I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 195: Tianling Mountains

Three days' progress has greatly increased Qiao Lang's strength.

The two of them today are also first-order Yuan generals.

The reason why it was so fast was because Lin Tian occasionally gave them pills.

Usually, Lin Tian used to give them a perfect pill.

Therefore, the two will progress so fast.

For Lin Tian, ​​the ground-level pill is easy, but the process of waste refining requires medicinal materials.

On the third day, Qiao Lang and the two hurriedly came to Lin Tian's residence.

"What's wrong? You are so flustered."

The two looked at Lin Tian with smiles in their eyes.

Mou Yan said: "Boss, we hurried to participate in the hunting meeting, sister-in-law is already waiting in the square in a hurry."

Lin Tian smiled faintly and said: "Okay, let's go."

Get up and set off for the hunting meeting.

The plaza of the college is still very large, and there is no problem with accommodating several thousand people.

Besides, there are not so many new students in Lin Tian this year.

That is only eight hundred, from every place, all came in, no one knew anyone.

Of course, it is not ruled out that people who come in together, such as Lin Tian and Mou Yan, are among them.

However, there are still very few.


A voice appeared, and only a group of people appeared, wearing ancient costumes.

"That's a person from the Phantom Sect. I didn't expect the Phantom Emperor to also come into the academy?"

"Hmph, this year is not easy, haven't you heard of Lin Tian? The academy has been turned upside down."

"Don't tell me, the Tianjiao figures in the same class as him are fortunately not showing up. They only came recently. They are just low-key.

"call out……"

A voice broke through the air, and a figure appeared in the void.

Fast as lightning, strange stature.

"It is the Li Dao of the Xiaodaomen. According to legend, his knife will see blood when shot, and his strength is infinitely close to Yuan Zun."

"No wonder, I can survive in the secret realm."

Everyone discussed, the Li Dao in front of them was indeed terrifying.

"Huh, did you find out? Lin Tian hasn't come yet?"

Suddenly, someone discovered this problem.

Everyone looked around, and indeed there was no trace of Lin Tian.

"He won't stop coming?"

"Probably not, for people like him, when they are so popular..."

In the distance, Su Xingyuan and the little princess Zhou Shanshan of the Tang family were looking into the distance.

The two of them were waiting for Lin Tian, ​​and Qiao Lang went to call him, but they had not yet come.

"It's about to start, why haven't you come yet?" Zhou Shanshan frowned, a little impatient.

"Boss, the estimate will start soon, let's go faster." At this time, Qiao Lang said in a loud voice.

The three of them had already arrived in the square at the moment, and there were still a lot of people.

Some are old ones, and the result is also to watch the excitement.

"Hey, Lin Tian is here!"

I don't know who said a loud voice, and everyone's attention was instantly focused on Lin Tian.

Today, he has instantly become a person of all eyes.

"Boss, this feeling..."

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan next to them felt that this feeling was really good.

It seems that they are now the focus.

Lin Tian glanced around at random and saw many acquaintances.

Outside this square, there is Zhang Yuxuan, the elder Zhou, and Pan Yang who has played once, including the fellow Feng Yang who lost yesterday.

I saw in the distance, Zhou Shanshan was looking at herself happily.

Lin Tian raised his foot, and the two next to him immediately followed.

"Since you are here, wait for death." Zhang Yuxuan looked at Lin Tian at the moment, his eyes full of fierceness.

Lin Tian looked back at him and then continued walking.

"Hmph, even if you perceive it? You will die after all!" Zhang Yuxuan said secretly.

To Lin Tian, ​​he hated him.

The higher he climbed, the worse he fell. It was him.

Because of Lin Tian, ​​his reputation today is much worse than before.

Every time others talk about him, they always think of Lin Tian.

"You are finally willing to come." Lin Tian was shocked when he approached Zhou Shanshan.

Lin Tian was embarrassed for a while, and said: "I am a bit far away, so I came a little slower."

A few people looked at him, he wanted to be quick, I was afraid it would come in a minute.

A few minutes later, the square was full of people.

"Everyone, quiet, quiet..."

Above the square, where Elder Mi is standing, he will preside over today.

Everyone was much quieter in an instant.

"Now I announce that this year's hunting convention will begin now, and then I will announce the rules of the game..."

With that, Elder Mi said a lot of rules.

That is to say, in the Tianling Mountains, there are many spirit beasts without wits, or become fierce beasts. As long as they slaughter today and survive inside, then the hunt is successful.

"In order to inspire you, the first place this year will be rewarded with 100,000 credits. You can choose one item in the library and reward a half-step Tianpin medicinal material."

For a moment, everyone was jealous.

"Half-step Tianpin medicinal materials! One hundred thousand credits, I go, is this crazy?" Someone couldn't believe it.

In addition, those old students showed uncomfortable expressions.

They did not have the opportunity to participate. This is the greatest sadness.

"Half-step Tianpin? One hundred thousand credits..."

There was a gleam in Lin Tian's eyes, which seemed not bad, seductive and challenging.

The people around are also excited, this kind of good thing, most people want to have.

However, this is destined to be owned by only a few people.

"Well, now your excitement is almost the same, the game starts now."

After talking about Elder Mi, he didn't talk nonsense, and everyone set off for the Tianling Mountains under the leadership of the teachers of the college.

And Lin Tian welcomed a teacher, Han Shuangyue.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you want to **** me off when you don't go to class all day?" Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian with a look of anger.

For this, Lin Tian was taken aback.

Lin Tian looked at Han Shuangyue awkwardly, and said, "It's not that I don't want to go, the class guide, it's that I have been too busy these two days, and I am busy fighting every day."

Han Shuangyue's eyes were fierce, and she looked at him and said, "Hmph, you dare to say that you make trouble every day, where are you fighting here, and what else do you want?"

Lin Tian just laughed at this.

"Class guide, I'm actually pure, but they like fighting with me too much."

Lin Tian looked at Han Shuangyue with an innocent look.

The few people next to me are embarrassed to point it.

"Okay, don't talk so much with you, now you follow me, and I will take you to the Tianling Mountains."

"Okay, are you leading the team?" Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

But looking at the people next to him, it seems that the mentor is also leading the team.

"Of course, you are a member of my class, and the only freshman in this class, so I will take you in so that you won't cause me any more trouble."

Lin Tian just smiled faintly at this.

How can a simple person like himself cause trouble?

However, he likes to find someone to fight, and occasionally earn points, which is true.

As a result, Zhou Shanshan and the others were all exposed, and under the leadership of Han Shuangyue, they boarded a space boat directly.

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