lao Tzu!"

Lin Tian shouted at this time and wanted to fight.

A group of people looked at each other, who was this, and gave him a chance to survive, but they just wanted to die.

"Who are you? How can you have the power of the dragon's bloodline." Manzi looked at Lin Tian with strange eyes.

"Because I'm handsome, silly bag, I think your bones are surprised, if you want to mix with me later, there is a geocentric pill to restore your strength."

I'm Cao!

A group of people dropped their eyes on the ground.

An earth-level pill was just thrown out by Lin Tian at will.

Is it worthless?

Nonsense, alchemists are a kind of resource in the entire continent.

That can only show that Lin Tiancai is strong.

"Do you... think you can buy me this way?" Man Zi stared at Lin Tian with wide eyes.

"No, I just want you to understand, follow me, you will never be hungry, and think about yourself. I am going to find a place to practice well."

With that, Lin Tian left lightly, not staying here.

"This guy is pulling! I rely on!"

"Suddenly I want to follow him!"

The barbarian's eyes were full of hesitation, and it could be seen that Lin Tian's figure drifted away, and he ran after him.

The so-called chance is to pass this village without this shop, and the same is true for Manzi.

The people behind suddenly became a little envious.

Although Lin Tian was a little arrogant, this shot was also generous!

Healing injuries are all ground-level pills, so who doesn't want to follow.

In a blink of an eye, Manzi Pidian Pidian followed Lin Tian.

"My lord, I will follow you from now on. My name is Manzi, what do you call an adult?" Manzi panted and looked at Lin Tian.

"I will be called the boss in the future, your boss, I have a handsome name, named Lin Tian, ​​from now on you will follow me and act as my thug."



Manzi was a little helpless, his own dignified Yuanzun was only worthy of thugs.

"Boss, where do you want to go?"

The barbarian is too big, estimated at a distance of two meters, surpassing ordinary people.

But this is normal in Tianyuan Continent, after all, the size of spirit beasts can cross mountains and rivers.

Some people can change a hundred meters because of their different exercises. It is also terrifying.

"Find a place to practice, where is this good place?"

Lin Tian looked around for a long time, only to see the purple air coming east in the distance, the red clouds flying in the distance, the waterfall flowing across, and the faint scenes of flying cranes and fairy air.

"Where is it?"

"That is a place of cultivation for peerless geniuses. It's called the Xianxia Realm. Everyone has their own cave mansion, and they need to apply with Lao Nie outside to enter."

Ok? There is also this rule.

"There are people sitting inside, right?"

"Yes? Boss, what do you want to do? The Nanyang Saint Son you just offended is in it."

Ok? That rascal.

When his eyes lit up, Lin Tian said immediately: "Okay, then where to go for cultivation, a good place naturally needs to be forcibly grabbed."

What is this fallacy?

Although Barbarians are five big and three rough, he still knows Lin Tian's thoughts.

"Huh, wait."

Lin Tian stepped forward and suddenly realized that he was fighting with the barbarian just now, but he didn't know how his technique was?

"Xiaodu, what's going on? Will the system automatically drop the exercises?" Lin Tian felt a shadow in his heart.

It was discovered that the system was upgraded and some functions were simply missing.

"Master, don't be anxious, this person is cultivating the ground-level high-grade techniques, so I didn't intercept it, because it's useless to you."

"Well, do you rely on you for the exercises now?"

Lin Tian is a little strange, if so...

Suddenly there was an evil thought in his heart.

"Yes Master."

"Then can you give me arbitrary exercises of others, the kind that doesn't work on me."

Like I can pick up a million exercises, please collect it: ( I can pick up a million exercises. The literature is updated the fastest.

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