I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 906: The Way of Using Soldiers

However, this formation is full of mystery, and the situation in it is even more complicated.

The so-called truth is also full of unreality, so Lin Tian didn't want to struggle too much.

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at Lin Tian with a strange expression.

"What should I do now? I'm stuck in the formation. I don't understand the formation at all."

Venerable Qingyue was obviously complaining about Lin Tian.

Lin Tian naturally heard this heavy complaint, but he didn't care.

Formation is the best gift for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian at this moment, wishing to encounter such a situation,

"Enlighten me!"

In an instant, Lin Tian waved the formation in his hand.

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at him, his eyes pale in shock.

"Do you know how to make a formation?"

It seemed that Lin Tian was only in his early twenties, and he knew how to form a formation, and his cultivation was so terrifying.

"It's just a little bit. Just stand behind me, don't move."

Lin Tian spoke casually.

Although there is no power, he can still do it in this one, spurring the power of this one.

This is called Qimen Dunjia.

Understand this world, and then act accordingly, and finally act, and it succeeded.

This is also Lin Tian, ​​terrible formation skills, others are afraid that they can't do it at all.


The land of wind and sand in the past suddenly changed, and the ground was constantly exploding.

This situation surprised Lin Tian.

"Hey, there are still changes. It seems that this is a master of formation, but I don't know who is more terrifying compared to Emperor Jiuyang."

Lin Tian muttered while looking at the front.

After all, two-thirds of his formation came from Emperor Jiuyang.

I can see some clues about the current situation of the formation, but it is still too difficult to solve all of them.

At this moment, Lin Tian noticed that the surrounding space had rotated because of the rotation of the formation.

"How is this going?"

At the moment, Venerable Qingyue felt dizzy.

A body without strength is just comparable to an average cultivator.

Even in the Tianyuan realm, facing this feeling of spatial transformation, after all, he felt very dizzy.

Lin Tian at this moment is just taking action.


"Heaven and earth, take advantage of it!"

At this time, Lin Tian wanted to draw on the strength of the formation, but he did not succeed at all.

The formation in front of him is still like this.

For this, Lin Tian felt lost for a while.

"Xiaodu, can this place be leveraged? I need strength now."

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu, now the space is constantly changing.

Lin Tian had an illusion that the two of them were falling into the illusion of space, that is to say, the two of them were falling into an infinite formation.

If this continues, there is no way at all, so they have to find a way to get out of here.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

At least, Lin Tian still had this certainty, before everything happened.

"Master, I guess it's not possible. Even if you succeed in this place, it will disappear almost instantly, so don't think about it."

At this moment, a small voice came.

For this, Lin Tian was helpless.

It seems that Xiaodu has nothing to do, he can only rely on himself here.

"Don't move, follow me behind."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly.

The Venerable Qingyue behind him was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, I had to rely on a young junior.

But looking at Lin Tian in front of her, she inexplicably felt that Lin Tian had a hand.

It is the method of changing time and space. It is estimated that not many people can do it.


The formation was still turning, and Lin Tian's eyes showed contemplation.

If this goes on, the two must be consumed and killed alive, and Lin Tian will never allow this to happen.

"Boom, boom..."

For a while, the wind and sand around them rushed to the two people, and the speed was frightening.


Lin Tian protected Venerable Qingyue, his body was instantly hit by the hitting sand.

Such a situation is very tragic.

"Ah You………"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with surprise and disbelief in his eyes. Lin Tian was actually protecting her.

In the eyes of Venerable Qingyue, Lin Tian should have taken care of himself in this situation.

Unexpectedly, this guy was protecting himself.

Inexplicably, there was a ripple in Venerable Qingyue.

"I almost understand."

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke softly.

The Venerable Qingyue who was hugged by Lin Tian was taken aback, wondering what Lin Tian understood?

"Daofa universe, the world in the formation..."

For a moment, Lin Tian chanted a spell.

I saw Lin Tian, ​​inexplicably affecting the power of the surrounding formation in his hand.


The formation in front of him suddenly collapsed.

"This guy really broke the line!"

The Venerable Qingyue in front of him looked at Lin Tian in disbelief.

It was incredible for Lin Tian to break the formation.

After all, I didn't do it, so terribly broken like Lin Tian.


The formation was cracked in an instant, the surrounding formations were disintegrating, and the flying sand and rocks no longer attacked the two of them. Looking at Lin Tian, ​​he was full of embarrassment.

The flying sand all over, directly tore her clothes torn.

Looking at this scene, Venerable Qingyue couldn't help being a little bit amused.

At least, it seemed just now that Lin Tian, ​​who was also a talent, looked like a beggar at this moment.

"What are you laughing at? It's not to protect you. Don't laugh."

Lin Tian spoke casually, his expression unhappy.

Venerable Qingyue, doesn't he know how good he is? How dare to laugh at myself like this.

"You said, you are a young man in his early twenties, how can you be so powerful? Who are you?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and suddenly found that Lin Tian had not revealed to himself who he was.

"I'll talk about this later, it's not broken yet, and it's not as simple as I imagined."

With that, Lin Tian looked at the void and frowned.

At this moment, the void was cracking a little bit.

A dazzling light struck in an instant.

The two couldn't help closing their eyes.

At this time, Lin Tian clearly felt that the two of them had shifted their space again.

"Kill kill kill..."

There were roaring voices.

"General! What should I do when the Valkyrie troops are coming?"

At this moment, a **** voice sounded.

Listening to this, Lin Tian and Venerable Qingyue opened their eyes in an instant.

Both of them looked forward.

I saw a dense crowd, with countless horses standing in front, full of blood.

There are many terrifying strong men among them, this is a terrible army fighting.

"Wait, Valkyrie?"

Lin Tian felt cold, where did he go?

"General, how do we send troops, please decide the army."

At this moment, the thick man spoke again.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him was dumbfounded. I don't know what's going on?

"Boy, the Valkyrie was not only powerful in the sky, but he was also second to none. If you want to get out of this formation now, the only way to defeat the Valkyrie is to use the military, otherwise you will never get out."

The strong secretly gave such a reminder.

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