I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 164: Finding Fault in Fengyang

"Sister Ouyang, you recently went to the Ice Dragon Secret Realm. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Feng Yang is very happy to share his thoughts with Ouyang He.

However, he ignored that Ouyang He didn't want to listen at all.

"Well, this period of time is really busy, how are you practicing?" Ouyang He responded politely.

"I am now a middle-rank Yuanzun, I'm almost the third-order Yuanzun, you have to cultivate, or you can't surpass me."

A look of pride appeared in Feng Yang's eyes, this was the only thing he could be proud of here in Ouyang He.

The cultivation base, he will never be weak in Ouyang He.

"It's okay, you can be as high as you are. Anything else? I'm leaving."

Getting up, Ouyang He planned to find Lin Tian.

"I have something to ask you, can you answer me honestly?" Feng Yang looked at Ouyang He with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Well, you said."

"What is the relationship between you and Lin Tian?"


Ouyang He is strange, why did he ask this question suddenly?

"Friendship, what's wrong?" Ouyang He looked at Fengyang.

From Feng Yang's eyes, she actually saw a trace of relaxation.

"I thought, do you like him? It's been a topic about you all the way, which made me almost believe it."

"Even if I like him, so what?"

Suddenly, Ouyang He said this.

For a moment, the atmosphere became awkward.

Feng Yang couldn't tell whether this was an angry talk or something at this moment? But he could feel that he was stung.

In Ouyang He's words, there was some fascination with Lin Tian.

This is something Feng Yang cannot bear. He and Ouyang can also be said to have been childhood sweethearts and grew up together.

But now, a Lin Tian suddenly appeared.

This took Ouyang He's heart away, and Feng Yang couldn't accept it in his heart.

"Hmph, I don't believe what he can do, wait for me to challenge him and let you know that in this world, only I have the right to like you."

With that, Feng Yang turned around and left.

For this, Ouyang He was taken aback.

Before she had time to stop Feng Yang, Feng Yang had already gone far.

"What is this called?"

Ouyang He felt a little upset inexplicably.

Originally, I was very troubled by the challenge for Jiang Xiaobai and Rong Shan, but now there is another wind and sun.

"Oh no matter what, since he likes challenges so much, let him challenge them!"

Ouyang He felt helpless for a while.

In fact, Feng Yang is the enemy that Ouyang He added to Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian's residence.

Zhou Shanshan looked at Lin Tian with a calm face, and said, "Why are you hitting someone else?"

Today's Lin Tian is extremely dazzling in the entire college.

However, the more noisy, the more famous, this situation is not a good thing.

"That guy beat both of them, can I just leave it alone? I have to deal with it. Beating my little brother is absolutely unbearable."

Lin Tian pointed to the two Qiao Lang who were almost in good shape, with a face filled with righteous indignation.

In fact, he wanted to fight, but couldn't find anyone.

Just right, that guy is the one he will offend.

"is it?"

Zhou Shanshan was dubious.

"Well, yes, that Rong Shan started to bully us, and the boss is just to give us a head." Qiao Lang knew how to answer no matter how stupid they were.

"Well, then you must pay more attention to safety, are you sure to beat him?" Zhou Shanshan looked at Lin Tiandao worriedly.

Lin Tian was taken aback, how could he ask this question again?

"I'm not sure."

"Then you still sign the certificate of life and death?" The question is the same.

"I'm afraid I'm not sure not to kill him." Lin Tian replied helplessly.

About half an hour later, an uninvited guest arrived.

"Feng Yang?" Su Xingyuan looked at this person in surprise at this moment.

Regarding Feng Yang, he had seen that at that time Feng Yang was already a figure in the Ji Ling Academy.

"Huh, who of you is Lin Tian?" Feng Yang came out of the dust, his eyes showed terrible anger.

He couldn't figure out how, what is good about Lin Tian?

Ouyang He would be tempted by him? He heard that along the way, he felt that although Lin Tian was a little better, he would not make Ouyang He admire him.

Thinking that he was once extremely good, Ouyang He did not say anything like that today.

Zhou Shanshan looked at Lin Tian with sharp eyes, Ouyang He's love rival is here, and you still say you are nothing?

The greatest sorrow in the world is that my own explanation is too late to hit the reality.

Lin Tian stood up and looked at Feng Yang and said, "Where are you from? What are you looking for?"

His tone was quite tough, and he was also disdainful of such a arrogant Feng Yang.

Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian sharply and said, "You are Lin Tian, ​​what is your relationship with Ouyang He?"

This question caused Zhou Shanshan next to him to stare at Lin Tian.

In this case, how should Lin Tian answer?

It is a bit ambiguous, I am afraid that Zhou Shanshan will be beaten to death.

"We are just friends, what's the matter?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Feng Yang let go of his heart.

"Really? You can't get close to her in the future, have you heard?"

This is a strong command, and it sounds like a superior king.

Lin Tian frowned, "Where do you come from a wild dog? Can you speak, if I don't stay away?"

With such words, Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian unhappy.

"You want to challenge me, Yuan military commander, you are not qualified to challenge me." Feng Yang saw Lin Tian's realm.

Even if he heard Lin Tian's many legends, he said that he would leapfrog the Yuanzun realm.

But Feng Yang didn't believe this, because he had seen too many people with rumors.

The so-called greatness are all just pretends, in fact there is no one that can work.

"If you're okay, get out, don't look anxious." Lin Tian said uncomfortably.

This hinders the development of his relationship with Zhou Shanshan.

Feng Yang was angry, and when he raised his hand, he punched out.

"It's really troublesome."

Lin Tian raised his head indifferently, his hand stretched out.


In an instant, the two collided with each other.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 500,000 power points!"


Lin Tian was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this Fengyang to be quite strong, and he gained more points.

"Come again!"

In an instant, Lin Tian was like chicken blood.

Feng Yang shook slightly. He looked down on Lin Tian, ​​but he didn't expect him to catch his attack.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan!"

"Fengxie three-step punch!"

With two punches, the two crashed into each other frantically.

In a word, the two people are right together.

A terrible scene, terrible two people.

Everyone around them retreated, because both of them felt depressing.

"too strong!"

"It's worthy of being a man of the wind, and it doesn't feel like we are at our level in the battle."

Qiao Lang sighed sincerely, and Mou Yan next to him gave him a roll of eyes.

"If you feel at the same level, then it's not our boss." Mou Yan looked at Lin Tian in admiration.

Crossing a great realm, only Lin Tian is so defying.


Zhou Shanshan looked anxiously beside her, afraid that Lin Tian would be injured.

After all, this is the unparalleled arrogance of the Feng Family, Feng Yang!

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