I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 161: Rong Shan beats people

Perhaps people from afar saw the scene of defeating Pan Yang today, or someone from afar saw it.

But this is not important, because Lin Tian and Manzi have already entered the cave.

Which extends in all directions, it's pretty big.

There is no problem living with a hundred or so people casually.

I saw that there were white jade inlays in this hole, and there were several jade beds around, obviously for cultivation.

The heaven and earth in the cave are more vigorous, and cultivation will surely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Boss, did you really beat Pan Yang?"

Now Barbarian still couldn't believe it, Lin Tian made a move like wind, and Pan Yang was defeated in a few strokes.

"This is just a small problem. Follow the three points I have to remember, don't kill those who are not strong, don't fight those who don't drag, and do it if you are unhappy!

The words were straightforward, and Manzi's eyes lit up.

"Boss, I will work hard with you in the future!"

The barbarian's voice was loud, and the whole person jumped up quickly.

"Haha, you just need to practice hard, don't let me down."

With such words, the barbarian smiled and said: "Okay, boss, I will not let you down."

The two sat cross-legged, Lin Tian added his ice attributes.

There are also mysterious space and time.

Of course, space and time are mysterious, and Lin Tian can't perceive them on this Xianxia Island.

Because only the exclusive physique can perceive the power of these two attributes.

Most people can only practice in the attributes that evolve in the earth, wood, water, fire, and earth.

For example, ice comes from water.

And metallicity is sometimes divided into dark metallicity.

And so on, naturally it will be clear.

Obviously a barbarian is a cultivator of earth and earth.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for replenishing the ice attributes, and the Heaven-Swallowing Body Tempering Art has automatically evolved into a middle-grade earth-tier.

Lin Tian practiced over and over again, and the Xuanbing body was even more powerful.

The barbarian next to him also strengthened his cultivation, without any slack.

Because he felt that with such a powerful boss, if he didn't work hard, he might be killed.

It was Pan Yang who Lin Tian offended today, so needless to say, that force.

Powerful and terrifying, but Lin Tian was offended.

In Class 25, everyone gathered, and all the people who had fought with Lin Tian before were there.

"Where is Lin Tian? Who of you saw him, he was late for the first day of class meeting!"

Han Shuangyue looked at everyone below with anger.

Because Lin Tian was late, she was very upset.

Even if he got an ice soul essence pill, this is not the reason for his madness.

"Sister Han, maybe something is going on with him." Meng Huo said in a weak voice at this time.

Han Shuangyue's eyes sank, "Meng Huo, where did you turn your arm, don't I know what kind of behavior that guy is?"

All were silent, afraid to say a word.

"Sister Han, I heard that he went to the blessed land to beat Nanyang Shengzi and occupied other people's cave."

An academy spoke at this time, in fact, he was also hearsay.

"I'm going! So fast? Just hit Fudi!"

"This guy really gave us 25 squad leader faces!"

"Foot on the saint son and saint woman, the ground-level alchemist, these two titles are enviable!"

A group of people envy, jealousy and hatred, Lin Tian is too good.

"To shut up!"

Han Shuangyue looked at everyone angrily.

"You people, you know how to envy others every day. You need to know how many catties you are. If you are not good, you should practice hard."

"Well, the meeting is over!"

The class meeting is actually an occasional event that informs the academy and supervises the practice in the class.

As for the rest, it's all small talk.

What Han Shuangyue was angry about was that Lin Tiancai came to the academy and didn't come to the first class meeting.

In the college, Qiao Lang and Mou Yan are in the same class, and the two are extremely boring.

"I said Qiao Lang, let's go to the boss, these days are too boring."

After only two days, Mou Yan couldn't stand it anymore.

Following Lin Tian, ​​you can play around, but after all, being alone is too boring.

"Okay, I heard that the boss has gone to Fudi, let's go see it too." Qiao Lang agreed.

The news that Lin Tian hit Nanyang Shengzi communicated to each other in the college.

Alone in a mountain, in a dilapidated wooden house.

"Huh, this guy."

Fengxue old ghost snorted coldly, and a smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed a little concerned about Lin Tian's news.

In the academy, the rest of the people were also surprised.

Zhou Shanshan has a proud look, her own man is different.

Ouyang He listened: "This guy is causing trouble again!"

Everyone has become accustomed to Lin Tian's behavior style.

At this time, Qiao Lang came to the outside of Fudi.

"This blessed land is really a good place! The vitality of the heaven and the earth is extremely strong, there is no need to transform, and the absorption is several times that of ordinary people!"

The two Qiao Lang were extremely shocked and looked at this blessed land with jealousy.

If you go to practice, I'm afraid it will not take long for the two to face a breakthrough.

"Where did the soil buns come from? Have you never seen the world?" A sneer sounded.

I saw a graceful man appeared, walking with a little wind.

"It's Rongshan of Xuanwu Island!"

"Yuan Zun's cultivation base, this Rong Shan is a bit stronger again. I heard that Ying Xingwei of Xuanwu Island fell out of the list this time, which made Rong Shan very angry."

"Isn't it? This made Lin Tian the most hanging new student, even the Northern Saint Sect failed."

"Hey! It's a pity that there are so many gods."

"What's the use? It's not suppressed yet."

Rong Shan looked calm and looked at Qiao Lang with a bad complexion.

"We are here to take a look, do you need to be so loud?" Qiao Lang said very upset.

He has a frizzy personality, he is not afraid of people if he has never done anything.

Mou Yan was beside him, although he didn't speak, his eyes were sharp.

"Hey, two newcomers, today I will teach you how to behave well."

With that said, Rong Shan shot at the two of them.

The people in the distance were attracted here, and Su Xingyuan, who had interrupted the Valley of Love, also came.

Because he teamed up with Lin Tian, ​​he naturally came in.

"Feiyun Holy Palm!"

A palm seemed to have infinite power, attacking the two of Qiao Lang.

"The Monkey King!"

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan were not convinced, but also shot.


"Puff puff!!"

However, the two of them were limited in strength, and were beaten to the ground by Rong Shan.

Rong Shan did not stop, on the contrary, he shot again and rushed towards the two of them quickly.

"Brother is too much!"

With a heavy drink, the figure of Su Xingyuan from the Heartbreaking Valley moved and appeared in front of Qiao Lang.

Obviously, this Rongshan came to the forest sky, and it is estimated that everything about him has been investigated.

"Brother, we..."

Behind Rong Shan are two people from Xuanwu Island.

"What are you going to do? Su Xingyuan, I'm just teaching these two bad words."

Rong Shan didn't want to conflict with Su Xingyuan.

Although he is an old college student, he knows these arrogant figures clearly.

"Senior brother, you are highly respected. Now that they have been punished, I think they should be treated leniently and just let it go."

Su Xingyuan stood in front of the two of them. After all, he had some affection with Lin Tian and couldn't bear to watch his subordinates being bullied.

"Huh! Whose subordinate is this? There is no politeness at all. Since the subordinate is useless, then report the master's name." Rong Shan said angrily.

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