I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 178: Yuan Wujiang Fourth Order

But here in Lin Tian, ​​none of this seems to be a problem.

Here in Lin Tian, ​​Man Shan truly felt the benefits and happiness of being a little brother.

Lin Tian didn't look down on him, nor bullied him, on the contrary, he treated him preferentially.

"Men's house, don't dawdle, remember that you are my Lin Tian's little brother, and you must be aggressive in the future."

Lin Tian couldn't see this sensational scene most, and immediately changed the atmosphere with a loud voice.

"Yes, boss!"

Man Shan immediately looked at Lin Tian seriously.

"Well, that's right, let's go in and take a look."

As soon as the two of them entered, a stronger energies of heaven and earth struck.

"It's so rich in heaven and earth vitality, it really is better here." Man Shan looked at Lin Tian happily at this time.

"Huh? How to say?" Lin Tian was puzzled.

"Boss, you don't know, sometimes this cave is actually a doorway, and sometimes the vitality of heaven and earth is allocated based on the dragon veins here."

As the barbarian said, his eyes were shining, and he continued: "Because of the different geographical locations, the levels of heaven and earth's vitality will be similar. Obviously, this place is more dense and much better than Panyang Shengzi. Boss, you come to live here, here is more Good practice."

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said, "This will be your cave in the future, and I can't grab it. Please remember that I am still where I was when I practiced. The vitality of the world does not have much impact on me."

What really affects is the practice point!

Lin Tianxin felt helpless for a while.

In order to practice points, I can only do my best.

Suddenly, Lin Tian looked at Manshan with a smile in his eyes.

In this way, Man Shan was scared to speak for a while.

"Boss, what are you going to do? What do you want to say, don't look at me like this, I panic."

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said, "It's useless to panic. In fact, I just want you to practice with me."

Lin Tian thinks this must be more elegant.

Don't say that opening is a fight, this will scare Manshan.

Man Shan was taken aback, but Lin Tian didn't expect Lin Tian to let himself practice.

"Boss, if we go to the arena, where there are many people, you should be able to be your sparring partner." Man Shan hesitated and gave this advice.

Lin Tian was taken aback, is it the arena?

"Can you fight?"

This time, Lin Tian made no secret of it.

"Yes, boss, and earn credits."

Listening to this, Lin Tian smiled, if that's the case, then go take a look.

"Lead the way." Lin Tian was about to set off.

Man Shan was pleased. Although he did not practice with Lin Tian, ​​he knew that he must not be able to beat Lin Tian.

There was only one result of the sparring, which was abuse.

In fact, he still doesn't know that the abuser may not be abused, but will be tortured by Lin Tian's awkward fighting methods.

Immediately, Barbarian took Lin Tian and went to the arena.

"Boss, haven't you been to the arena?" Barbarian asked. Generally, people who come to the academy will actually go to the arena.

Especially men, where there is passion and struggle, there will always be stimulation.

Lin Tian said calmly: "Does the place where you compete with Rongshan count as an arena?"

Manshan was taken aback, and then said: "Forget it, it's just that it's public. The academy actually has an underground arena, which is a place where the academy can increase the strength of its students."

Underground arena?

According to what Manshan said, how to deal with killing people?

"Will something happen?"

"No, there is a rule in the underground arena. You can't kill anyone, as long as the opponent admits defeat, or you hit until the opponent can't get up."

It suddenly became clear to Lin Tian that he knew the purpose of the college.

"Isn't that a barbarian? Who is the man next to him?"

"Don't you know Lin Tian? You are now a legend in the academy." A man in Tsing Yi looked at Lin Tian with surprise in his eyes.

"Legend, what's going on? I have been practicing for too long, so I don't know much about the college."

"Fought Pan Yang, killed Rong Shan, challenged Feng Yang, and directly defeated Zhang Yuxuan, a ground-level alchemy master, by alchemy, do you mean legend?"

For a while, another man was dull.

These people were once the pinnacles of the college.

"Is he this year's new student?" For a moment, the man swallowed.

"That's right, he came in this year, and he was rewarded with 100,000 credits as soon as he came in. The deputy dean personally selected it. The Ice Dragon Secret Realm is the first.

"Pervert, is this still a person?"

Can't help it, the man yelled at him. At this moment, Lin Tian and the two had already left.

"I also want to ask, is this a human?"

Almost the same problem appeared in countless minds.

Enjoying the strange envious and hateful eyes from the surroundings, Manzi looked at Lin Tian.

"Boss, you are so fierce. I have never been so noticeable when I break through Yuanzun." The barbarian looked at Lin Tian and praised sincerely.

Lin Tian smiled at this.

"It's okay, I get used to it slowly. Shuai naturally has to take some handsome risks."


The two arrived at the gate of Fudi a few minutes later.

"You kid, you're done practicing."

A figure appeared beside Lin Tian and Manzi.

Looking at the five-big three-thick, two-meter tall body, the figure that appeared was dissatisfied.

"Barbarian, where do you want to go?"

Elder Nie's voice came. Hearing these words, the barbarian panicked.

"Elder Nie, I will accompany the boss out of the arena."

Elder Nie stared at Lin Tian when he heard the man named Lin Tian Boss.

"You kid, you just came in and harvested the barbarians into a little brother, you can!"

Is this complimenting yourself? Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Haha, Elder Nie praised it. Although I am excellent, I am also humble."

For a moment, Elder Nie wanted to slap Lin Tian. This guy said just like he sang, saying that he is good.

"Hmph, if you want to be the boss of this kid, then you have to pay attention. This kid is stupid, you have to pay attention to protection, it is easy to be fooled by others."

Elder Nie looked at Lin Tian with a loud reminder.

Lin Tian was taken aback, the Barbarian grinned, looking really silly.

"Elder Nie, don't worry, I, Lin Tian's little brother, can't bully anyone, I can only bully myself."

"Okay, do it well, you kid, don't put too heavy hands during the game, the Feng Family and you will not be an enemy."

With that, Elder Nie disappeared here.

It's just the last sentence that seems to remind Lin Tian that you don't need to fight Fengyang to death and life.

"Manzi, I can't tell, you and Elder Nie have a good relationship." Lin Tian looked at Manzi in surprise.

Manzi immediately explained: "Elder Nie usually takes care of me. In fact, I couldn't enter this blessed land before. It was because I begged Elder Nie for a long time before he let me in."


Lin Tian understood that, so to speak, Elder Nie was still Barbarian's teacher.

And Elder Nie should have expectations of Barbarian, in Lin Tian's opinion.

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