I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 177: Manshan Cave House

Lin Tian was cultivating on Xianxia Island, but where he lived, there were still two people waiting.

Those two are naturally Mou Yan and Qiao Lang.

"Boss, what's the matter? You're not coming back so late?"

Mou Yan looked into the distance, feeling that Lin Tian would be back.

However, after feeling so long, Lin Tian had no news at all.

"Hey, the old meeting will not practice and forget to go home? We are waiting like this, it feels like we are not too big."

With these words, Mou Yan immediately said: "No, we must wait for the boss to come back, otherwise he can't see us, he might think we are not here today."

Qiao Lang suddenly thought of Lin Tian's perverted method of torturing them, and immediately nodded.

"Well, wait, let the boss know how much we care about him."

Two people, accompanied this night.

And at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai is practising in the cave house.

Countless heaven and earth vitality poured into his body.

The next day, Lin Tian felt that he was in a bottleneck, and he could break through at any time.

"Master, if you break through now, I suggest you can take the pill directly, and then increase your realm after breakthrough."

A small voice came.

Lin Tian knew in his heart that the pill in his ring flew out immediately.

The man next to him was startled, because he smelled a pill.

"Master, get ready, strive to directly break through the fourth-order Yuan generals, and then reach the fourth-order peak cultivation base." Xiaodu's voice came again.

What it said was undoubtedly what Lin Tian wanted to do.

In the current situation, if you say that you break through, you have no reason to hesitate.

Because any hesitation may become a stumbling block to success.

"Boss what is this?"

The barbarian next to him looked at this scene, inexplicably puzzled.

Lin Tian is like this, it is easy for him to create illusions.

At this moment, Lin Tian opened his mouth mechanically, and the pill instantly entered his mouth.

"Earth-level pill."

The barbarian was slightly startled and was swallowed by Lin Tian.

"Boss will not want to break through?"

Suddenly, Barbarian guessed.

Because at this moment, because of the vitality of the world, it rushed into Lin Tian's body very violently.

"The boss turned out to be an ice attribute physique!"

The barbarian was slightly surprised, this physique is still very rare in men.

At least, this physique may not be too domineering for a man.

After all, men have more gold, wood and fire, and the dark black gold that belongs to gold is more sinister and lethal.

The ice is obviously not particularly strong.

But it also varies from person to person.

At this moment, Lin Tian was ruthlessly plundering the vitality of the surrounding world.

Originally, the Barbarian was only watching, but slowly, the Barbarian felt shocked.

Because the vitality of the surrounding world is a bit scarce.

Lin Tian in front of him, don't know how he cultivated? Need so much vitality.

In other words, how did Lin Tian contain so much vitality?

This is a very serious matter. With more vitality, there will be more natural reserves.

Over time, the pure strength is also a great advantage.

At this moment, Lin Tian is full of vitality.

Slowly, the heaven and earth vitality that rushed towards his body was spinning around Lin Tian.

This is all because Lin Tian's power is too saturated, and now he doesn't need much, plus the pill he swallowed.

He is now comparable to Yuanzun's realm with more power.

"The power of the boss is too strong, right?" At this moment, the barbarian looked at Lin Tian. He thought that Lin Tian's power was already very strong.

But now, he found that his judgment still had some errors.

Lin Tian is too strong, the power is comparable to the mid-level Yuanzun.

"Master, now you can break through, all in one go!"

The sound of a small reminder is here, it is the best time to break through.

Lin Tian made up his mind in an instant.

"Okay! Break it for me!"

With a roar in his heart, Lin Tian's strength exploded in an instant.

The barbarian next to him looked at him, and in an instant he felt that the power of the entire cave was emptied by Lin Tian.

At this moment, he didn't know what to say?

Apart from shock, Barbarian didn't know what to say.

One person absorbed the vitality of five or six people.

How much power should be stored in the body of such a cultivator.

Barbarians can only say that it is strong and outrageous.

At this time, Lin had a long breath and finally broke through.


Taking a long breath, Lin Tian felt the endless power flooding his body at this moment.

This is a powerful performance, a normal feeling after a breakthrough.

"Boss, you broke through."

Manzi looked at Lin Tian, ​​and the shock in his eyes was hard to dissipate.

He finally understood why Lin Tian's power was so strong.

The power contained in this body is no longer the power of Yuan generals.

It's just that this breath hasn't broken through yet.

Lin Tian got up and said with a smile: "Well, a breakthrough, what's wrong?"

Isn't this a very common thing? Lin Tian smiled faintly.

However, Manzi looked at Lin Tian with an uncomfortable expression.

"Boss, I used to be a cardinal in Yuan Wujiang for a long time. You can pass a realm card for a year, so easily."

In Barbarian's impression, sometimes it is too difficult to break through.

There are always situations where you cannot break through if you feel weak in the middle.

And there are quite a few, but here in Lin Tian, ​​he just made a breakthrough like that.

"Haha, it's okay, follow me in the future and take you to fly."

After speaking, Lin Tian said again: "Let's go to the cave mansion and see how that guy's cave mansion is?"

In fact, Lin Tian just wanted to see, are there any good things in the cave?

The Son of Xuanwu Island should have something good.

"Boss, I know where the Rongshan Cave Mansion is? I've been to see it before." The man said at this time.

Lin Tian glanced at him strangely, "What are you going to do to see other people's Dongfu?"

"That guy had a feast with me. I am optimistic about the Dongfu and try to get revenge when the cultivation base is higher than him." Manzi said, filled with indignation.

Lin Tian just laughed, this barbarian is not stupid either.

It is not too late to know that a gentleman takes revenge.

"Well, you have to have such a mentality, always ensure your safety, go!"

With that, the two left the cave.

Immediately, Manshan led Lin Tian to the cave mansion of Mount Narong.

Looking at the expression on Manshan's face, it was a look of excitement.

Because of the cave, he had thought about going in before, but it was occupied by Rongshan.

The two of them left the cave, turned left, turned right, and passed the river and trees, and finally came to a cave.

Rongshan, these two words are written on the cave mansion.

Lin Tian raised his hand and instantly erased the name on it.

Waved again, the name of the mountain already appeared on it.

"Boss, you..."

Man Shan was taken aback for a moment, wondering what Lin Tiannong was doing with his name?

"From now on, this cave will be yours." The words contained a command that could not be resisted.

This made Manshan feel grateful, a burst of excitement and sadness.

Finally, he has his own cave mansion.

There is no power, no background, and no strong strength.

It is so difficult to have your own Dongfu.

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