I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 194: Three brothers

Then, under the operation of Elder Mi, Feng Yang's credits were all transferred to Lin Tian.

Feng Yang didn't feel much, just a little embarrassed.

After all, this is a sign of loss.

"He still missed you 50,000 credits. When will he have you and come to me again." At this time, Elder Mi said.

Everyone was stunned, and there was still a gap of 50,000 credits.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Feng Yang with weird eyes.

The son of the dignified family didn't even have 100,000 credits. I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"Brother Lin didn't even have credits, sisters, do we want to pay back the credits?" Suddenly, a woman in the crowd called out.

It looks pretty good.


Suddenly, many female students suddenly spoke with loud voices.

The male student next to him was stunned, what's the situation?

This group of female students, this is to give Feng Yang credits to Lin Tian.

"Elder Mi, you can transfer our credits to Lin Tian, ​​and we will help Senior Brother Feng pay back the credits."

All of a sudden, a group of female students rushed up frantically.

Lin Tian was taken aback, Feng Yang himself was taken aback at the moment.


Elder Mi was suddenly taken aback, what's the situation? What did Feng Yang do to these female students?

It is hard to imagine the popularity of Fengyang at this moment.

"Everyone, this won't work, thank you, I will find a way myself, and leave."

Feng Yang was a little scared at the moment, and after finishing speaking, he hurriedly left.

Because he is a little afraid of his female fans.

He didn't know that some men next to him were jealous.

It was Lin Tian who was also slapped.

This Fengyang, why didn't he see how attractive it was.

"Could it be that Brother's aesthetics has declined."

Lin Tian was secretly suspicious, but at this moment, Ouyang He came over.

At this time, the people around also dispersed.

Some people want to find Lin Tian, ​​but they dare not.

Because they have all heard of Lin Tian's fierce name.

If you go up at this time, Lin Tian who was fighting just now will be unhappy.

The consequences, everyone does not want to bear.

Lin Tian also left here quickly, because he found that some men looked at him very strangely.

In fact, everyone just wanted to find him for alchemy.

"Lin Tian, ​​go slower."

A voice came, and Zhou Shanshan was catching up at this moment.

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan stepped back very well.

This is probably the rhythm of the sister-in-law, of course they have to be a little bit sensible.

Lin Tian turned his head and smiled brilliantly: "What's the matter?"

Looking at Zhou Shanshan in front of her, she was full of youthful vitality.

At this moment, Zhou Shanshan is Shen Yuluoyan, with a closed moon and a shameful flower, bright and bright, and can only be described as a peerless beauty.

"Are you injured? This is our Tang Sect's elixir. Take it and wipe it well."

Lin Tian felt warm, this girl kinda cared about people.

In fact, he is an alchemist himself, so how can the pill that others give him compare to what he refined.

Coupled with the system, it is simply an invincible defense system.

However, Lin Tian took the elixir with a happy face.

"Okay, wife, you are the most beautiful."

"Huh, you know that you're silly, you will be participating in the hunting contest of spirit beasts in three days, please relax."

Hunting contest?

Lin Tian didn't know anything about this.

Seeing Lin Tian's expression, the two behind immediately rushed up.

"Boss, in the so-called hunting contest, we are actually going to kill some spirit beasts who look at their intelligence."

Lin Tian turned his eyes slightly and said, "Oh, let's talk about it then."

In fact, he is not very concerned about this issue.

"Huh, will you team up with me?" Zhou Shanshan stared at Lin Tian.

The meaning of these words seems to be asking, if you don’t team up with me, what do you want to do?

Lin Tian smiled slightly: "Of course I teamed up with you."

In this Extreme Spirit Academy, that is, a wife like Zhou Shanshan.

Therefore, Lin Tian still needs to protect her.

"Hmph, that's good. I'm going to practice. You can recover and prepare for the hunting competition in a few days."


After speaking, Zhou Shanshan left.

Qiao Lang and the two immediately went forward, Qiao Lang looked excited and said: "Boss, I heard that there are many spirit beasts in the Tianling Mountains. We can plunder and plunder when we come in."

With that said, there was an evil smile in Qiao Lang’s eyes.


Lin Tian also looked happy.

Kill the beast, plunder?

In this case, his practice points should increase a bit more quickly.

And one thing, Lin Tian thought about the system upgrade.

You can redeem some treasures of heaven, material and earth, so you just want to grab good things, so there won't be too many power points.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian felt that a great future was waiting for him.

And after he won Feng Yang in the competition, the news also drifted to every corner of the academy, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is too strong.

"How can such a perverted person exist?"

"Think about it, how many days did he get beaten by him after he entered the college?"

For a moment, everyone was a little shocked thinking about it.

It seems that Lin Tian fights those who are more powerful.

"Hmph, I believe, one day, he won't be able to stand up at all. Do you remember some geniuses? The last Tianjiao who practiced in the blessed land is more than Feng Yang."

"Are you talking about Hu Bing from the North Ice Sword Palace?"

"I heard that when Lin Tian came in, he offended Gu Shaohan of the North Bing Sword Palace. If Hu Bing came out, he would definitely not be able to eat."

Some people are talking about it, others are amazed.

But there is a comment that Lin Tian is too high-profile now.

High-profile people either sing all the way or die halfway.

As for Lin Tian, ​​everyone was expecting which way he would go.

After all, in this world, not everything can be chosen, everything depends on individual strength.

In the next few days, Lin Tian did not slack off.

Still earning power points crazy.

Both Qiao Lang were deeply infected by Lin Tian, ​​and followed Lin Tian every day.

Sometimes Lin Tian took the two to practice on Xianxia Island.

The two of them couldn't get in, but Lin Tian and Old Nie had a good deal, and finally let them in.

"Boss, awesome!"

The two were excited about Lin Tian.

As soon as they arrived at Xianxia Island, the two could feel the difference here.

"It's a great place, boss."

"Oh, so you just practice hard."

Immediately, Lin Tian took the two to his cave.

He also introduced the two to Manzi. Manzi did not despise them because of their low cultivation base, but was extremely enthusiastic.

Since then, the three have become Lin Tian's three younger brothers.

Immediately, Lin Tian took three people around for training and practice.

The people in today's academy have a slight grasp of the traces of the three.

One day is either to go to Xianxia Island, or to train the gravity field of the tower, or to find someone to fight in the arena.

Therefore, the four of them have made considerable progress in recent days.

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