I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 181: Looking for abuse

"This kid is looking for death. The difference of so many realms has also angered Li Zheng." Everyone thought that Lin Tian would be beaten badly.

However, Lin Tian looked at Li Zheng rushing in at this moment.

"Then play with you for a while." My heart secretly said.

Because Lin Tian didn't come here to play any rankings, he didn't care about those at all.

The only reason for coming here is for the practice point.

Immediately, Lin Tian fought with Li Zheng in front of him.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

A series of reminders sounded, and Lin Tian smiled in his eyes.

Looking at the people below, it was a burst of happiness.

Lin Tian in front of him was occasionally hit by Li Zheng, but Lin Tian never hit Li Zheng once.

"I just said, this kid, who also wears a mask, is probably afraid of being ashamed of losing."

"Hahaha, he can't hold it anymore soon."

A group of people laughed wildly.

"Hit him, hit..."

Behind the ring, Manzi looked calm.

Everyone saw Lin Tian being beaten, but he could tell.

Lin Tian was not beaten, but let Li Zheng everywhere.

Sometimes the barbarian couldn't understand it. Lin Tian had some actions, obviously deliberate, letting the barbarian beat himself.

He really couldn't understand this kind of operation.

"The boss is not a masochist, right?"

Suddenly, Manzi thought of this possibility.

If Lin Tian knew, he would have been beaten up now.

If it weren't for the practice point, would Lin Tian be like this?

As time passed, Li Zheng became angry.

"Can you do it, don't look like a tortoise with your head." Looking at Lin Tian angrily in his eyes, Li Zheng felt tired after chasing him.

For this, Lin Tian smiled.

"I'm afraid you will go straight down if I make a move."

When the people below listened, they couldn't believe their ears.

The fourth-order Yuan general, to the seventh-order Yuan general, he had to go down as soon as he shot.

"Hahaha...Is this kid coming to be funny?"

"Can't bear it, this kid is too funny..."

Again, everyone laughed in an uproar, suspecting that Lin Tian was kicked in the head by a donkey.

Li Zheng was also taken aback, Lin Tian, ​​this guy, just kept avoiding himself, and even said such big talk.

"Well, you are crazy, right? I make you crazy!"

While talking, Li Zheng madly attacked Lin Tian.

"Hey, why don't you believe me?" Lin Tian was helpless for a while, and no one believed the truth.

Li Zheng in front of him, although he held a sword in his hand and played in front of him for a long time, he didn't even see what he was playing.

"Since you don't believe me, then I will show you a set of swordsmanship to open your eyes."

With that, Lin Tian suddenly condensed a substantial sword in his hand.

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

A sword intent dispersed instantly.

Li Zhengda was shocked when he rushed up, but it was impossible to take it back at this moment.

"The sword goes horizontally!"

Li Zheng roared, although only the seventh-order level of Yuan generals.

But when he broke out, Tier 8 could also fight.

"Break the army!"

In an instant, a sword light flashed through the sky.

The years are gone, as if a time has passed.


With the melodious impact sound, Li Zheng's sword instantly scattered to the ground.

At this moment, Lin Tian broke the ten thousand magic with a single sword and pointed directly at Li Zheng's eyebrows.

Li Zheng stayed for a moment, because he saw a trace of sword intent, a terrible sword intent.

It was as if thousands of swords pounced on him, making him intoxicated.

Those who like swords are undoubtedly pursuing this kind of kendo.

Watching the sword is not the sword, and watching the sword is the realm of the sword.

"call out!"

With a speed like breaking through the air, Lin Tian stopped instantly.

With a foot between his eyebrows and the tip of his sword in the air, Li Zheng was dull.

This is Lin Tian's subordinates showing mercy, otherwise his head will be broken.


At this moment, the lower part just started to laugh at Lin Tian, ​​blushing suddenly with a thick neck.

Lin Tian in front of him was extraordinary.

It was Zhang Qingfeng, who was originally listless, looking at Lin Tian with piercing energy.

"This kid is not bad."

Zhang Qingfeng was slightly surprised, Lin Tian's sword intent was full of vigor, and he had a great master demeanor.

At such an age, being able to do this step is already very difficult.

"Go down."

Receiving the sword, Lin Tian said flatly.

He doesn't seem to have much interest in winning or losing.

"Ding! Earn the respect of the opponent and reward 1000 points."

Really stingy, Lin Tian complained about this system for a while.

If you want to reward you, you can reward tens of thousands, you have to watch him get beaten, and then the system rewards gong points.

I don’t know who invented this feature.

"Master, don't resent you. When the system is upgraded to a certain level, you may not be able to get any practice points if someone beats you." Xiaodu's voice came.


Lin Tian was shocked, unable to get the practice points.

What does that mean? What does he rely on to earn points?

"How come there is such a broken function, the system is upgraded, can it be done without upgrading?" Lin Tian suddenly happily said in his mind.

In this case, he will not be upgraded.

Anyway, every system upgrade requires a lot of power points.

As soon as Lin Tian thought of earning with hard work, the system turned out to be like a white-eyed wolf, saying that it was upgraded and upgraded.

"No, the system must be upgraded, the master, otherwise you will not get the rights you deserve, and will limit your cultivation level, so you will be very passive unless you are content with the status quo."

I go!

Isn’t the upgrade just for cultivation?

If you are content with the status quo, what are you striving for? Lin Tian was helpless for a while.

"Master, you don't have to be too sad. You have to know that after the system is upgraded, there will be many unexpected benefits. You will know soon, and sometimes the system will reward you with treasures."

Xiaodu's voice came, full of allure.

This small degree can always bring back Lin Tian's desperate heart.

But listening to what it said, Lin Tian felt pretty good.

"That's fine, just accept it."

"Tianlin wins, next..."

Above the ring, announced again.

This time, a rank six Yuan general came up.

He hasn't played yet, he said very directly: "Big brother, I admit defeat, I know you hide your strength."

After that, he went on very spineless.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian was stunned.

What's happening here? Haven't done it yet?

Besides, Lin Tian didn't want to hit him either! Just want to discuss with this person.

"Tianlinsheng, next..."

In an instant, another one came up, this time with a lower cultivation base, directly from the fourth-order Yuan general, just like Lin Tian.

"Brother, let's learn from each other briefly, don't rush to admit defeat." Lin Tian looked at the man and said.

The man froze for a while, hesitated for a long time, and said, "Well, I wanted to admit defeat. Since you said that, then we will learn from each other, and you should start lightly."

Lin Tian smiled harmoniously, "You hit me, I won't hit you, don't worry."

What's the situation?

Everyone was stunned for a while, this guy came up to look for abuse.

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