I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 182: Desperate people

In an instant, the two started.

Lin Tian went straight up this time and fiercely resisted the man's wave of attacks.

However, he was unscathed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


Lin Tian is fine, the system reminds him crazy.

"Come on! Brother, haven't you eaten?"

"Brother, I really look down on you too much, can I put more effort?"

At this time, Lin Tian was madly abused, but he didn't care at all.

No matter how much power the opposing man exhausted, it seemed to be useless in Lin Tian.

It feels a little sad like this.

The people below just looked at it and didn't say anything, they were all stunned.

They did not expect that Lin Tian was such a person.

Moreover, Lin Tian played so presumptuously and let others attack him.

What happened to him was nothing.

"Ding! Check that the host's chest is injured, and it will cost 1000 power points to repair it!"

As soon as he was injured, the prompt from the system came.

The so-called Xiaoqiang who can't be killed is probably talking about Lin Tian.

"I can not stand it any more!"

Finally, the man collapsed and everyone was dumbfounded.

The beating is all broken. What is the situation?

"Hey, it's too weak to be able to fight up? I want to be taught a lesson."

Lin Tian looked helpless, everyone heard this, suddenly anger in their hearts.

"This time, Tianlin Sheng, the next one..."

The entire arena was attracted by Lin Tian's madness.

Lin Tian is too rampant, even those who won before, did not say such things.

After all, in the arena, winning or losing is commonplace.

Some of them won ninety-six games, but in the last one, they met a strongest player, and the result was lost. All previous wins were wiped out.

Instead, Lin Tian, ​​this guy talked a lot, which was unbearable.

"I can't stand it. I'm going to sign up and kill this guy."

A group of people, even the onlookers couldn't stand it.

Looking at the scene in the distance, the barbarian felt that Lin Tian was angering the crowd.

Is this low-key?

Manzi thought of what Lin Tian said when he came in, and felt cheated inexplicably.

Could it be that he said low-key, that is, the anger of everyone here, go up and beat him.

For a time, the arena madly registered.

"It's that guy, we must destroy him, a Yuan military commander of Tier 4, what kind of costume does he pretend?"

A group of people, a bunch of anger.

However, Lin Tian looked excited and wanted this rhythm.

If this continues, his mental strength and physique will be well exercised.

Just the physique, when the celestial body art worked, Lin Tian could let them fight casually.

After all, people who came up here were basically not in the realm of Yuanzun.

The realm of Yuan Wujiang, to be honest, is really not enough.

Another one came up, and Lin Tian looked at him with a full smile.

"Get down to me!"

The man took the shot without saying a word.

"Yin Claw Technique!"

"Da Luo Fist!"

A bunch of tricks were used, and they also hit Lin Tian.

"Come on, continue!"

Lin Tian looked fearless and unscathed.

The man who fought Lin Tian was helpless again, his eyes were a little angry, but he couldn't send it out.

This feeling is that no matter how you hit the person in front of you, but he has nothing to do.

This situation is indeed sad.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


After a series of reminders, Lin Tian's expression was joyful.

"I can't stand it. Let me be in front. I must clean up this kid." A magnificent man with a seventh-order cultivation base stood in front with a look of anger.

Although they had been defeated the day before, they always believed that Lin Tian must be lucky.

After playing more than 80 games, everyone will be exhausted.

Therefore, they understand very well.

Therefore, Lin Tian is destined to be degraded.

"You win!"

Another collapsed, his heart was overshadowed by Lin Tian.

I am afraid he will never want Lin Tian to fight for the rest of his life.

Lin Tian's fighting style made him feel painful.

"Hey, don't go! Go on! Brother..."

"Life is happy, I won't hurt you, continue to chant..."

Lin Tian's painstaking persuasion, but it was of no use, and the man went on resolutely.

"I come!"

A man jumped up right now, without waiting for the referee's announcement.

But at this moment, the referee didn't make an announcement just because Lin Tian was not happy.

"Xiongtai, your surname?" Lin Tian looked at this man friendly.

He only hopes that this person can play with him for an hour or half an hour.

"Stop talking nonsense, take it!"

Men are more rude and come directly.

For this situation, Lin Tian smiled.

Isn't this just what he wants?

"Come on, Pikachu."

For an instant, the two fought together.

But everyone still hated the same, Lin Tian was almost beaten.

But his anti-fighting ability is very strong, the whole person is outrageously strong.

"Huh, die for me!"

The man used his force again and again, crazy.

However, in Lin Tian's place, all his power seemed to have turned into a bubble.

Lin Tian was injured, but he was still alive and well.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


The system prompted Lin Tian to be even more excited.

This guy, the harder he hates himself, the harder he starts, and the faster his practice points come.

Hey! Really cheap.

Even Lin Tian found out whether he was a bit cheap.

However, only in this way, this group of people will hate themselves more.

As a result, Lin Tian was madly abused.

This seems to be the result he wants to see.

The situation seems pretty good.

"It's so cool!"

Lin Tian exhaled and stepped up to meet the difficulties again.

"I can't stand it anymore, I give up!"

In an instant, the man went down again.

"Hey, why did you give up like this, you haven't beaten me yet? Brother..."

Lin Tian hurriedly stopped the man, but the man ran away without looking back.

Too embarrassing, the seventh-tier powerhouse, as a result, could not win the fourth-tier.

I'm afraid no one believes this.

"I come!"

However, there are still some people who come up crazy.

The referee above was too lazy to announce, and directly recorded the number of wins for Lin Tian.

Anyway, all those who came up next hated Lin Tian.

But Zhang Qingfeng in the distance changed his eyes when he looked at Lin Tian.

This guy must not be a simple fourth-order Yuan general.

Zhang Qingfeng's realm, naturally he can see the clues.

Lin Tian in front of him was too tough.

Although Lin Tian was very annoying, the people in front and back still went crazy towards Lin Tian.

As a result, there is no normal one.

Some were unwilling, but they were called by name and went up and gave up.

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