If Elder Nie didn't expect Barbarian, I'm afraid he wouldn't tell Lin Tian.

He also specifically asked him to protect the barbarian well, which shows that he hopes the barbarian will be successful.

With that said, Barbarian and Lin Tian went directly out of the blessed land at this moment.

The people outside looked at these two people, and they all gave way, not daring to approach Lin Tian.

"Who is this person? It's too high, he's still next to Lin Tian!" Someone looked at this scene in confusion.

Did Lin Tian bring a small attendant?

However, some people in the inner courtyard came out.

"This is Barbarian Mountain, a person of Yuanzun realm."

Suddenly, everyone was shocked and hurried to the side.

Even when I look at the mountains, I feel that it is crude and powerful, and it is dead at every turn.

"I heard that he followed Lin Tian, ​​it seems that this rumor is true."

"It's terrible, this Lin Tian, ​​how can He Dehe be accompanied by such a strong person."

"Shhh! Don't talk nonsense." The person next to him quickly grabbed the person who was talking.

"What's wrong? Can't you tell me?"

"Rongshan was killed by Lin Tian, ​​and Pan Yang Shengzi's cave was directly taken by him. Can you say that?"

For an instant, the man who spoke just now was startled and silent.

Is Lin Tian in front of him really so fierce? He deeply doubted.

Of course, even though he didn't believe it, Lin Tian had already gone far.

In the place where Lin Tian lived, Zhou Shanshan roared when she looked at the empty space.

"Lin Tian, ​​get up!"

The voice was loud and loud, Zhou Shanshan didn't look like a killer at all.

The skin is fair, the figure is hot, the red lips are attractive, the body is immortal, and the big eyes of the water Lingling make people feel that the soul is gone.

This is Zhou Shanshan, full of temptation.

However, there was no reaction in the yard.

"Lin Tian, ​​open the door, I can kick the door without opening it."

Zhou Shanshan outside is the violent temper.

As a princess of Tang Sect, how can I make myself wronged?

"and many more!"

A voice came from the courtyard.

Zhou Shanshan was taken aback, this was Mou Yan's voice.

At this moment, the door opened instantly.

Seeing Mou Yan and Qiao Lang among them, Zhou Shanshan was taken aback. Did the two come to practice in the morning.

But this doesn't fit the personality of the two, Lin Tian's sparring, is not something normal people can stand.

"You two, have you practiced until now?" Zhou Shanshan looked at the two in confusion.

Qiao Lang said at this time: "We were waiting for the boss all day yesterday, but we didn't know where the others went? We didn't come back all day."

Suddenly, Zhou Shanshan understood.

"Well, he didn't come back, so I won't go in either. I will go to the academy and see if I can meet him?"

After speaking, Zhou Shanshan turned and left.

Qiao Lang was taken aback, and left so soon.

At this moment, the two of them were in a burst of collapse.

Where did Lin Tian go? Haven't come back yet.

"Qiao Lang, I feel that the boss has found a good place to practice, if he never comes back, then we have to wait to die!" Mou Yan was a little desperate at the moment.

Qiao Lang is not much better.

"Or, let's go back and have a rest and come back this afternoon."

"Well, you can make this proposal."

After the two discussed, they left here and went straight to their respective places.

One night, both of them were waiting for Lin Tian.

The result has not appeared, it is conceivable that the two are tired.

And Lin Tian, ​​at this moment, he has appeared in the arena.

There was a lot of people around.

"Boss, how about here?" Manzi looked at Lin Tian and asked if he was satisfied.

"Hit, hit him..."

In this underground arena, a group of people are noisy here.

On the top, it's like a ring.

This feeling gave Lin Tian the illusion of punching.

Unexpectedly, Ji Ling Academy still has such a place.

"Not bad, I think they are all wearing masks. What does that mean?" Lin Tian looked to the side. Some people were wearing masks.

And the breath is stronger, so I don't want to expose myself.

"Boss, you can wear a mask here. If you don't want to expose yourself, you can even choose to use a fake name during the game."

The barbarian spoke at this time, and then said: "But here, if you win, generally few people use fake ones, after all, they can be famous."

What Barbarian analyzed was reasonable, so Lin Tian laughed for a while.

"Barbarian, go get two masks, brother should keep a low profile." Lin Tian said very happy now.

Since there is something like a mask, it is better to wear it.

He has been a sensation these two days, and now he wants to keep a low profile.

The barbarian was taken aback, and he didn't understand Lin Tian.

Still need to keep a low profile? When you killed Rongshan and beat Pan Yang, you didn't think of keeping a low profile.

Not understanding, the barbarian went to buy it.

Soon, the two put on masks and then broke into the crowd.

It's just that Barbarian's huge size still aroused the surprise of those around him.

"Is this guy coming to challenge?"

"It's 80%, but what's the use of being big? It's estimated that one or two will fall down."

Everyone talked, this made Lin Tian speechless.

This group of people, both of them are so low-key, but they still speak with big mouths.

"It's really annoying."

Lin Tian sighed for a while, then looked at the barbarian.

"Where can I sign up to fight?"

"Boss, there is a place in front, where is the host elder of the college named Elder Zhang Qingfeng, you go to him to sign up, and then the more games you win, he will give you credits."

With that, the barbarian said in a small voice beside Lin Tian: "If you win a hundred games, he will announce your ranking in the academy arena. Every week, you will be rewarded with a corresponding ranking. you."

"What is the reward?" Lin Tian came to be interested.

"For example, credits, pills, martial arts, etc., of course, you have to have a high enough ranking, that is, you have won enough games."

"How many games can I play in a day?" Lin Tian was very excited.

This is almost the same nature as the training tower, so why not do it.

"At least one hundred consecutive victories. You can play as many times a day as you want. As long as you have the strength, you have a 15-minute break in each game, and you personally choose the rest time."

"Okay, sign up."

Lin Tian did not hesitate.

"Someone is going to be unlucky." Manzi muttered to himself now.

Because he could imagine that once Lin Tian went up, it would be indescribable for everyone to fight.

When he came to the registration office, Lin Tian took out his jade medal.

A middle-aged man sits at a table.

The middle-aged man was full of riffraff, but sitting there, no one dared to talk to him.

"Elder Zhang, let's sign up for the ring match." Manzi helped Lin Tian get out the jade card at this moment.

"Fill in the form and stand behind the ring." Zhang Qingfeng said very casually.

It seemed that he was a little weak.

Manzi honestly filled out the form for Lin Tian, ​​and when he filled in the name, he asked Lin Tiandao: "Boss, you take a more powerful name."

Lin Tian was taken aback and hesitated.

"Tianlin, this name is a little bit foreign."


The barbarian was shocked for a while, this name was domineering.

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