I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 169: Sneak attack

This made Rong Shan feel a little abnormal, he was exhausted after playing for so long.

Looking at Lin Tian in front of him, there was nothing wrong with him.

This situation, how can he calm down.

"Playing mystery, die for me!"

In an instant, Rong Shan increased his attack power.

He guessed that the performance in front of Lin Tian should have been faked.


A huge hole was smashed into the arena in an instant.


Everyone was in an uproar, and the eruption in front of Rong Shan was terrible.

I thought that the fight was almost done, but it turned out that the two had just reached the climax.

"I let you down, I didn't pretend."

Lin Tian looked indifferent and looked at the other party's anger, which was exactly the result he wanted.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's back is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

At this time, Lin Tian was recovering all over, and he was happy.

Moreover, he fought harder and harder.

Rong Shan was shocked, Lin Tian in front of him seemed like Xiaoqiang who could not be killed.

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

A sword breaks ten thousand hectares, a sword is deadly.

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

With all his armor and the power of this terrifying dragon, Lin Tian broke out completely.

"Xuanwu three styles!"

"Four Xuanwu Styles!"

A terrible attack was shot from the hands of the two.

The terrifying scene shocked everyone around.

"There is snow in the world!"

"Xuanwu Universe!"

The arena is not as complete as it was before, and the potholes have been bombarded by the two at this moment.

"Too fierce!"

"These two lunatics, when can they stop!"

The stunned people looked at them, and they could no longer use words to describe their inner horror.

At this moment, Lin Tian is like a god.

Elder Nie, who was on the stage, looked at him in surprise, his eyes narrowed, and sometimes a shrewd look appeared.

Yuan Feng next to him looked at this scene, frowning.

The situation that was originally thought to be a win, now seems to be very hanging.

"Hey, it's terrible, how could there be such a person, leapfrogging is terrible!" An academy exclaimed Lin Tian.

From the battle till now, Lin Tian has not lost a bit.

Is this still Yuan Wujiang's cultivation base? What everyone saw was stunned.

If this goes on, they all suspect that Lin Tian will win.

Seeing Rong Shan's sad face, Lin Tian smiled inwardly.

This guy is already at a disadvantage.

He was defeated only once.

"Hunyuan Divine Consciousness Method!"

In an instant, Lin Tian shot.

Terrible mental power attack, coupled with the attack of the dragon seal in the hand.

Rongshan's green veins were exposed, and the basaltic transformation blessed him.

However, it is of no use.

Lin Tian's power is too terrifying.

The mental power of the Haiyuan realm directly suppressed him.

"Abnormal! Too abnormal, this kid's mental power..."

In the distance, Elder Mi looked at this scene and couldn't help but marvel that Lin Tian's mental power could only be described as terrifying.

Coupled with the unique mental attack method, it directly defeated Rong Shan's spiritual sea.

At the moment, Panlongyin was also ruthlessly hitting Liuyue Knife.

"Qiang Qiang!!"

Liuyue Knife was knocked off in an instant.

Lin Tian's eyes were happy.

"Central Fist!"

Lin Tian attacked like lightning with the evolution boxing technique from the Celestial Body Jue.

Rong Shan was taken aback, Lin Tian was terribly fast.

At this time, Rongshan was stunned by Lin Tian's spirit sea attack.

A punch hit Rongshan's body at this moment, causing Rongshan's whole body to burst.

"you wanna die!"

Rong Shan was shocked, and terrible power burst out all over his body.

"I make you crazy!"

At this time, Lin Tianpan's dragon seal was directly photographed on the Rongshan Tianling cover.


With a scream, Rong Shan fainted again this time, all flowers in front of him.

"It's really lifeless and threatening me."

Quickly, Lin Tianpan Longyin patted him on the head again.

In an instant, Rong Shantou was bleeding, he did not expect Lin Tian to be so cruel.

"Remember not to offend me in the next life!"

A fierce light broke out in Lin Tian's eyes at this moment.


"Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan!"

With a set of boxing techniques, Lin Tian madly bombarded Rong Shan's head.

Everyone was horrified, Rong Shan was defeated, just like that.

A powerful man in the Yuanzun realm was defeated in this way.

This is what they don't want to see, and it is what they want to see again.

People are always inherently challenging. Breaking the rules is the stimulus they pursue.

But now, Lin Tian did it for them.

But they didn't want to admit that Lin Tian was so terrible and excellent.

At this moment, Rong Shan was almost killed by Lin Tian.

"Lazi dare!"

Seeing that Rong Shan was dying, Yuan Feng on the trial bench could not sit still, and a mental attack directly attacked Lin Tian.

Feeling the threat, Lin Tian immediately blocked it.

However, he lost consciousness for a moment.


In an instant, Lin Tian's brain was empty.

His movements are slow, and the whole person doesn't have the same blood as before.

And all this stems from Yuan Feng's mental attack.

The terrible mental attack made Lin Tian unable to react at all.

"Yuan Feng! You are too much!"

With a heavy drink, Elder Nie was angry all over.

Someone shot in the game he presided over, this is the biggest insult to him, absolutely cannot be forgiven.

Yuan Feng looked at Lin Tiandao with contempt in his eyes: "A freshman will murder his senior brother when he comes in. Such a person has a vicious mind. How can my college tolerate such a person."

This was Xingshi's questioning, and Lin Tian was directly detained.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The two elders on the trial bench were obviously already on the bar.

"Today this is a life-and-death battle. Both of them signed. Whoever lives or dies is determined by strength. Neither you nor I can participate."

Elder Nie's words are full of irrefutable.

Yuan Feng's face turned dark, and he said gloomily: "This kind of student is a shame to my Ji Ling Academy. I can't stay and poison my brother. You see that he is vicious, and he may kill his brother and father in the future."

At this moment, Lin Tian slowly recovered to Ching Ming, and his whole body was calm.

"Sneak attack on juniors, you still have the face to slander me here, you are really shameless, I am ashamed of you, how can you have a face theory."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly and directly stunned Yuan Feng.

He knew from the beginning that the Yuan Feng in front of him was invited by Rong Shan.

I just didn't expect it to be so shameless and directly attacked myself.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was angry.

"Junior crazy talk, could it be that he was looking for death." Yuan Feng looked at Lin Tian with murderous intent in his eyes.

Just like Lin Tian, ​​let him develop in the future, that's fine.

Therefore, Yuan Feng was full of murderous intent towards Lin Tian.

For this, Lin Tian smiled, and madly smiled, "I came to the Extreme Spirit Academy to covet the fairness and justice here. Today's life and death battle, the elders sneak attack, really opened my eyes."

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