I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 174: Broken leg

Although Lin Tian felt that the pressure was a little bit heavy in his heart.

However, isn't this exactly what he wants?

"No matter, go!"

In an instant, Lin Tian stepped out and stepped directly in the gravity field in front of him.

On the first foot, Lin Tian felt his body's center of gravity shifted.

"How can it be so strong!"

Lin Tian was shocked again, this feeling of shifting his center of gravity really made him feel uncomfortable.

This is enough to prove that the gravity field in front of me is a bit too scary.

Two feet stepped in, Lin Tian was not as fast as before, but moved forward step by step.

In the academy, Feng Yang walked in the tree-lined path, his eyes slightly low.

"That guy, shouldn't be on the sixth floor?"

He secretly guessed.

Even he didn't realize that he had been affected by Lin Tian.

Since breaking his record, he was a little panicked.

This is a very bad sign.

The reason Feng Yang would guess is entirely because the difficulty of the sixth floor is far higher than the fifth floor.

And the first on the sixth floor was created by a genius who didn't know how long ago in the Extreme Spirit Academy, and no one has broken it yet.

This year's favorite of heaven, undoubtedly all left their own records on the sixth floor.

It's just that they didn't succeed in breaking the first place, no matter how hard they tried, they are still behind.

Because in that era, some terrible geniuses appeared.

Their starting point is from the sixth floor.

The training tower of Ji Ling Academy has a long history. In its records, there is no record of how the training tower appeared.

At this time, Lin Tian, ​​although the speed was slow.

But he still moved a little bit in this one.

He is absolutely certain that the pressure he wants most is right in front of him, and it is this level.

At this moment, Lin Tian is in the yard.

"Huh, where's the boss?" Mou Yan looked around with a puzzled look.

Next to him is Qiao Lang, and he also has doubts, but it is more of a joy.

Because Lin Tian is not here, that proves that there is no need for sparring.

There was really no way, Lin Tian was too perverted as the training partner. He simply wanted to kill Lin Tian, ​​then unloaded eight pieces and completely shredded his body.

The reality is that they are not Lin Tian's opponents at all.

"It's okay, we will wait here for the boss to come back." Qiao Lang said at the moment.

Mou Yan's eyes lit up and he said, "Maybe, the boss is going to find someone to train with now."

After such a guess, the two looked at each other inexplicably and smiled.

They think this feeling is really good.

In fact, Lin Tianzheng was sweating, his bones rattled, and there was no place in his body that was not under pressure.

The internal organs are all spent in squeezing.

This is his current situation, the sixth floor of the training tower, in the gravity field.

"Your uncle, is it so perverted?"

Lin Tian cursed in his heart, is this gravity still something people can bear?

"Master, judging from your current situation, you can still withstand five minutes, remember to step back." Xiaodu voice prompted.

"Why? What if I don't return?"

Lin Tian roared in his mind, and the whole person was not convinced.

"You can try, the master, the person who created the training tower, is very powerful, at least for you now."

Xiaodu said so, can Lin Tian still not admit it?


This tower is so abnormal, of course the people who created it are even more abnormal.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's heart fluctuates abnormally, and it costs 1000 power points to repair!"

I go!

It hurts my heart, can it be more exaggerated?

Lin Tian is about to scold his mother, what the **** is this horse riding?

"Master, calm down, the Celestial Body Art is working, and if this goes on, you will break through faster."

Xiaodu is directing Lin Tian to practice, which is really playing the intelligent role of the system.

Once the system was just rewarding or deducting power points.

Now that he has a small degree, Lin Tian feels that this system is so caring.

not bad!

In a blink of an eye, the five minutes Xiaodu said came.

Lin Tian's legs were pressed crazily, and his bones creaked.

"Master, step back."

Xiaodu's voice came, because it could feel the last trace of Lin Tian's arrogance.

"I don't!"

With a roar, Lin Tian flickered and fluorescent.

This is the light belonging to the Celestial Body Art, making Lin Tian look like a star god.


In just an instant, Lin Tian completely knelt on the ground.

Both legs broke when they were broken.

"I really... this..."

Lin Tian felt angry from the unconscious legs.

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is broken, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is broken, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"


Lin Tian was shocked by the prompts.

"Stop repairing!"

Lin Tian gave a command, and the system finally stopped ringing.

"What's wrong with Xiaodu?" Lin Tian was puzzled.

He heard repairs a dozen times at least, but there was no movement of his legs.

"Master, where you are, this place is under endless gravity. The repair just started, but it broke again, so I asked you to step back a little and you won't listen."

Xiaodu's voice contains helplessness, and it feels like a nanny.

too difficult!

Lin Tian was dumbfounded, feeling the pressure of gravity on his spine, as well as his own hands, now firmly supporting on the black floor.

The floor didn't know what kind of stone it was made of, and it didn't sink in the slightest because he tried too hard.

Lin Tian's palm of power can be more ten thousand miles away, but the floor is fine.

This shows that everything here is not simple.

"What's the matter with Xiaodu? I can't move now, has it always been like this?"

Lin Tian felt a burst of anger in his heart, where did this Xiaodu go at the critical moment?

"Master, this incident reminds you that next time you encounter problems, be calm and don't be impulsive."

"I'm going! I'm courage, what do you know? Give me a solution quickly."

Lin Tian was angry for a while, this little time, he also taught himself.

"Hey, Master, if you want your legs to be repaired in an instant and have the strength to support you, you need to spend 800,000 exercise points to repair, escape from the current position, and continue to practice."

"Eight hundred thousand!"

Lin Tian's tongue almost knotted.

"Xiaodu, are you cheating? You are not kidding me."

"Master, 800,000 is still discounted. Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?"

What this said made Lin Tian panicked suddenly.

It's true that I just succeeded.

"Okay, give me flowers!"

With a cruel heart, Lin Tian decided to take Lin and spend some time to buy lessons.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful exchange. Now I will repair your broken leg."

For an instant, Lin Tian felt infinite power coming from his legs.

"Get me up..."

With a roar, Lin Tian got up, then backed away frantically.

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