I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 192: Force confrontation

"Lin Tian, ​​you are really..."

Feng Yang felt helpless, this guy used a hidden weapon on himself.

"Hey, as long as you can win, all these are good means."

With that said, Lin Tian shot again.

"The snow is over the world!"

Lin Tian made a direct move at this moment, instantly turning into ice and snow, disappearing.

"Isn't this old Fengxue's trick?"

"How? Are the two different? The names of the tricks are different."

Everyone was stunned, and the old Fengxue ghost in the distance was a black line on his face.

This Lin Tian, ​​just use his own.

As a result, he also changed his name directly.

This situation makes him really want to hit someone.

The Fengyang at this moment was the headache, and Lin Tian disappeared out of thin air.

Any piece of snow is very likely to be him.

The martial arts competition is nothing more than to see who is more powerful and who has more means.

"Baoshan Monument!"

I have a monument in my hand.

Above Lin Tian, ​​a huge stone monument fell crazily.

"This guy...yin enough!" Elder Mi in the referee's bench stroked his beard and smiled.

Zhou Tong next to him said disdainfully: "It's shameful to be so cryptic, it's shameful."

Feng Yang's eyes narrowed, his body turned and let go.


Three feet of green front, blocking this huge stone monument.

The two collided wildly, which was extremely scary.

At this moment, the surplus prestige scattered around, everyone was calm.

At this moment, Elder Nie waved his hand, and an energy shield directly covered everyone.

The fighting in these two days was too intense, and Elder Nie was afraid that everyone would be injured.

"These two people are really scary!"

"Yeah! It's so powerful at the first shot, it's really scary."

Everyone was discussing, Lin Tian and Feng Yang in front of them, it can be said that they are strong and powerful, and they kill in darkness.

Various manifestations, sword sea dragon body, collide with each other.

"The two are too fierce, and the staying power is too strong. It has been ten minutes, and there is no victory or defeat."

Despite everyone, Lin Tian and two of them have deadly moves. If they are not careful, they will lose.

"Lin Tian, ​​our martial arts are almost done, so let's just use pure force." Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian with sharp eyes.

If the two of them compare like this, they consume each other.

Because at the moment the strength of the two is similar.

Of course, both of them have tricks.

"it is good."

Lin Tian agrees, do you use your body? He is not weak at all.

Today he is no weaker than a martial artist.

The two gathered their bodies in an instant, and Lin Tian burst into celestial body art in an instant, flashes of fluorescent light on his body.

"Huh? So strong!"

Feng Yang's eyes were startled, Lin Tian in front of him actually flashed the kind of fluorescence in the training tower.

Obviously, this is a fluctuation of power.

Feng Yang didn't guess wrong, Lin Tian could indeed use his strength in the training tower.

However, Feng Yang did not break Lin Tian.

"You are really strong, and you deserve to be taken seriously."

Feng Yang looked serious, and suddenly moved towards Lin Tian.

"This is power..."

On the referee stand, the three elders watched this scene in shock.

Zhou Tong said directly in surprise: "It's really not easy to comprehend the Dao meaning of contributing to the Feng Family's peerless Tianjiao."

Everyone below looked at them with a look of bewilderment.

Except for a few people, they also showed a look of shock. Feng Yang had touched another level.

This time, they all felt that they were behind.

The Feng Family's peerless Tianjiao, this is definitely not a blow, it is indeed too strong.

"Hmph, this kid is set to lose. This is not something that strength can make up for." Zhou Tong said in a gloat at the moment.

Elder Nie and Elder Mi frowned slightly.

Indeed, as Zhou Tong said, this cannot be compensated by power.

The Dao meaning of strength is too mysterious and too powerful.

Every time you make a shot, you will be involved in the surrounding space.

Therefore, once Lin Tian meets, it will be very headache.

"What to do? Will he win?" Ouyang He looked at it nervously at the moment, and asked Ouyang Breaking the Ice.

Ouyang Breaking Bing said casually: "Don't you want him to lose?"

Suddenly, Ouyang He turned his head to look at him, his eyes sharp: "Huh, how do you know?"

"I don't know your careful thinking? But this time, he might really lose."

It was Ouyang breaking the ice, and the Dao and the meaning of this force were unclear.

"Hmph, you know, it doesn't matter if you lose." Ouyang He looked at Lin Tian, ​​not knowing whether he was expecting or losing his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly faced the difficulties and rushed directly towards Fengyang.

"Is he crazy?" The old Fengxue ghost whispered in the distance.

Some people still don't understand Lin Tian's behavior very well.

Su Xingyuan from the Valley of Broken Love, Ouyang Breaking the Ice from the Ouyang family, Zhou Shanshan, the little princess of the Tang family, and Zhang Yuxuan in the distance are a little more distant, Lin Tian's supervisor Han Shuangyue.

Everyone does not understand.

At this moment, Elder Nie and Elder Mi on the referee stand suddenly stood up.

"this is……"

The two eyes widened, because Lin Tian's steps at the moment were also exceptionally strange.

The space under his feet was instantly distorted.

Isn't this what power is? The terrible scene is horrifying.

Lin Tian even understood the meaning of Li.

At this moment, Lin Tian collided with Fengyang again.

The two hand opponents, body to body, can be described as strong and strong collisions.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible, how could this kid? He is just a fourth-order Yuan general..."

Zhou Tong still didn't believe the scene before him. Lin Tian's comprehension of Taoism was too far-reaching.

The old Fengxue Ghost, Han Shuangxue, Su Xingyuan, Ouyang Breaking Ice and others in the distance breathed a sigh of relief.

They seem to be afraid that an undefeated legend will suddenly fail like this.

Of course, Feng Yang has never been defeated since childhood.

"Boom boom..."

"What will happen to them this time?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say, these two people are too strong to describe with common sense at all."

At this time, everyone is even more looking forward to the victory of the two.

No matter who loses and who wins, there is no one who does not admire the two here today.


Lin Tian was accidentally hit by Feng Yang.


A mouthful of blood came out, and Lin Tian felt pain all over his body.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! It was checked that the host's leg was injured, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! It was checked that the host's leg was injured, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"


The system is recovering frantically.

"I see, Lin Tian is weak, I suspect he is going to lose!" Someone said very happy.

I saw Zhang Yuxuan behind this person, obviously Zhang Yuxuan's dog leg.

"Shut up! You talk a lot."

A cold snort came, the voice of Ouyang He.

When everyone saw it, they didn't dare to speak, even the man just now.

You know, Ouyang He is very scary, not to mention that Ouyang Breaking the Ice next to her is a perverted character.

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