I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 928: Steal the day

The strong Tianyuan who should have come should be over.

After all, with a radius of thousands of miles, many powerful people have all come.

"Qingyue, listen to what you mean, will there be any strong ones?"

Lin Tian looked around, and saw the difference between day and night, which was really shocking.

And above the void, the monstrous flames from the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable were extremely scary.

Such a scene, I'm afraid that some strong people will quickly hide away when they see it.

"Do you think that all that appeared? This North Bing Lingzhou is far from simple as imagined, otherwise there would be no tomb of the Great Emperor buried here."

Venerable Qingyue said so at this moment.


What does this have to do with the Tomb of the Great Emperor?

At this time, Lin Tian was completely confused.

In the words of Venerable Qingyue, there seemed to be something jealous and hidden, so I didn't say everything.

"Rumors, the great emperor's burial, heaven and earth funeral, world turmoil..."

Qingyue said this inexplicably.

"The Great Emperor's burial, heaven and earth mourning, world turmoil, does this have any meaning?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue suspiciously.

"When you come to my realm, you will understand. This is in the dark. If you ask me to make it clear, I can't make it clear."

Venerable Qingyue said helplessly.

It turns out that the strength is not enough, so can't you experience it? Lin Tian became more curious in his heart.

But at the moment, the real fire spreads in the void, directly burning the void to bursts and shatters, and many Tianyuan powerhouses are madly shooting.

"Crimson Flame Demon Lord, you really want to die!"

The strong roared.

And in the distance, the Red Thunder Lightning Beast had already gone madly into the distance.

For it at this moment, it just wants to completely send away the unicorn holy egg.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable behind, frantically blocked, just to prevent everyone from getting the Qilin Holy Egg.


"Die to me!"

"Qiang Qiang..."

Divine soldiers meet, Void Purple Sword, Long Spear...

A breath of profound Taoism was shot from the hands of everyone.

Venerable Qingyue watched in the distance, and he took a breath, which was too terrifying.

A group of people fighting is dizzying.

At this moment, Lin Tian was doing something that Venerable Qingyue didn't know, and his clone moved quickly below.

"Hurry up! Catch up with this guy!"

At this moment, Lin Tian just chased the Red Thunder Lightning Beast in front of him.

However, he has to pay attention to hiding his breath, so the speed has slowed down a lot.


The battle of the distant sky and the earth is still continuing.

However, everyone was fighting, and they continued to advance, continuously pulling into the distance of the Red Thunder Lightning Beast.

"Puff puff!!"

At this time, the strength of the Red Thunder Lightning Beast was constantly declining.

Because this is caused by the short knife killed on it.

The spirit weapon of the strong Tianyuan is naturally no small thing. Once it is shot, unless the master personally recalls it, or the slain person possesses terrible strength and gets rid of the power above.

However, as far as the Red Thunder Lightning Beast is concerned, it has no intentions at all.

"Leave it to fate, this may be the fate of my monster race."

Inexplicably, Lin Tian heard the Red Thunder Lightning Beast muttering to himself.

This turned out to give him a sad feeling.

A group of people hunting down an unborn spirit beast can be said to be frantic, and there is no need to think about what these people want to do?

Get the holy egg of the spirit beast, then directly hatch, and finally become your own pet and become your own spirit beast.

Just drop the blood and recognize the Lord, and he was born with infinite talent. I believe that no one dislikes the spirit beast that Tianyuan is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, it gives people a sad feeling inexplicably.

A group of people, for the sake of cultivation, for strength, for the spirit beast cubs, really did everything, and Lin Tian seemed to be doing the same thing.

"Hey, what do you think in my heart as a bad guy? This spirit beast cub, don't know how many power points can be changed?"

In Lin Tian's mind, this more beastly thought came out.

"It's not a human being, isn't it possible?"

While running to catch up, Lin Tian had some helpless thoughts in his mind.

"If the unicorn holy egg is exchanged, then in this world. Doesn't anyone know that I did it? Isn't that wonderful?"

At this moment, Lin Tian had this idea in his mind.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die.

"Let's leave, it's over here."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​slightly lost.

In such a grand scene, the realm himself has to leave, which is really helpless.

However, one of the greatest benefits of Venerable Qingyue is that he has a great sense of guard. It is the Venerable Void Spirit in the sky, which is not something she can deal with.

This unicorn holy egg, there is only one, if everyone goes, in the end, only the strongest can get this unicorn holy egg.

"No, let's go see it again, I want to feel the atmosphere of this war."

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke firmly.

Venerable Qingyue was stunned by these words.

Feeling the battle, Lin Tian could not have his head broken.

Such a big battle can be experienced from a distance. What else can I feel? It seems too vulgar.

What else does Venerable Qingyue want to say? However, Lin Tian at this moment has already moved forward quickly.


Venerable Qingyue was so angry that this guy was really hard to understand.

But seeing that Lin Tian didn't want to die, she could only follow, so that the venerables in front would not care about them at all.


A breath after another, coming from afar, terrifying and frightening.

At this moment, Lin Tian is still following.

Because his clone moves, and he must keep a certain distance from the clone, otherwise the clone cannot return to itself at will.

This is the drawback.

This Tian Yuan powerhouse fights, it is too terrible, too close, Lin Tian is slightly affected by the pond fish, so he can only get closer.

"This guy, when did he die? After he died, I picked up the bargain and left. Didn't I vomit blood just now?"

Lin Tian followed the Red Thunder Lightning Beast with a helpless expression.

At this moment, they have almost crossed thousands of miles.

This mountain range followed the mountain range, obviously the Red Thunder Lightning Beast had no purpose.

If this continues, how long can I fly?

Lin Tian felt helpless, but at this moment, an inconspicuous lightning fell lightly in the distance.

"this is?"

Lin Tian took a halt and stopped flying.

Because he felt that it was a little bit unusual.

At this moment, the lightning fell into a cliff.

"This is definitely the sacred egg of the unicorn, this red thunder beast is too cunning, I will be unaware of it if I go like this!"

Lin Tian was horrified.

The lightning has the effect of hiding the breath, so entering the endless cliff, I am afraid that the sacred egg of the unicorn will be born without knowing the year of the monkey.

But in this way, it can also prevent others from getting it.

When everyone turned around, it must have been thousands of miles away.

It is Tian Yuan who has been exploring the spiritual consciousness for thousands of miles, and it is also powerless, looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I really made my little master!"

In an instant, Lin Tian flew towards the cliff.

The falling speed of the unicorn sacred egg is also very slow, with the blessing of thunder and lightning, it slowly descends, afraid of breaking.

Lin Tian was shocked, ordinary lightning, I was afraid that it had hit the wall directly, this beam of lightning was definitely not simple.

This trick is really powerful.

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