I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 165: Copy routine


In a blink of an eye, the two of them were a little bit angry.

"What are you doing?"

A heavy drink came, and I saw Han Shuangyue slowly walking in the distance.

Originally, she wanted to find Lin Tian, ​​but she unexpectedly ran into Lin Tian and Feng Yang fighting.

This is nothing short of lawlessness, fighting here in a fair manner.

The two stopped their hands in an instant, and Feng Yang was standing beside him fairly.

Lin Tian is very cool, because there are always many hints in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


He still enjoys this life where people occasionally give practice points.

Nowadays, this system requires more and more practice points, so Lin Tian can only accelerate his earning points.

Otherwise, he suspected that even treatment would not be available.

"Master, his technique is not too high, you don't need it, I call you if you need it." Xiaodu's voice came, as if he was worried that Lin Tian would not get good things.

It's okay, don't need it if it's not high, I'm not rare.

"Hey, master, I have guessed what you are thinking. In fact, if you don't want it, I copied it all. I will find out which one you need that day."

This feeling is OK, Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

Sometimes when you can't find martial arts, it's actually good to find Xiaodu here.

"You can do it, Xiaodu, finally do something that makes me happy."

"Master, what you said, I am omnipotent." Xiaodu's accusing voice came.

"As long as the master earns the skill points, there will be everything in the store, and there will even be a lot of things in the later period." Lin Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Really? How much will it be? When?"

Although there are a lot of things nowadays, who would have too many things like money?

Naturally, Lin Tian couldn't avoid it.

"I have to wait for the system to be upgraded. In the process of continuous upgrading, the more things I can touch."

"In other words, you are not the most advanced yet, are you?"

"Yes, master, the system will actively upgrade, only you copy the points."

Listening to Xiaodu's words, Lin Tian felt a little happy.

In this case, he was relieved.

At this moment, the two stopped fighting.

I saw Han Shuangyue slowly walking in the distance, staring at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was surprised at this look. Did he make a mistake?

The battle was obviously provoked by this guy in front of him.

"Feng Yang, the young master of the Feng family, are you looking for Lin Tian to fight because of Ouyang He?" Han Shuangyue asked, looking at Feng Yang.

Feng Yang didn't lie at this time, and said directly: "Yes."

"So you guys started fighting."

As Han Shuangyue said, her tone became cold.

"Yes, Teacher Han."

"Hmph, you go, you have to play the challenge book openly, don't use this kind of kid tricks to play around here."

Han Shuangyue spoke directly, saying almost the same as Elder Nie.

Lin Tian was speechless for a while listening.

Will these two collude?

It is because of Elder Nie that he needs to scream to challenge life and death three days later.

And now, after estimating this Fengyang, thinking about the challenge book?

"Okay, Teacher Han, I will write the challenge book tomorrow, I hope you will not be afraid." The last sentence was addressed to Lin Tian.

What this said, Lin Tian said casually: "I am not afraid. But I have a game the day after tomorrow. I don't want to waste time. The day after tomorrow you come with that Rong Shan, just make a couple."

For an instant, everyone present was stunned.

Does Lin Tian think this is for dinner? Bring it together.

Feng Yang's complexion is also not good, today this is a performance of contempt for him.

"Hmph, I never take advantage of people. In that case, we will fight again in five days. I will send the challenge book tomorrow."

After speaking, Feng Yang turned and left.

Because he was afraid that he would stay longer and could not help but fight Lin Tian.

Lin Tian said indifferently to this situation: "You can be afraid."

Feng Yang's pace of going out stopped for a while, Lin Tian was the one who was exclusively looking for trouble.

In other words, he just wanted to fight.

However, Feng Yang held back.

If you change it again, others will say that he is bullying the small.

His qualifications are older than Lin Tian, ​​let alone.

He didn't believe that Lin Tian beat Rong Shan.

Even if he doesn't like Rong Shan very much, he is a person of Yuanzun realm after all.

"Have you finished?" Han Shuangyue suddenly looked at Lin Tian with a cold expression.

"Huh? What should I do? Class guide."

Lin Tian was a little surprised. He didn't know how to provoke this ice Rakshasa.

"Why not go to the work meeting, today!"

Looking at Lin Tian coldly, Han Shuangyue was very angry.

Class meeting?

When did it happen?

Lin Tian suddenly smiled and said, "Class guide, it's not that I don't want to go, but no one has notified me, so I don't know."

With these words, Han Shuangyue suddenly became even more angry.

"Look at your jade medal, dare you say no one reminded you."

When Han Shuangyue said that, Zhou Shanshan and the others looked away, and couldn't bear to look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian took out the jade medal in confusion, only to see a piece of news on it.

Class meeting in the afternoon! Please pay attention to all freshmen, especially Lin Tian!

Lin Tian automatically ignored such important news.

"That class guide, I thought this thing was useless, don't be angry! I'm innocent."

This time, Lin Tian's IQ was insulted.

Isn't this thing in front of me just a mobile phone?

It’s so fashionable, I’m afraid it’s just a matter of calling.

"Hmph, this proves that when you were admitted to the hospital, you didn't know enough about the necessary knowledge in the hospital. Copy me a hundred times of the hospital routine today and give it to me tomorrow."

"What routine? Where do you copy it?" Lin Tian was stunned for a while.

How did things develop into this look? He is so innocent.

"Boss, it's the huge tombstone that the college came in and saw. The engraved on it are the conventions of the courtyard." At this time, Qiao Lang smiled unkindly.

Lin Tian was taken aback, as if remembering.

The few people nearby all smiled unkindly, so many rules, Lin Tian copied a hundred times, this is not killing him.

"Others are not allowed to copy, otherwise the punishment will be aggravated. Don't want to cheat. I advise you to go now."

After speaking, Han Shuangyue turned and left.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian pressed hard for a while.

What class guide is this? It's terrible.

"You? Did you know that this thing has this effect?" Lin Tian suddenly looked at Qiao Lang and Mou Yan.

Qiao Lang smiled awkwardly, and said, "Boss, we didn't know until this afternoon, but you have already gone to Fudi."

For an instant, Lin Tian didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Happiness came too suddenly.

Helpless, Lin Tian didn't want to go, but when he thought of Han Shuangyue, he immediately compromised.

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