I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 170: Rong Shan died

Everyone's complexion changed drastically. This was a slap in the face of Elder Yuan Feng.

From then on, I'm afraid that the entire Ji Ling Academy's evaluation of Yuan Feng is unanimous.

Today, Yuan Feng is also willing to go out for his apprentice.

At this time, Rong Shan, who was dying on the ground, looked at all this, with indescribable sadness in his eyes.

Before this battle, he thought he was strong.

But now, he was wrong, he was really wrong.

Lin Tian in front of him was too terrifying.

Every time he confronted, he could feel that he was severely suppressed.

That was not the suppression of the same realm, it was all suppression by Lin Tian from various aspects such as strength and martial arts.

Even if he didn't have time to take the pill, he was already beaten and unable to move.

This is a kind of sadness, the sadness of the strong.

"Boy, you think you are very strong. In fact, you are the frog at the bottom of the well. You are stronger than you. It is everywhere outside the Jilin Academy. How many examples of Tianjiao's deaths are. What are you arrogant?"

Yuan Feng looked at Lin Tian with contempt and anger in his tone.

A junior insulted himself like this.

Had Elder Nie been beside him, Yuan Feng had already taken action.

It is possible to directly thwart Lin Tian's bones.

"Hahaha! I find it so ridiculous. I don't know if I died, but your apprentice is about to die soon!"

With a sneer, Lin Tian shot in an instant.

"Rainbow pear needle!"

Countless terrifying hidden weapons rushed towards Rongshan, and it was difficult for Rongshan to survive.

"you dare!"

Yuan Feng shouted, slapped Lin Tian with a palm, which contained infinite power.

Lin Tian sneered, what he didn't dare.

Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, he couldn't stop him from killing.

"Puff puff!!"


Rong Shan was killed, and his mouth was blood red at the corners of his mouth, completely losing his breath.

Elder Yuan Feng's palm was blocked by someone, that is, Elder Nie.

"No! Rongshan."

Elder Yuan Feng has a broken heart, and Rong Shan is a genius he has spent a lot of energy training.

Now that he has been killed like this, it's strange that he is not crazy.

"I must kill you!"

Elder Yuan Feng's whole body was full of strength, which was terrifying.

Everyone felt the endless pressure for a while, Lin Tian also felt depressed, but he was happy inside.

Because of this power, he is very eager and eager to grow quickly.

"The power of Yuansheng, is this the terrible Yuansheng?"

Everyone was shocked, and felt overwhelmed by the oppression of Elder Yuan Feng.

"Yuan Feng, you are challenging me!"

At this time, Elder Nie's face was extremely gloomy.

Everyone suddenly felt the pressure reduced, and that feeling just disappeared.

Elder Yuan Feng and Elder Nie confronted each other, and they were close to each other. At this moment, it seemed as if the flood was about to break out.

Everyone was excited, but a little scared.

The battle between the two elders is actually more valuable.

"It's terrible! This Lin Tian is really a saint killer."

Some people discussed in a low voice, Lin Tian's reputation really spread.

To become famous in World War I, it is Lin Tian.


Just listen to this moment, a heavy drink came, falling from the sky.

When everyone looked at it, a figure turned into a stream of light from a distance.

"Horrible! Another Yuan Sheng, there are so many Yuan Sheng in the Academy."

A group of people were crazy in their hearts, and three elders appeared.

At this moment, both Elder Nie and Elder Yuan Feng stopped.

Because the person here is Elder Mi.

"The deputy dean has an order, today's winner Lin Tian! Because Elder Yuan Feng broke the rules and acted privately, he was fined for one month in confinement."

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The elder was punished because he was shocked.

Yuan Feng's face was gloomy, and Elder Nie looked at him with a smile.


Elder Nie and Elder Yuan Feng spoke in unison.

In Ji Ling Academy, the position of the dean and deputy dean is the strongest.

Now, how can they not listen to the vice president's speech.

Lin Tian was strange for a while, the vice president and the elder Mi treated him well.

This Yuan Feng, Lin Tian is looking at him fiercely, one day, he will avenge today's sneak attack.

Yuan Feng also looked at Lin Tian angrily. He didn't expect that the boat would capsize in the gutter today and he would be restrained by a junior.

Under such circumstances, his heart was extremely angry.

However, now that the deputy dean is holding him in check, he naturally can't do anything more.

Elder Nie looked at Lin Tian with a smile in his eyes and said, "You kid, you can keep a low profile from now on."

Looking at the dead Rong Shan in the arena, Elder Nie actually felt it was a pity.

After all, he was a genius, it was a pity to die like this.

Lin Tian smiled faintly: "I'm very low-key, elder, but there are always people who want to harm me."

"Huh, you kid pay attention anyway, this is the end of today."

After finishing speaking, Elder Nie walked away.

And Lin Tian quickly got off the arena.

Today, he still looks alive and well.

"Very strong."

In the distance, Feng Yang watched Lin Tianxia go to the arena and said these two words.

For him, Lin Tian must challenge.

After all, he had already let go.

And he also has to fight for Ouyang He.

"This guy is really scary." Ouyang Bing Bing said to himself and left the crowd.

And the old ghost Fengxue also watched Lin Tian leave without saying to himself, no one knew what he said.

Zhou Shanshan and Qiao Lang naturally followed Lin Tian.

Everyone consciously stepped aside, Lin Tian's current status and status were extraordinary.

They are also now afraid to provoke Lin Tian, ​​the apprentice of Rongshan, Yuan Feng.

Now that they say kill or kill, it is strange that they dare to stop.

"Boss, after today, we will definitely go straight to Qingyun, and your reputation will grow." Qiao Lang looked at Lin Tian with a smile in his eyes.

He felt that he was following the right person.

"Hmph, you know it's great, Lin Tian offended Elder Yuan Feng, do you know how big the problem is?" Zhou Shanshan looked at Lin Tian worriedly.

The other two seem to be aware of the problem.

Elder Yuan Feng, that is a person of Yuansheng realm.

Now that Lin Tian has offended him, friction will be inevitable in the future.

And it's still such a genius apprentice who killed others, this is indeed a problem.

And the proud son of Xuanwu Island is dead, the people of Xuanwu Island will not let Lin Tian go.

"It's okay, that old guy, I'll look for him soon." Lin Tian showed killing intent in his eyes.

The other three were shocked. Lin Tian's words meant to kill Yuan Feng?

But, Yuan Feng is so strong, can Lin Tian kill it?

"Boss, that's the realm of Yuansheng, a realm that others may not reach for a lifetime." Mou Yan said discouraged at this moment.

Lin Tian just knocked him on the head.


Mou Yan immediately grinned in pain, his expression uncomfortable.

"Is your boss someone else? I said that if I want to find him, I will find him. You believe me, it won't be long."

Lin Tian's eyes were full of great confidence.

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