I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 162: Rong Shan angry

After hearing this, everyone understands in their hearts?

It turned out that Lin Tian was in trouble.

In the Secret Realm of Ice Dragon, Lin Tian took the limelight, leaving others with nowhere to go, and finally had no qualifications to enter the academy.

This provoked a lot of forces, basically the first-grade forces on the North Ice Lingzhou.

Lin Tian has almost always spoken, it can be said to be very powerful.

"My boss's name is Lin Tian," Yushu Linfeng, suave, martial arts, is synonymous with him! "

In an instant, Qiao Lang memorized the introduction that Lin Tian had requested.

Everyone was taken aback, this girl was brainwashed.

"What is it? You asked him to come out quickly. I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. I really think he is the genius of the academy." Rong Shan said disdainfully.

"Brother, please be careful. I heard that Nanyang Shengzi was just defeated by Lin Tian. If you look down on Lin Tian, ​​you are looking down on Nanyang Shengzi." Su Xingyuan looked at Rong Shan.

Rong Shan was taken aback, knowing that he had been placed one.

"Haha, who knows that this news is not credible, in case someone exaggerates and falsifies faxes, who knows?" Rong Shan still looked down on him.

So, everyone was silent.

Xuanwu Island and Lin Tian have feuds, as everyone knows.

Rong Shan is here to slander Lin Tian.

When Qiao Lang listened, their expressions were bad.

Saying that Lin Tian is equivalent to scolding them?

Rong Shan smiled and said frantically: "Two fools, where can he be so good? There is a kind of let him fight with me now."

"Oh, what are you? If you say you are singled out, I'll be singled out. Don't I lose face."

A voice, accompanied by two figures, came out of the blessed land.

"It's Lin Tian! Who is next to him?"

"It's a barbarian, a barbarian who was once powerful, but now he follows him? Is this true?"

A group of people were discussing, with unspeakable surprise in their eyes.

Barbarian really followed Lin Tian!

A generation of Yuanzun, at any rate, was also a breakthrough in the realm of Yuanzun, and he followed Lin Tian in this way.


When Qiao Lang saw Lin Tian, ​​they were happy for a while.

"Well, you were hurt by someone, that bastard?" Lin Tian's eyes were a little angry.

Rong Shan next to him looked happy.

"I played it, how?"

He generously admitted that he was waiting for Lin Tian to appear.

He wanted to see if Lin Tian was really as legendary as others said.

He just wanted to provoke Lin Tian, ​​so what?

Lin Tian turned around and looked at Rong Shan with a smile on his face.

"It turned out to be you bastard, thank you for letting me know."

At this moment, Rong Shan's expression sank.

Because he knew that he was being tricked.

"Bastard thing! What qualifications do you have to call me!"

Just for a moment, Rong Shan waved his hand, and Fang Tian's painted halberd came out of his hand and killed Lin Tian.

"The worm shakes the tree, I want you to know how much you have." Looking at Lin Tian sarcastically, Rong Shan wanted to defeat him.

A genius is often most afraid of defeat.

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

"Hunyuan Divine Sense!"

In an instant, a powerful mental force madly attacked Rong Shan.

"Haiyuan Realm!"

Rong Shan was shocked, Lin Tian's mental power was so powerful before him.

This made him unexpected, because he was only the beginning of Haiyuan.

"Break for me!"

When the two collided, people around them gave in.

"What do you think? Who is expected to win?"

"It's hard to say, it is said that Shengzi Rongshan broke through the middle stage of Yuanzun not long ago!"

"This Lin Tian looks like a third-order Yuan general, but in fact it is terrifying, but he is super Yuanzun. In contrast, he feels more genius."


Qiao Lang and Mou Yan looked at them, and they were worried in their hearts.

Although I believe Lin Tian, ​​this is a graduated student.

Tianjiao of the previous generation looked terrifying after all.


There was a shock here, and the two had already destroyed a lot of them.

"Heavenly Body Art!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 400000 points!"


Lin Tian was secretly surprised that this fool thought he was consuming himself.

In fact, his practice points are constantly increasing.

"Ding! Check that the host's palm is injured, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

From the system repair, that is nothing.

Lin Tian's expression was relaxed, but Rong Shan's expression was not good.

"Is this kid a freak? Yuan military commander's cultivation is so big that he has crossed the realm!"

At the same time, Rong Shan discovered that Lin Tiantian's cultivation techniques are not rare.

"Xuanwu change!"

With a roar, a pair of armor appeared on Rong Shan.

Everyone was shocked by such a sight.

"This is the armor of the ancient sacred beast Xuanwu, and the legendary local spirit weapons are hard to damage!"

"So tough! I'm afraid Lin Tian will suffer!"

"What's the matter with you, Xiaodu? This guy looks pretty good with this trick, why don't you copy it?"

Lin Tian hurriedly asked in his mind that the system upgrade was troublesome, and he needed to remind himself of this small day copy.

"Master, don't panic, his Xuanwu change is only a low-grade heavenly rank, you have too many low-grade techniques, and you don't need it at all. Of course you can learn his trick and mock him."


Xiaodu would still ridicule, Lin Tian was a little surprised.

This intelligent system is really different.

Surprised in his heart, Lin Tian took action.

"Xuanwu change!"

At this moment, Rong Shan was in khaki armor, while Lin Tian instantly became golden armor.

"Impossible! How could you..."

Rong Shan was shocked, the Xuanwu Change was top secret on Xuanwu Island, how could this guy be?

With a faint smile, Lin Tian said, "Just do you? Rubbish, yours is a fake Xuanwu change."

Rong Shan was so angry that he rushed towards Lin Tian.

"I will let you die!"

When the two collided, Lin Tian looked more like a genuine one.

On the contrary, the soil of Rongshan is rustic, but like a pirated copy.

Everyone was a little suspicious, but only Qiao Lang knew that Lin Tian possessed this terrible copying skill.

"Baoshan Monument!"

The space out of the monument was shocked, directly resisting the Fangtian painting halberd in front of him.


"Puff puff!!"

Rong Shan stepped back five steps and vomited two mouthfuls of blood.

Looking at Lin Tian again, he was unscathed and still excited.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 700,000 exercise points!"

Lin Tian was overjoyed in his heart, good fellow, the harder he fights, the more rewards he will receive.

Rong Shan looked at Lin Tian, ​​shocked in his heart and angry on his face.

If this continues, he is afraid that he will lose.

"Looking at this situation, Rong Shan is afraid that he will lose!"

"It's true! Look at Lin Tian's appearance that it doesn't matter, he really owes it!"

That's how it was said, but no one dared to challenge Lin Tian at all.

"Come on! Go on!"

With ecstasy on Lin Tian's face, he slammed the mountain-holding stele desperately towards Rongshan.

"Too much bullying!"

Rong Shan was unbearable, even if he lost, he would fight.

Fang Tian painted the halberd and killed Lin Tiantian Linggai directly, but it wiped out the flames with the Baoshan stele.


The two backed up and shook each other.

It's just that Rong Shan has hurt his lungs, and he looks very serious.

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