I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 193: 100,000 credits owed

The reason why he didn't dare to offend Ouyang Breaking the Ice was because his mental power was too terrifying.

In the Haiyuan realm, if this is done, I'm afraid it will kill people.

After all, no one wants to suddenly fall to the ground and become unconscious.

At this moment, Lin Tian rushed towards Fengyang again.

"Brother Lin, don't let me." Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian with a smile in his eyes.

It seemed that he seemed so proud.

Lin Tian could see it naturally.

"is it?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Tian's terrifying spiritual power instantly radiated.

"Hunyuan Divine Ring!"

The terrible attack from the Hunyuan Spiritual Consciousness Technique, instantly attacked Fengyang's spirit sea.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, Lin Tian and Feng Yang in front of them.

In an instant, it became a confrontation between spirits.

"This kid..."

The three people on the referee stand were also shocked.

Haiyuan Central Realm is really terrible.

Feng Yang was attacked instantly by Spirit Sea, and it was turbulent for a moment.

When he reacted to the turbulence, Lin Tian's figure had appeared before his eyes.

"Sorry, Brother Feng."

Lin Tian showed white teeth, like Feng Yang's smile just now.

Feng Yang was shocked and prepared to resist, but it was too late.


"Boom bang bang!!"

Lin Tian used crazy force and opened his bow on Feng Yang.

At this moment, the whole ring is shaking.

Feng Yang spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

He was completely beaten and weakened.

On the contrary, Lin Tian still had some spirit.

"Very good, Yin me."

Feng Yang wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth and attacked Lin Tian again.

"Good job!"

There was a smile in Lin Tian's eyes, his eyes a little crazy.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan!"

With a punch, the world was shocked.

"Feng Yiquan!"

The two collided with each other, and then they were also beaten back by this force.

"too strong!"

People around can feel the horror of Yuwei, even with a protective cover.

"Let's make the last move, do our best, and one move will determine the winner or lose, how about it?" Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian with challenges in his eyes.

The pride among geniuses is undoubtedly revealed.

There is no so-called personal grievances, and no other noise.

In the eyes of the two, only each other.

At this moment, it was a truly terrible showdown.


Lin Tian agreed without fear.

Although he knows that he has been consumed and supplemented systematically, he is basically invincible.

However, this is his respect for Fengyang.

One trick, win or lose.

For an instant, the two of them looked at each other sharply, and their power exploded.

When the people around watched, they didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, for fear of breaking the deathly tranquility.

No one can think of how strong this trick will be.

The three people on the referee's bench looked slightly solemn.

Because they have to prevent two people from being injured later, if one is accidentally killed, it will be a great loss to the college.

"Aeolus World!"

"Tianlong Body Forging Technique!"

"Wind and snowy world!"

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

"Fengshen die!"

"Kunfeng Sword Fury!"


For an instant, the sky was dim and the ground was dark, and the two of them resorted to a lifelong secret.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

It's not an exaggeration to describe the scene in front of me with the description of the world.

The genius contest is really scary.

Exercising every effort, no one can stop it.

In a gray area, two figures shuttled through it, one move was a move, and the terrible aftermath shattered the ring.

"Kill me!"


The two roared, and the two terrifying powers dispersed in an instant.

"not good!"

Elder Nie's expression changed, and he quickly sent power to the energy shield of everyone.

However, he was still a step late, and the power of Lin Tian and the two clashes broke the energy shield in an instant.

"I go……"

Some students with a low level of cultivation were directly bombarded and thrown to the ground.

Almost one or two hundred people have suffered.

Looking at the ring again, Shen Yan is ups and downs.

This ring was directly destroyed.

The strength of the two is too strong, and they have almost reached the terrible blow of the half-step Yuansheng.

Therefore, this situation was created.

"It's terrible! It's a lunatic!"

"Who won? See who won?"

Everyone's attention, everyone's attention is concentrated in that dust.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the dust.

"It's him!"

For a moment, everyone felt their heart pinched.

The person in front of him still won.


The two Qiao Lang looked excitedly at the moment and roared, it was Lin Tian who came out.

Even though he was a little embarrassed at the moment, he still couldn't stop the domineering radiating from him.

"Well, it's okay."

Lin Tian smiled faintly, then went back to the dust and smoke.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he carried out the broken and scarred Feng Yang.

"You guy, did it on purpose? Let me lie on the ground and take a good rest, okay?" Feng Yang said weakly.

At this time, he was really tired, tired, and hurt.

"Okay, the result has come out." Elder Mi looked at this scene with satisfaction.

Everyone is a blindfold, Lin Tian and Feng Yang in front of them seem to have a good relationship.

"Now I declare that Lin Tian will win."

Elder Mi gave an order, which group of users Lin Tian was cheered.

"I said, Lin Tian must be a dark horse, you still don't believe it!"

"Hahaha, it really gives us a new face, now who dares to look down on our new life."

"Boss, are you okay?" Qiao Lang looked at Lin Tian with excitement.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said, "It's okay, who am I, your boss?"

Feng Yang next to him immediately said uncomfortably: "Really? I advise you to heal your injury as soon as possible. Your injury is not minor."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but smiled.

Feng Yang, seeing his injury, must be unbalanced in his heart.

In fact, he was seriously injured, but the system checked it and quickly recovered him.

In such a situation, Lin Tian didn't know what to say?

Say you cheated, it doesn't seem to be.

This is also a feature of its own.

"Well, the two of you are over, and the three of us should also leave." Elder Mi said at the moment.

In response to this, Lin Tian smiled suddenly: "Wait, Elder Mi, he still owes me 100,000 credits."

For an instant, everyone was in an uproar.

This guy Lin Tian even bet with Feng Yang for 100,000 credits.

Elder Mi looked at Fengyang and said, "Have you gambled?"

Feng Yang was a little embarrassed when asked about this.


Helpless, he answered very honestly.

"Well, take out the jade medal for cultivation."

Elder Mi looked at Feng Yang with a smile in his eyes.

Helplessly, Feng Yang recovered some strength and took out his credit card.

"Well, Lin Tian also take out yours."

Lin Tian took it out very honestly.

You really get credits if you lose! The people around are watching this scene with envy in their eyes.

One hundred thousand credits, it takes a long time to earn.

But Lin Tian, ​​plus this time, has already won three times.

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