I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 176: The excitement of the barbarian

When Lin Tian entered the blessed land, some geniuses around watched, all leaving far away.

He dared not approach him because he was afraid.

Lin Tian killed Rong Shan, just this news.

These people who were scared did not dare to offend him, of course, they did not rule out a stronger existence.

However, the stronger ones are generally on Xianxia Island.

Soon, Lin Tian came to Xianxia Island.

"Huh? The breath of Fengxue old ghost."

Lin Tian suddenly felt the breath of Fengxue Old Ghost, and he was nearby.

"There is snow in the world!"

With one move released, Lin Tian instantly determined the cave of Old Fengxue Ghost.

To the southeast of Xianxia Island, there is a cave with extremely cold power, and there are a few snowflakes outside lightly sticking to the ground.

Here, there is no doubt that the old ghost's cave house.

"Old Fengxue, can I come in?"

Lin Tiansi did not shy away, yelling to express the news that he was coming.

The old Fengxue ghost who was cultivating in the cave opened his eyes, somewhat helpless.

Although Lin Tian is very strong, but this style of behavior also seems a bit mad.

If you don’t know, they think they are fighting again.

"come in."

There was a sound from the cave, and there was a moment of coldness, with a touch of weirdness.

Other people's caves are either peaceful and quiet, or warm and airy.

The old snow storm in front of him is good, it is directly the Ice and Snow Cave Mansion.

As soon as I entered, I felt icy cold for tens of seconds.

Of course, this is also indispensable for the special gloomy of Fengxue Old Ghost.

"Can't you be a little warmer where you practice?" Lin Tian looked at the old Fengxue ghost sitting cross-legged on the jade bed.

"I am used to it."

Fengxue Old Ghost is as cold as ever, but now it is much better. At least I am willing to talk to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Actually, I came to fight with you, believe it or not?"

Looking at Old Fengxue Ghost, Lin Tian spoke slowly.

The old ghost of Fengxue has no choice but to Lin Tian, ​​since he once played against Lin Tian.

He knew that Lin Tian must be a militant.

"I don't want to fight you."


Lin Tian sighed inwardly.

Why is it so hard to find someone to fight?

"Well, you practice hard, and I will also practice."

With that, Lin Tian left here.

Old Ghost Fengxue looked at his leaving back, closed his eyes again, and continued to practice.

At this time, Lin Tian came to the cave house of Pan Yang, the holy son of Nanyang that he had previously occupied.

Before entering, he noticed someone among them.

There was a breath of earth, which made Lin Tian smile faintly. Don't think about it, it should be the barbarian in it.

This barbaric is quite attentive.

Lin Tian discovered that most of the geniuses were hardworking.

Approaching Xianxia Island, his mental power inadvertently sensed a few tyrannical auras.

And those people should be the so-called saint son and saint woman.

It's just that they are cultivating now and haven't come out.

Like Rong Shan, he graduated a long time ago, just staying on this Xianxia Island to practice.

"If there is a chance, I must go to fight one by one."

Suddenly, Lin Tian came up with this idea, but he himself felt a little crazy.

If everything is offended, I'm afraid he is going to heaven and earth, and those powers and schools will devour themselves alive.

"Barbarian, let me in, or I will blow your door."

Lin Tian's voice sounded louder, because the barbarian had built a barrier outside.

In this case, even if someone enters, he will feel it.

Otherwise, others will break in suddenly, which will disturb the practice.

Lin Tian can still understand Barbarian like this.

It's like the old ghost in the snow.

The barbarian in the cave suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the cave.

"Boss, you are here."

The barbarian was happy for a while, and immediately cancelled the enchantment.

Lin Tian outside walked in and found that the strength of the barbarian seemed to have improved a bit.

"Hey, your strength is stronger again, it's really good."

Lin Tian praised the barbarians, he would be praised if he worked hard, that's for sure.

The barbarian suddenly said embarrassedly: "This is still a blessing to you, the boss. The vitality of the world of Xianxia Island is stronger, so my cultivation will speed up."

It turned out that for this reason, Lin Tian laughed for a while.

It seems that Ji Ling Academy buried a genius like Barbarian.

"Barbarian, why didn't you come to occupy a cave on this island before?" Lin Tian wondered.

This kind of good place, with the strength of barbarians, should be no problem.

When this question was mentioned, the light in Manzi's eyes dimmed.

He touched his head, looking a little honest.

"Actually, the boss, I don't have any status. Being able to enter the Extreme Spirit Academy is completely based on luck to get a practice technique."

As he said, the barbarian said sadly: "In this place on Xianxia Island, people with backgrounds dare to come here to fight. We, even if we fight for a while, will eventually be hated by some forces, so..."

Hearing what Manzi said, Lin Tian suddenly felt that this was too sad.

"Barbarian, I will fight with my brother in the future, I see who dares to bully you." Lin Tian looked at the barbarian with a domineering look, and then said: "From now on, you are my little brother. No one can bully you except me. remember!"

The barbarian froze for a moment, with gratitude in his eyes.

This was the first time someone said this to him.

Some people look at him as being rude and insulting.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​he didn't look down on his identity at all.

Instead, it is a kind of shelter from the older brother.

"Yes, boss! I will listen to you from now on."

Barbarian looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes full of true feelings.

Lin Tian also smiled, and said, "Okay, practice hard now, and I will take you to Pandong Mansion tomorrow."

"Huh? Where is the boss going to Pandong Mansion?" The man was surprised.

The cave houses here are generally well divided.

Pandong Mansion, isn't that just a fight?

"You forgot, that fellow Rongshan was killed by me, his cave mansion will naturally belong to me." Lin Tian said naturally.

For an instant, the barbarian was shocked.

On the day of Lin Tian's competition, he forgot, and he was practicing with all his heart.

"Boss, did you really kill Rong Shan?"

Unbelievable, Rong Shan was killed by Lin Tian, ​​and the man still remembered that he was once looked down upon by Rong Shan.

However, it was indeed that his strength was too weak.

"Of course, he asked for it himself, I just fulfilled him." Lin Tian said indifferently.

Especially thinking of Yuan Feng, there was a fire in my heart, that old guy.

Sooner or later, Lin Tian went to find Yuan Feng to settle the account. After all, he had deceived him as a weak one.

After listening to this, the barbarian believed.

"Boss, you are amazing."

Sincerely, Rong Shan looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes full of worship.

"It's okay, follow me in the future, you will be as good as brother." Lin Tiansi is not modest.

After all, modesty is a kind of hypocrisy, and he doesn't need it.

Next, the two each find a place to practice.

In fact, five or six people are enough for this cave.

There is no such thing as robbing heaven and earth vitality, but geniuses sometimes care too much about themselves as a genius and don't want to be alone with others.

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