I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 163: Life and death

At this moment, Rong Shan felt a retreat in his heart.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, is really formidable, terrifying combat skills in his life.

There is also that stone tablet, weird attack skills.

Although barbaric, it can suppress the power of Fang Tian's halberd again and again.

Faced with such a situation, let me ask who is going to fight.

"Go on! Refreshing!"

Lin Tian yelled, the injury on his body has been recovered, and his whole body is full of energy.

The madman stands here, never admit defeat!

Everyone felt that way, Lin Tian was afraid that he would still be alive and well after fighting thousands of times.


Rong Shanda's spirit was exhausted, and his heart retreated.

On the whole, he has already lost, that is, he has lost his mentality.

At this moment, Lin Tian is as strong as mad, carrying the monument to kill Rongshan.

"This fighting lunatic is terrible!"

"It's really a fighting freak, fighting leapfrog, who can be the enemy!"

Everyone looked at them, with fear in their eyes.

The combat effectiveness that Lin Tian showed was really terrifying.

Rong Shan's face was bitter, and Fang Tian's painting of the halberd had already been raised, ready to do it again.

It is impossible to admit defeat, even if you die in battle, you cannot admit defeat.


A heavy drink came, resounding in everyone's ears.

Lin Tian moved for a while, but was affected by this sound.

"The academy prohibits private fights, don't you know?" A figure appeared above the crowd.

Floating in the sky, at least the symbol of Yuansheng realm.

Elder Nie looked sharply at Lin Tian and Rong Shan.

Lin Tian immediately smiled and said, "Elder Nie, this provokes me, so I did it."

Rong Shan's eyes were angry, what meant he was provoking.

"Yes, Elder Nie, our injury was caused by him."

At this moment, Qiao Lang and Mou Yan also came out to testify.

Everyone watched, looking forward to this good show, to see who can win.

"Huh, you are inferior to others, who can be blamed?" Rong Shan resumed his superior attitude.

As a graduated old student in the inner courtyard, he has this arrogance.

"Rong Shan, do you think that Xuanwu Island can do evil in Ji Ling Academy?"

At this moment, Elder Nie suddenly looked at Rong Shan sharply.

Rong Shan was taken aback, Elder Nie turned out to be the boy.

What does this mean? It means that Lin Tian's relationship is not shallow.

"No, Elder Nie is serious, it's just that these few people are too arrogant and don't know how to respect the teacher, so I have a lesson or two."

The words were plausible, and Lin Tian sneered beside him.

"The lesson one or two you said is just like this to bully the big and the small. This is your lesson! Then you teach me."

In an instant, the atmosphere solidified.

Lin Tian's character that is not afraid of death, even if Elder Nie is here, he still looks like him.

Rong Shan looked at Lin Tian angrily, "Don't be too arrogant. Just now I thought you were a junior. If you make a move, I'm afraid you will not be able to bear it."

In the words, Rong Shan's anger was suppressed as much as possible.

"Oh, thank you very much, brother, don't you know that you are a sand sculpture yourself?"

There is no taboo, the export is like this.

Everyone looked at Lin Tian in surprise, this guy was really not afraid of death.

"Don't quarrel! Since you two want to fight like that, it's the arena, sign life and death!"

Elder Nie was also looking at the two in an unhappy mood at the moment.

"It angered Elder Nie!"

This is really true, know that Elder Nie doesn't get angry often.

"Okay! Life and death, do you dare?" Lin Tian looked at Rong Shan with contempt.

Xuanwu Island, Niujiaoling, and Jinguangjiao, sooner or later he will visit them one by one.

Because everything about Qiao Lang was buried in the hands of these three families.

Naked provocation, if you don't accept it, it's a confession.

"Why don't you dare? If you want to come, I will fight!"

Rong Shan's tone was domineering, and he was not afraid of Lin Tian at all.

Lin Tian smiled at this tone and said, "I can't ask for it."

"Well, since both of you are willing, you can directly sign the status of life and death, and see the high and low in the academy arena three days later."

At this time, Elder Nie juggled out a piece of paper with everything written on it.

It is the status of life and death, clearly written down whether life or death.

Lin Tiansi directly dialed her handprint without hesitation.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Rong Shan's eyes, then he glanced at Lin Tian sullenly, and pressed his handprint.

"Okay, you have to prepare well for these three days and wait for you to see you in the arena, otherwise you will be noisy every day and stay away." Elder Nie complained, and the figure walked slowly into the blessed land.

Everyone was stunned, this Elder Nie was really... violent.

Rong Shan looked at Lin Tian with a sullen expression, and said, "You cherish the last three days."

Lin Tian said indifferently: "I urge you to repair your Fangtian painting halberd, otherwise there will be no weapons to use."

As soon as he said this, Rong Shan looked at his Fang Tian painted a halberd, his face changed.

At the tip, it was broken by the monument.

The battle just now was too fierce, he hadn't noticed yet.

"Huh! Wait and see."

With a cold snort, Rong Shan left immediately.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, whoever wins and loses, no one said that it is not necessarily.

"It's going to be surging, these two battles of life and death."

"When I first came to the academy, I challenged such a strong man. Lin Tian is really too hungry!"

"Who said no? Whoever wins in three days is the most terrifying in this academy."

"Hmph, it's hard to say, there are still a bunch of Tianjiao characters who haven't appeared? Have you forgotten Feng Yang from the Feng Family?"


"Boss, are you sure to kill that guy?" Mou Yan looked at Lin Tian with worried eyes.

They had already felt Rong Shan's strength just now, it was terrifying.

Although Lin Tian had the upper hand just now, this life and death battle was different after all.

When the time comes, all the cards are out, winning or losing is difficult to determine.

Besides, Lin Tianyuan's military commander's cultivation base is weak in the battle against Yuanzun.

"Not sure." Lin Tian smiled casually.

"Ah! Where did you sign?" Su Xingyuan next to him admired for a while.

Unsure of signing the contract, it is estimated that it is Lin Tian.

"I mean I'm not sure not to kill him." Lin Tian added.

The three of them were taken aback, what they said was true.

In a blink of an eye, the news spread throughout the college.

"Why did Lin Tian cause trouble again!" Zhou Shanshan said helplessly in a courtyard.

And I heard that he was still fighting a life-and-death battle with Rong Shan in the Yuanzun realm, and he was signed.

Get up, Zhou Shanshan goes to Lin Tian.

At the same time, Ouyang He also got the news.

Ouyang He was surprised and worried, "How can you fight that guy?"

Rong Shan knows that she has made her mark in the last class, let alone this time.


Just listen to this moment, a gentle voice came.

A blue long dress, that is a young man, full of breath of life.

Ouyang He's face became cold, and then he said, "Feng Yang, can you not call me like that? You can call me Ouyang He in the future."

This person is Feng Yang's peerless genius.

Feng Yang smiled brightly and said: "Haha, okay, I'll call you sister Ouyang, let's do it like this."

Ouyang He hesitated for a long time before nodding.

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