I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 905: Eighth floor

What Lin Tian said is true. If she has any thoughts against him, life will be worse than death.

Venerable Qingyue at this moment felt that Lin Tian was too terrifying.

Unconsciously, he actually controlled it.

I'm afraid that everyone will be frightened.

"You don't have to be too surprised, just be loyal to me in the future."

Lin Tian's voice resounded in Venerable Taiqingyue's mind again.

At this time, both of them opened their eyes.

"What the **** did you do to me?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with anger in his eyes.

At the same time, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, even if she felt uncomfortable with Lin Tian, ​​it would make her feel uncomfortable.

That kind of discomfort is unspeakable, but it hurts directly in my heart.

"In fact, I just made you more aware of your current status. You are only one of my subordinates now. Your life is given to you by me, so don't try to have any other ideas."


In an instant, Venerable Qingyue felt pain again.

This kind of pain that went into the bone marrow made her look uncomfortable.

"Okay, then you get used to it. I'm not talking nonsense. Don't try to challenge my bottom line, because then you will be even more miserable, at least before you finish the task."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a serious expression, not like a joke at all.

At this point, Venerable Qingyue was angry.

Today, she has a kind of inexplicable, her own life has been in the hands of Lin Tian.

Immediately, Lin Tianji took Venerable Qingyue to the eighth floor.

"Okay, let's go slowly, and I will tell you."

Going to the eighth floor, Lin Tian wanted to know, what exactly would he encounter?

Although Venerable Qingyue didn't like it, he still followed Lin Tian's actions at this moment.

Your body seems to make a decision on its own.

Just like, this is a decision in my heart, and no one else can influence it.

The two directly stepped into the passage of the eighth floor, and the seventh floor fell into silence.

"This kid, there are too many methods, whose offspring is it? I really can't see through!"

The strong man in the dark at this moment is just talking to himself.

A junior like Lin Tian shocked him one after another, which made him, a man who had lived for thousands of years, felt his old face blushed.

At this moment, the two have reached the eighth floor.

Still in a resplendent space.

As soon as the two appeared, Lin Tian immediately felt powerless all over.

The same is true for the Venerable Qingyue at this moment.

"From now on, I will call you Qingyue. You don't need to be unconvinced. If you perform well in the future, I can let you go, but I need to reach the realm of Tianyuan."

"What? Did you reach Tianyuan?"

Venerable Qingyue at this moment looked at Lin Tian with an incredible expression.

For this look, Lin Tian just smiled faintly.

"What? Can't it?"

"Yes, but are you sure? Tianyuan has no years. When you arrive, I'm afraid I don't know it will be the year of the monkey."

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

The Venerable Qingyue in front of him, this is to look down on his cultivation talent.

"Don't worry, it will be reached soon, so during this time, you should not want to leave me, or have other crooked minds. If I die, you will die. This is what I planted in your body. The role of heart lock."


Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian in disbelief.

His life and death were actually tied to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is too inhuman.

Even so to myself.

"It's no use regretting now. If you expect me to be better, I will live up to my expectations."

"Now that we all have no power, what do you say? This is the eighth floor of the Martial God Temple. It is definitely not as simple as we imagined. I suggest that the two of us leave here."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and said solemnly.

After knowing that her life was tied to Lin Tian, ​​she panicked.

She was really afraid that she would die here.

"Since I'm here, then go on, and I won't die so early with me. I'll find someone to do it for me."

Lin Tian looked confident.

This confidence is to make Venerable Qingyue roll his eyes to him.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

Without strength, without strength, that is a symbol of lifelessness.

Lin Tian in front of him was simply wandering in front of death.

"Well, since you want to die, then I won't stop you."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue had an indifferent attitude, following Lin Tian, ​​very reluctant in his heart.

And it was this little thought that made her feel a little painful.

This is the power from the heart lock.

As long as you truly feel the thoughts of Venerable Qingyue, the heart lock will really work.

"Hey, I hope I'm better."

Naturally, Lin Tian was also a master, with a smile on his face.

As Lin Tian said, slowly came to the center of the hall.

But at this moment, I saw a sudden tremor in the center of the hall, and a series of mysterious formations fluctuated suddenly.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian was shocked.

"what happened?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at the situation in front of him and panicked directly.

Now the two of them have no strength,

In such a situation, I was naturally panicked, because if I was not careful, I would face death again.

The current Venerable Qingyue had just come out of death.

Moreover, he was still deflated here in Lin Tian.

If something goes wrong, is it not worth the loss.

This made her mind how to balance.

"Don't panic."

At this moment, Lin Tian noticed that the formation was turning, which was a lot more calm.

"Hmph, don't panic, what do you think I should do?"

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with an unhappy expression on his face.

"How many spirit weapons do you have now, take them all out." Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue and smiled.


Venerable Qingyue wanted to resist, but his heart was hurting.

"I give you."

Immediately, Venerable Qingyue took out a bunch of spiritual weapons.

As a Tianyuan powerhouse, he naturally owns these spirit tools.

"Well, follow me in a while."

"Xiaodu, exchanged these spirit weapons."

"Haole, Master, this spiritual tool is estimated to be worth 100 million."

The estimate given by Xiaodu.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up suddenly.

A closer look revealed that there were several tiered spirit artifacts.

In this situation, there are naturally more points that can be exchanged.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at the eyes of Venerable Qingyue before him, and he became much more kind.

This time, Venerable Qingyue returned everything he owed before, and this time he obviously made a profit.

Now I get a super strong for free.

In this case, I'm afraid that someone will be replaced, and I will be extremely happy.


At this moment, the two suddenly fell into a wilderness.

I saw the endless wind and sand around me, and the surrounding environment was extremely real.

Venerable Qingyue stood behind Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked around with surprise in his eyes.

It feels so real, it doesn't look like a formation at all.

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