I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 173: Terrible six layers

In this case, Lin Tian smiled.

It seems that the fifth floor should be challenging, and people in Yuanzun's realm should not be weak.

With this in mind, Lin Tian directly entered the fifth floor.

As soon as he entered, he felt energies coming from heaven and earth.

It seems that the number of layers is advanced, and even the vitality of the world is much stronger.

In fact, Lin Tian didn't notice that the reason why he was able to come up was because he was holding a blue token.

Generally introductory students are not qualified to come up.

On the fourth floor, a bunch of people were talking about him.

"I saw a person on the fifth floor just now, did you think it was Lin Tian?"

"I guess not. Isn't he a freshman? How could he get into the fifth floor, that is only for Tianjiao in the inner courtyard."

"It should be him, Rong Shan was killed by him, can't he be called the pride of heaven in the inner courtyard?"

For a time, everyone discussed that there were many guesses for Lin Tian.

"I suspect he went up to check the records."

"Impossible, that is the record of Feng Yang, the son of Tianjiao of the Feng Family. If the Holy Son of Blessed Land does not come out, generally no one can move."

As soon as this person said, everyone thought of Rong Shan's death.

Suddenly, no one said any more, because it was too slapped.

"Don't talk about it. Anyway, we can't see the results above, so why bother?"

When everyone heard this, it was dim for a while.

Strength determines the class, and in some places, they really can't touch it.

At this moment, Lin Tian has entered the gravity field.

A wave of gravity came, causing Lin Tian's bones to crackle.

"So cool!"

For an instant, Lin Tian was comfortable all over.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Yes, that's how it feels, rush!"

Lin Tian was overjoyed because of this oppressive feeling.

The celestial body tactics revolved without life, a strange pattern was attached to the whole body, it was the celestial body tactic that played a role.

That is an exclusive Dao Yin belonging to a practice technique.

At this moment, Lin Tian had some faint silver brilliance throughout his body, which looked surprising.


Halfway to the training ground, Lin Tian stopped.

His feet are already broken.

That is the wound formed under the extremely strong pressure of gravity.

"Comfortable, recover me!"

Feeling a little pain, Lin Tian quickly replied.

"Ding! It was checked that the host's foot was injured, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

The so-called meat is connected to the nerves, and this intense pain was naturally fed back to Lin Tian.

"Master, there is hope for the Heaven and Earth Jue to be upgraded to a lower grade of Heaven. Does it need to be upgraded?"

A small voice came.

Lin Tian was taken aback, is the world inferior? Heaven-level exercises, of course.

"Yes, upgrade me."

"But isn't your current practice going to upgrade the system? Master, it seems that you can't upgrade it."

"You're not bullshit, Xiaodu, are you looking for it?"

Lin Tian's sweaty back was exhausted, and he didn't feel pain in his back when he spoke.

"I think it's too boring for you to train alone, so the master, I am making you happy."


This funny method is really maddening.

Lin Tian felt helpless for a while, he was a stupid system.

"Master, you can't scold me in your heart."

Lin Tian: "..."


Lin Tian let out an angry roar, no matter what his legs or feet burst, he wanted to rush to the end at this time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 exercise points!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 exercise points!"

That Fengyang guy, isn't there a record? Then break it.

He is like this, since others want to challenge him, let him realize his weakness.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tian finally took the final step at the end.

In just an instant, he collapsed to the ground.


Gasping for breath, this time he finally realized the terrible gravity.

Even if the Celestial Body Art was running on the body, it still couldn't resist the average gravity of ten tons.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 500,000 power points!"

This last time, the system rewarded a lot of power points.

Lin Tianxin is still relatively happy. As long as he stays on the fifth floor, doesn't it mean that he has always rewarded a lot of points of cultivation.

Thinking like this in my heart, only a voice came.

"Congratulations to Lin Tian, ​​set the record for the fifth floor. Twenty-three minutes, ranked first, and awarded 7,000 credits."

A loud voice rang in Lin Tian's ears.

This stunned him, because the sound, without the previous machinery, was very beautiful.

Could it be that this training tower also has a broadcast host?

Lin Tian was surprised for a while, feeling that his guess should be true.

Just so guessing, Lin Tian continued to rest.

It was too exhausted. After breaking through just now, the whole person was in endless exhaustion.

After Lin Tianzhen broke through, he was in another part of the academy.

Feng Yang's jade card shook suddenly.

Feng Yang looked down and was taken aback.

"Broken, he..."

Looking at the jade card, Lin Tian broke his own record for 24 minutes, but he was one minute faster.

"Hmph, you think this will make me disturbed and dream."

After speaking, Feng Yang put the jade card away and continued walking.

Lin Tian might not have thought that, in fact, he just set the record by himself.

I never expected that Feng Yang would be notified where to go.

After resting for about five minutes, Lin Tian got up and left here.

Although it has already made him feel the pressure, he still feels that it is not enough.

The real pressure should be that he couldn't breathe completely, and it was the last one that made him feel really tired.

Therefore, Lin Tian wants to leave and set off for the sixth floor.

That's his goal.

On the sixth floor, Lin Tian didn’t feel anyone’s breath.

"Well, I feel pretty good."

The sixth layer is a stronger spiritual aura of heaven and earth.

Lin Tian suspected that if this continued, he estimated that he would break through without earning enough power points.

Because he has clearly felt the bottleneck.

This is a sign, a sign of breakthrough.

Entering the sixth floor, Lin Tian felt that the space was much larger.

The entire gravity field is as wide as a football field, surrounded by a burst of empty space.

However, in the void, there is a stream of invisible gravity.

"Which power is this? How much power is needed to create so much gravity here?"

Lin Tian sighed in his heart, Ji Ling Academy, really extraordinary.

The former Tianling Academy was just a dish, and Lin Tian could only feel that way.

The worst in the world is sometimes not that you don't have a strong strength.

It's that there is no vision beyond others, this is the sadness.

Slowly approaching the gravity field, Lin Tian immediately felt pressured before he entered.

The sixth-level gravity field in front of him, Yuan Zun entered, I was afraid that he could feel his body being oppressed.

At this moment, Lin Tian felt very deep. He hadn't entered yet, and the gravity in it seemed to be pressing on himself.

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