I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 175: Elder Nie's helplessness

In just an instant, Lin Tian retreated to the entrance of the sixth floor.


Lin Tian doesn't know what to say?

Eight hundred thousand for nothing, just like that.

The blood in my heart was caused by impulse.

"Xiaodu, can't you go to the place just now?" Lin Tian asked.

This cheating system must be clarified this time.

"Master, you have advanced five meters just now. The gravity is almost the peak of Yuanzun's fourth-order. You can only endure seven minutes. If you exceed the time, you will not be able to come back. You can only repair it again."

I'm Cao!

The hatred in Lin Tian's heart, then deducted, then what is the point of his coming here?

Isn't it just for that poor practice point?

If this deduction goes on, he must be sure to lose money but not earn.

"Okay, I'll go again, you remember to remind me."

With that, Lin Tian entered the gravity field and felt the terrible pressure once again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 500,000 power points!"


The long-lost voice made Lin Tian feel particularly sweet.

Lin Tian thinks that all the beautiful sounds in the world are the prompt of the system.

Because the more he enters, the higher the reward will be.

This is equivalent to the higher the strength he bears.

A few minutes later, Xiaodu's voice sounded again.

"Master, you can leave now."

Lin Tian left the field without saying a word.

Immediately, he entered again.

If someone watched this scene, they would think that it was a stroke.

Lin Tian seemed to be playing against the gravity field.

In this way, the skill points increased.

Before long, everyone in the academy knew that Lin Tian had broken the record of the training tower.

"This guy is really a freak." Ouyang Bing Bing looked at the reminder on the jade card with a smile.

Because his ranking dropped by one, Lin Tian's ranking first shined.

The academy's method naturally made the proud of heaven watch others rob him of his position.

Only in this way can we increase our competitiveness.

Lest some students think that they are very strong, so they don't want to make progress.

Similarly, Fengxue Old Ghost also received this news.

"I hope you can successfully meet my requirements." Fengxue old ghost stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance.

For a cultivator in one day, there is no rhythm.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dark.

"Xiaodu, how many exercises do you have now?" Lin Tian was excited. He worked so hard and naturally wanted to see how many exercises he had?

"Eight million, master."

With only 8 million exercise points, Lin Tian's heart was weak for a while.

Upgrading the system requires 20 million power points.

"Master, don't be frustrated. Think about upgrading the system. All the treasures you encounter in the future can be exchanged for cultivation points, so you don't have to work so hard."

Xiaodu's seductive voice came, so that Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

But he immediately became angry, and said: "Where are so many treasures? Xiaodu, you bluff me."

Xiaodu's voice immediately came again, "Master, think about it, don't you like fighting? Don't you know how to make alchemy? The treasures of heaven and earth are not readily available, don't worry."

It sounds like the temptation really drops.

However, Lin Tian was distressed, this practice point really needed too much.

"Master, you are in a bad mood, if you don't go back, come back tomorrow, as it is already dark today."

Xiaodu understands Lin Tian very much, but Lin Tian hopes that it can understand his low strength.

Then, give him some practice points at random, so why not do it?

Lin Tian thought it was beautiful, but how could Xiaodu agree?

"Master, instead of blaming the heavens and the other people and being whimsical, it's better to earn points in practice." Xiaodu's suggestion came.

The bitterness in Lin Tian's heart, this guy, said silly things all day long.

"Well, I'm going back."

Helpless, Lin Tian could only go back.

"Is it dark outside?"

Lin Tian asked.

"Yes, master, didn't you just say it?"

"How do you know that it's dark?" It was a little strange, Lin Tian knew that the only thing that could predict the weather was the weather forecast. Of course, it was wonderful to know day and night.

After all, this is in the training tower, there is a lot of light inside, and I don't know the situation outside.

"I can know the night and day outside, Master, this is my ability."

"Oh, well, it's okay." Lin Tian could only nod his head.

This small degree is sometimes too smart and sometimes too rigid.

When he clicked the fifth floor of the training tower, Lin Tian felt strange gazes from around him.

"He is Lin Tian, ​​has he trained for a day in there?"

"How can he be so strong? Isn't he tired?"

"Maybe this is the difference between genius and mediocrity?"

A group of people were stunned by Lin Tian and trained for a day in the training tower.

This is not a lunatic or a fool.

But they would rather believe that Lin Tian is the former.

Regardless of other things, Lin Tian walked out of the training tower indifferently and returned directly to his practice residence.

However, it's useless to think of going back by yourself, it's the Dongfu of Fudi.

Doesn’t Rongshan also have a cave in Xianxia Island? It just so happens that you can take over.

Lin Tian thought to himself, feeling some evil inexplicably.

But that is my own trophy, should I take it or take it.

When he came to the entrance of Fudi, Lin Tian saw Elder Nie.

"Hello Elder Nie."

Lin Tian had a harmonious appearance, completely unassuming in the arena.

Elder Nie turned his head, stroked his beard, looked at Lin Tian, ​​and said, "You kid, what are you doing here? I can't stand your toss."

"No matter what Elder Nie said, I am a pure young man. People who don't provoke me will generally not cause trouble."

"You don't cause trouble, do you remember when you came here that day? You offended three guys, and now one is killed, you still say you are pure."

With that, Elder Nie wanted to give Lin Tian a fat beating.

"Hey, Elder Nie, in fact, I just went in for cultivation, and I will be trying again in two days." Lin Tian looked embarrassed.

When he heard the competition, Elder Nie's eyes changed.

"You kid, who do you want to compare with? Is this a life and death battle?"

"No, I'm just competing with the guy named Feng Yang, not fighting life and death."

When Lin Tian said the word Fengyang, Elder Nie's pupils closed.

"You kid, I know you are not so idle, day by day..."

As he said, Elder Nie closed his mouth.

"Go in, go in, don't let me see you upset."

After speaking, Elder Nie disappeared here.


What's wrong?

Lin Tian couldn't understand it a bit. He was playing by himself. What is Elder Nie's helplessness?

Could it be that Feng Yang is his relative? Lin Tian guessed in his heart, wondering if he would act lightly at that time.

Immediately, he walked into the blessed land and went to the cave mansion to practice.

Otherwise, this strength is waiting for the cultivation points to grow, and still don't know how long to wait?

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