I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 183: Tianlin is Lintian

It was this scene that made Lin Tian look like a demon.

By the way, the mask is quite personal, with a blue star diamond in the middle, a bit of aura, and two silver flowers sculptured beside it.

"Invincible, how lonely..."

Lin Tian directly hummed, and the whole person looked really lawless.

It was a group of people with red eyes that won.

Several hours passed. Lin Tian is almost fighting.

"You have fifteen minutes to rest. Do you need to rest?"

The referee looked at Lin Tian with weird eyes.

Lin Tian fought for so long, he never saw Lin Tian rest.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth on the body seems to be endless.

In this case, the referees were secretly surprised.

Lin Tian in front of him was really terrifying.

"No, go on." Lin Tian was a little numb.

"Congratulations to Tianlin, for winning one hundred games, entering the arena rankings and ranking three hundred."

The referee pronounced the verdict at this time, and Lin Tian had already won a hundred people.

"Huh, it's really bad luck. Today, there is no Yuanzun realm. If there is, he will get him." Someone was jealous of Lin Tian.

Barbarian looked at him like this, he was once the overlord here.

Because of the Barbarians' ranking, they are in the forty or fifty places on this ranking list.

He is in Yuanzun's realm, and it has been a long time since he came here to rank.

Now, I didn't expect the barbarian to come again because of Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian is also playing more and more happily.

The so-called ranking does not affect him.

Because he came here for the purpose of training.

As time passed a little bit, those who were going to dismissed the idea.

Today's Lin Tian scared everyone.

It was a kind of fear from the heart, so Lin Tian would fight them again.

The barbarian at this time was suddenly thankful.

Fortunately, he didn't fight Lin Tian, ​​he could see it, if he fights Lin Tian.

I'm afraid it's him who is crazy now.

Lin Tian in front of him was indeed a bit scary.

"Lin Tian, ​​we won 180 games and ranked 200th."

The referee announced at this time that Lin Tian had won so many consecutive games.

For this situation, Lin Tian didn't seem to be surprised at all.

Even, he seemed to be more loyal to fighting.

"What a fighting madman."

Everyone can only comment on Lin Tian like this, this guy is really terrible.

When fighting starts, it makes people feel scared.

"Okay, next one, Li De."


"It's Li De, a strong man in the realm of Yuanzun."

At this time, everyone was surprised.

Today, a Yuanzun realm came unexpectedly, but they were happy with them.

Because at this time, someone finally came to subdue Lin Tian.

In the realm of Yuan generals, Lin Tian seemed to be invincible.

So, everyone is still guessing where is Lin Tian sacred? It's so scary.

At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi floated to the top of the ring.


Lin Tian asked politely, Yuanzun Realm, he actually liked it even more.

"You are not qualified to know that Li was defeated by you?"

Li De looked at Lin Tian with sharp eyes and a more questioning tone.

Lin Tian suddenly became indifferent.

What kind of person has his attitude.

"I have beaten too many people, I don't remember, which green onion are you?" Lin Tian looked at Li De contemptuously, and Lin Tian was arrogant.

It is this attitude that makes people extremely angry.

"Destroy him! Senior Brother Li De, this guy is too arrogant!"

"Yes, directly crippled him, so that this guy dare not step into the arena!"

A group of people were furious, Lin Tian in front of them made them frightened and angry.

"Since you are looking for death like this, then I will fulfill you." Li De's eyes were full of killing intent.

Li De is actually the eldest brother of Li Zheng who had previously played against Lin Tian.

He was naturally angry when he learned that his brother had been beaten.

Mainly, I heard that Lin Tian was depressed by playing Li Zheng.

As a big brother, this place must be found back.

Therefore, Lin Tian was targeted.

"Squandering wild sword!"

A sword broke through the air and manifested itself as a sword intent.

"The goddess scattered flowers!"

Lin Tian made a random move, which was also a sword intent.

But it was this trick that made Li De's eyes condensed.

The infinite sword intent was actually reflected by Lin Tian's move.

"Even if your comprehension is high and your strength is so low, what's the use?"

In an instant, the two hit each other.

The ring was shaken, obviously affected by this force.


Everyone was in an uproar, and Lin Tian was unscathed.

This is really surprising.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 200,000 power points!"

Because of excessive force, system rewards follow.

Lin Tian became interested and looked at Li De with bright eyes.

"Come again!"

Li De's eyes were startled, he didn't expect Lin Tian to even want to fight himself.

However, this also made Li De angry.

Lin Tian's appearance is just scorning him.

"Boy, you are so rampant! Give me death!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, frantic?

"A sword breaks the sky!"

"Sword to the sky!"

Above the ring, when everyone was shocked, the two fought together frantically.

While everyone was amazed, Lin Tian was full of excitement.

Li De was a black line on his face, Lin Tian in front of him.

Is this definitely the fourth-order Yuan general? Li De feels really unreal.

Because Lin Tian in front of him gave him the feeling that he had the strength of Yuanzun realm.

"How can it be so strong!"

"Is this kid hiding his cultivation base?"

"I doubt it, otherwise how could he be so powerful!"

Everyone was surprised, some affirmed this idea in their hearts.

Lin Tian in front of him was actually a tie with Li De.

"Have you noticed that this person looks like the nearest person, Lin Tian."

When someone raised a question, everyone was shocked.

The Tianlin in front of me is indeed a bit like Lin Tian!

"Tianlin, Lin Tian, ​​Tianlin..."

Someone seemed to be chanting the name and found that it turned out to be the opposite.

Isn't this just saying that the person in front of you is Lin Tian?

"We were deceived, this guy is Lin Tian, ​​that terrifying freshman!"

Everyone was shocked. The Tianlin in front of them was probably Lin Tian.

"Isn't he a third-order Yuan general? How come he has become a fourth-order, and he broke through again!" The careful person found out.

It was only a few days after Lin Tian broke through this problem.

"No wonder we can't beat him, this guy is a leapfrog genius, not a human at all."

"Yes! Rong Shan died in his hands, of course we can't win the fight."

"No wonder, no wonder..."

A group of people thought of the scene just now, and their backs were full of cold sweat.

This Lin Tian is too sinister.

Wearing a mask directly pitted everyone.

"Next time you see Lin Tian, ​​don't call me, this guy is too sinister."

Someone directly gave Lin Tianxia such a title.

At this moment, Li Dezheng and Lin Tian were playing happily.

It seemed that Li De was getting more and more angry, just trying to kill Lin Tian.

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