I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 172: Break four floors

Lin Tian was helpless.

This Xiaodu always listens to what he thinks when he has time.

"Okay. I won't scold you in my heart. How many points do you need to upgrade?"

Although Lin Tian didn't want to ask this question, he still asked.

If you want to rise up, you can only use this method.

Of course, cultivation is also possible, but if you want to ascend quickly, it is also necessary to have cultivation points.

"Master, it takes 20 million power points to upgrade again."

In an instant, Lin Tian almost exploded directly.

This system, no matter how it feels like it is going to grab it, it needs 20 million yuan.

"Can't it be less?" Lin Tian said helplessly.

"Master, this can't be less, but you can have fewer upgrade points. The condition is that you must upgrade the system first so that I can get a discount."

Is there such an operation?

Lin Tian was stunned. Xiaodu actually knew how to make discounts. This is simply an intelligent robot of the 21st century.

"How much can you call me?" Lin Tian asked slightly with interest.

At any time, something of interest can naturally arouse his interest.

"Master, I can give you a 50% discount. What do you think? When the system is upgraded again, you only need 10 million power points to upgrade to two realms."

Xiaodu's voice came, which made Lin Tian frown for a while.

When 20 million power points come, you can upgrade two power points, and upgrade the system first, you can upgrade with 10 million points.

One comes first, the other comes later.

Lin Tian was in a difficult situation, how to make a decision in this situation.

"Master, in fact, if you look at it, it is more cost-effective. After the system is upgraded, you will have some genius treasures that can be sold, such as the sword, which is worth five or eight million."

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, five million, so much?

"Okay, then upgrade the system first. You just told me a 50% discount, can you do more?" Lin Tian said in a negotiated tone.

Hearing this, Xiaodu's voice came and said, "Master, this is already my greatest authority. The system stipulates that I cannot exceed too much."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Well, give me more discounts in the future, and I will upgrade the system more."

Throw a benefit and make Xiaodu happy for a while.

Lin Tian didn't expect that since Xiaodu was able to give himself a discount, this would be great.

If this is the case, will you be able to get more discounts in the future and your strength will rise.

"Master, you can't have such an idea. The discount is just for your welfare. If you become dependent, I will cancel it."

Lin Tian was taken aback by this.

"Don't, I am a pure young man, how can I be dependent?"

Lin Tian hurriedly comforted Xiaodu at this time, he had clearly felt Xiaodu's emotions just now.

"Okay, Master, hurry up and earn practice points."


Lin Tian felt helpless. In this world, he still had to work **** his own, otherwise the system would not be reliable.

Thinking about this, Lin Tian went directly to the training tower.

Now that there is no one to accompany the training, he naturally trained the tower seriously to find the practice point.

In fact, that is also very good, as long as one day of training, there are still a lot of exercise points.

In the academy, it spread again that Lin Tian would fight Feng Yang.

It was this news that shocked the college people again.

"A duel again, is Lin Tian a fighting madman?"

"It's terrible, will he kill Feng Yang this time?" Someone speculated.

After all, Lin Tian slaughtered Rongshan, the saint son of Xuanwu Island, so he killed him.

This shows that Lin Tian's arrogance.

While everyone was shocked, they couldn't believe that Lin Tianzhen and Feng Yang were fighting.

This is simply picking the Son to offend.

In this case, are the holy sons of this college all Lin Tian's goals?

Everyone has this suspicion.

At this moment, Lin Tian came to the fourth floor of the training tower.

Last time he had broken the record of the third floor of the training tower, this time he will go to the fourth floor to see.

The gravity field of this training tower is still very good.

Conducive to training the physique, the cultivator's physique is weaker than the spirit beast.

Fighting with spirit beasts can't take advantage of it at all, and even the yellow-rank spirit beasts may destroy the martial artist of the mysterious rank.

This is a kind of weakness, no matter how long the years change, it belongs to human weakness.

Obviously Ji Ling College realized it, so it built such a place.

Entering the fourth floor, Lin Tian found a room at random.

As soon as I entered, I saw the name of Fengxue Old Ghost in the first place, and Ouyang Breaking the Ice in the second.

"It seems that you can break through." Lin Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The three layers are my first, and these four layers don't seem to be too difficult.

Thinking of this, he was already in the gravity field.

A huge force pressed on, making Lin Tian feel uncomfortable all over.

"It has only been a few days since this thing feels heavy again."

Lin Tian felt strange that the celestial body tactics automatically operated on him.

Fortunately, the system exists, otherwise he can only simply resist this gravity, and the effect of exercise will not be achieved at all.

With a wave of power running, Lin Tian felt his muscles, blood vessels, and bones vibrate.

This is a resistance from the body's instincts, and it is precisely this that can make the body grow and make the body stronger.

Step by step, Lin Tian almost used to run, and the sweat on his body was dripping.


The panting is also terrible.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

The prompt sound of the system kept ringing. This is the benefit of Lin Tian's coming here.

In this way, slowly accumulate this practice point.

Painful and happy, the bones are creaking.


After taking a long breath, Lin Tian finally passed.

"Congratulations to the students for passing the four-story training tower and rewarding five thousand credits."

A voice reminded him, Lin Tian didn't care much.

It was only five thousand credits. In that game, he had one hundred thousand credits every time. Now he has 150,000 credits.

It was hundreds of thousands, so Lin Tian naturally didn't care.

What he cares most about, he still cares about the acquisition of points.

"It's refreshed again! The four-layer record is refreshed again, that pervert!"

"God, it's almost three minutes old Fengxue, is this guy still a human?"

"I really doubt whether he will directly max out the training tower."

A group of people were talking frantically.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he went directly to the fifth floor. He was looking for his breakthrough point, which was a place that completely made it difficult for him to move forward.

That way, he will withstand the greatest pressure and stay in place.

On the fifth floor, there is basically no one. Looking at the top of the ranking list, Lin Tian actually has Feng Yang's name on it.

And below, the second one turned out to be the name of Pan Yang, the son of Nanyang.

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