I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 180: Ring match

Tianlin, isn't it Lin Tian the other way around?

For a moment, Barbarian no longer believed in the low-key Lin Tian said. What a low-key is this, he was playing word games at all.

Barbarian quickly filled in Lin Tian's name and so on, and handed it directly to Elder Zhang Qingfeng.

Zhang Qingfeng looked up and saw the blue jade card.

With one eye pick, he looked at Lin Tian.

"This is your jade medal?"

In a questioning tone, without the slightest politeness.

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Yes, elder."

In an instant, Zhang Qingfeng began to look at Lin Tian seriously.

"Well, the Yuan general's cultivation level is not bad, but this sapphire medal is not something anyone can get. It seems that your strength in this class should not be very high."

While speaking, Zhang Qingfeng was a little disappointed.

When Barbarian heard this, he smiled secretly, he guessed the meaning.

"Elder, can he go to the competition now?" Manzi asked at this moment.

Zhang Qingfeng looked at the man, slightly surprised in his eyes.

"Well, you take him to the backstage, take good care of the newcomer, Yuanzun's brother, and set an example."

At this moment, Lin Tian could hear it clearly.

Zhang Qingfeng looked down on his own cultivation base, thinking that Manzi was the brother who brought him.

A smile appeared on the corner of Manzi's mouth, and he quickly said: "Okay, okay, I will trouble you."

With that said, Manzi took Lin Tian to the back of the ring.

Lin Tian looked puzzled for a while, and said, "This guy, isn't he a bit big-tempered."

Hearing this, Manzi said, "Hush, boss, don't talk nonsense, Elder Zhang has a weird character."

"Some people come here, he doesn't like it, and they don't play for others, so we still don't offend him."

Manzi said carefully, as if he had suffered.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, to him, it seemed that he didn't care so much.

It's okay not to let him play.

It's just that he will have some noise.

It can be seen from Fudi that Lin Tian is not a person who is afraid of things, but he does not cause trouble at will.

The two came to the back of the ring at this moment, and there were still many people queuing in front of Lin Tian.

Here, as long as you win a hundred games, you can enter the rankings.

In this way, you can receive credits at home.

Therefore, everyone will come here so actively to participate.

After all, in normal times, credits are too difficult to earn.

"Barbarian, wait, when will it be my turn?" Lin Tian was speechless for a while.

The barbarian looked a little gloating and said, "Boss, wait patiently. The more people here, the higher your chances of qualifying for 100 games today."

"Hmph, don't look at what I am like, I have advanced to a hundred games." A man next to him looked at Lin Tian contemptuously.

For this, Lin Tian said casually: "Where do wild dogs come from, why do they bite people indiscriminately?"

In these words, there was a burst of irony to the man.

The barbarian smiled faintly, saying that his boss could anger people.

"You are looking for death."

The man looked at Lin Tian fiercely, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"You say it again." The barbarian released a terrible aura at the moment.

The power belonging to Yuan Zun was oppressing and pressing on the man.


The man was only the strength of Yuan generals' aura, and after feeling the strength of the barbarian, he was panicked.

The person next to him was shocked, is there a strong person from the Yuanzun realm who is coming today?

Then they have no chance.

Because the loser can only have one game a day.

Even the people of Yuan Wujiang Ninth Street, after meeting Yuan Zunbai, they can only wait for tomorrow to come.

Of course, it is not always possible to meet the strong Yuanzun.

After all, in the ranking list, most of them are Yuan generals.

For these Yuanzun powerhouses, they usually come occasionally, and then leave after a ranking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you guys come forward." As he said, the man took the initiative to let Lin Tian go forward.

"Don't be afraid, I won't participate today, it's me..."

Before the barbarian finished speaking, Lin Tian immediately interrupted his words: "Today is my senior brother who brought me to the competition. You must be merciful for a while."

The barbarian was surprised for a while, why didn't Lin Tian let him say that he was his boss.

In an instant, everyone relaxed.

Right here, they are all in Yuanwu realm.

If the barbarian came in, he would undoubtedly make a lot of money today.

Because no one can beat him here.

But everyone's eyes lit up with Lin Tian's words.

Some just glanced at Lin Tian with contempt.

Everyone did not speak any more, and their worries about Lin Tian were instantly let go.


Lin Tian spoke slowly at this moment, just reminding Manzi to keep a low profile.

The barbarian finally understood at this time, and immediately nodded.

No one else saw it, but the person behind Lin Tian looked strange.

Lin Tian didn't seem to be very powerful.

As a result, now, there is a savage of Yuanzun realm guarding him, and everyone is afraid to speak and mock him.

But in the ring, everyone has already figured out how to destroy Lin Tian's power.

The reason for thinking like this is that in the arena, the battle is usually until the complete surrender.

As a result, it didn't take long before he arrived at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and he was fighting against a guy of the seventh rank of Yuan general who had won 80 games.

This made everyone look down on Lin Tian for a while, but here in Manzi, Manzi had a plain face.

"Hey, you must be merciful for a while, so as not to embarrass this kid." A group of people began to discuss.

For this, Lin Tian smiled.

The barbarian next to him naturally heard this, but neither of them cared.

Because in the hearts of Manzi and Lin Tian, ​​the results here have already come out.

"Tianlin, fight against Li Zheng, now start."

An announcement came, and Lin Tian walked up casually.

A few meters wide arena, it seems to know that it is enough to fight.

A long dress and a gray green robe.

Although Li Zheng played more than 80 games, he didn't seem to have any pressure at all.

Because after a short break, everything came back.

"Who is this? Wearing a mask, isn't this funny?" Below, a bunch of people laughed at Lin Tian.

"Hahaha, pretending to be a master, I really thought it was very powerful, just a Yuan general."

Everyone laughed mercilessly, and Lin Tian believed that he would lose.

At this moment, Li Zheng also looked at his competitor with a smile, and said: "If you surrender directly, you may be spared the suffering of flesh and blood.

Lin Tian just smiled lightly.

He found that these people were not good at strength, but they looked down on them one by one.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up if you want to do it."

Lin Tian spoke impatiently, and he really couldn't bear these people's defiance.

I didn't even pretend, but I just met someone who likes to pretend.

There was a fierce look in Li Zheng's eyes.

"Yes, if you accidentally beat you up, don't blame me."

With that said, Li Zheng rushed to Lin Tian.

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