I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 160: Pan Yang defeated

"No way, master."


Lin Tian was angry in his mind, his face was not good.

The barbarian walked lightly, fearing that he would offend Lin Tian.

"Because this is a system regulation, but those low-level exercises, I won't intercept them in the future, so as not to make you too much and not good enough, so it hurts you, do you think it is okay?"

Xiaodu is asking Lin Tian's opinion.

Lin Tian's face sank slightly, thinking that he has a lot of exercises now.

Heaven-ranking exercises are not rare, if those low-level exercises are in his mind, hoarding is also hoarding.

"Okay, tell me when you find a good thing, lest there are too many voices to make me confused every day, but you can't be lazy, lest you find a good thing, and if you miss it, you will lose out." Lin Tian ordered.

"Master, don't worry, the system will discover it on its own, and I will prompt you."

At this time, Lin Tian also understood why he didn't steal the barbarian's technique.

But that's okay, too much greed is also a very important warning.

As long as you practice your own main cultivation technique well, you will naturally be able to go straight to the sky, and the cow will die.

"Boss, it's coming, are you sure we are going to fight?" Manzi suspiciously.

It can be seen that Lin Tian has just come to the blessed land, not knowing the pros and cons.

"Well, it's just a fight, is there any problem?" Lin Tian asked with puzzlement.

Barbarian has nothing to say, this is too frank.

"Boss, there are some great people in there, who didn't leave after graduation, such as Fengjia Tianjiao Fengyang, and the Saintess Buxue of Broken Love Valley, and Shengzirong Mountain on Xuanwu Island..."

They are all Saints and Saints, Lin Tian's eyes are bright, and he likes this lineup.

"That's OK, I will meet."

The man was taken aback, thinking that Lin Tian would back off after hearing this.

I had thought that Lin Tian was indifferent and a little excited.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up when he approached Xianxia Island.

A huge square, surrounded by cave houses that lead to all directions, exudes a breath of strength, extremely powerful.

"Boss, these are all Tianjiao figures who have cultivated for 40 to 50 years. We should be careful."

Barbarian suddenly discovered that he was better off following Lin Tian, ​​because Lin Tian especially liked fighting.

He is so big that he can bear it.

"It's okay, where is Pan Yang's cave house?"

There is a place in front of him with his name written. Boss, think about it clearly, even I am not sure to beat him. "

Barbarian looked at Lin Tian with indescribable worry in his eyes.

"Barbarian, as my little brother, you have to remember that there is no fight that cannot be won, only those who are not enough to fight, follow me!"

Lin Tian walked ahead, his eyes full of domineering.

The barbarian followed behind, still worried in his eyes, although he is usually domineering, but when he should avoid his edge, he did not go to death.

At a cave mansion, Pan Yang was written on it.


In an instant, Lin Tian punched the cave mansion.

The cave mansion swayed for a moment, and it was shocked.


A cold voice came from the cave mansion, it was Pan Yang, the holy son of Nanyang.

"It's me, I just saw you dragged two hundred and five, I want to fight with you, any comments?"

The man next to him had a black line on his face, looking for someone to fight, Lin Tian thought about it.

"Well, I will satisfy you, humble person."

With that, Pan Yang flew out like electricity.

"Good job!"

The two turned into two streamers and appeared in the square.

"Heaven and Earth Streaming Light and Shadow!"

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

"Nine Nether Nether Art!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Heaven and Earth Streaming Shadow Body Art (the lower grade of the heavens)."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"


The two fiercely fought, Lin Tian felt a pity, in fact, he wanted to win some high-ranking techniques from these saint children.

It's a pity, it seems very few.

Although it's a pity, he can still gain points.

He didn't care about fighting here, but Pan Yang, the Saint Son of Nanyang who was fighting with him, was surprised.

Lin Tian seemed to have only Yuan Wu generals cultivation base, but the fighting power that broke out had Yuan Zun strength.

Such an enchanting evildoer, where did it come from?

"I have no grievances with you, why do you bother me?" Nanyang Shengzi looked at Lin Tian angrily.

"Didn't you just glared at me? And what did you mean by dragging me before? I can't tolerate sand in my eyes." Lin Tian said casually.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan!"

With a punch, Nanyang Shengzi's eyes were happy.

On the one hand, the Feng Family is unlearned.

"Streaming Feiying Fist!"

Two fists collided with each other, and the aftermath was shocked.

The barbarian watched in horror, and had a new understanding of Lin Tian's strength.

too strong!

Young, so powerful!

Secretly, the barbarian guessed which holy son Lin Tian was, or a figure hidden by the ancient forces.



Nanyang Shengzi flew upside down and slammed on the stone pillar nearby.

"Puff puff!!"

He vomited a mouthful of blood, making him feel uncomfortable.


He was defeated!

"Sorry, in fact, I just want your cave mansion. From now on, your cultivation cave mansion will belong to me."

Lin Tian casually looked at Pan Yang on the ground and said his purpose.

It seemed that Pan Yang had offended him when he came in. Although there are still many proud sons in Xianxia Island.

But Lin Tian didn't know a single one, so he couldn't challenge them all.

Although I have this idea in my mind, I will inevitably encounter a few fierce ones.

If so, I'm afraid that the ship will capsize in the gutter.

"You wait, one day, I will make you pay the price of blood for today." Pan Yang looked at Lin Tian with anger.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said: "Many people have told me that, but unfortunately they are all dead. If you don't leave now, it may be a pile of bones."

Lin Tian has become accustomed to such big talk.

"Barbarian, go and see our cave mansion."

With that, Lin Tian headed to the cave.

The man behind looked at the Nanyang Saint Pan Yang on the ground.

His eyes were filled with infinite sympathy.

How long did it take to be blasted out of his own cave? I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Lin Tian walked to the entrance of the cave and directly removed the two characters Pan Yang.


Pan Yang in the distance watched this scene, almost not getting angry.

My name was taken down at will.

This is a great disrespect for him, but now.

He was defeated by Lin Tian, ​​and now to respect him, it seemed a bit ridiculous.

For Lin Tian, ​​the loser is the bandit, unless he is a little brother, otherwise he will open the conditions and everything will be exempt.

In such a situation, people can only watch from a distance.


A shadow flashed across this blessed land in an instant, and someone was spreading that Pan Yang lost to Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you mean the most tugging new student?" Someone recognized it.

"Yes! Barbarians are his men now."

"How long has he been so powerful, and he won't go to heaven in this situation."

A bunch of people talked about it, and they gave Lin Tian mixed opinions.

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